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🎞️ · 17.07.2023 · 07:04:50 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺St.Andrew's United Church Edmonton
🎬 · 17.07.2023 · 07:04:50 ··· Montag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
We Welcome You to our Service for
July 16, 2023 - 10:00am


Words of Welcome
Candle Lighting: All Will Be Well
All will be well, all things shall be well!
This is the peace of the deep blue dream;
this is the light of divinity;
this is the flow of love's healing stream.
All will be well, all things shall be well!
Deeper than pain lies buried delight;
deeper than grief dwell life's joyful songs;
all of our wounds can nurture new light.
Now is the time to dance heaven's dance;
time to discern eternity's face;
moment of knowing beyond all sight;
day of God's smile and tender embrace.

*The Exchange of the Peace of Christ
Gathering Prayer: We pray: Spirit of life, may we sense your presence as we gather in this sacred place. Let all who enter here find comfort and wisdom in this community. May it be so. Amen.
A Time of Centering
Gathering Hymn: O God, Beyond All Praising
O God beyond all praising,
we worship you today
and sing the love amazing
that songs cannot repay;
for we can only wonder
at every gift you send,
at blessings without number
and mercies without end:
we lift our hearts before you
and wait upon your word,
we honour and adore you,
our great and mighty Lord.

The Flower of earthly splendor
In time must surely die,
Its fragile bloom surrender to you,
The Lord most high;
But hidden from all nature
The eternal seed is sown
Though small in mortal stature,
To heaven’t garden grown:
For Christ, your gift from heaven,
From death has set us free,
And we through him are given
The final victory.

Then hear, O gracious Saviour,
accept the love we bring,
that we who know your favour
may serve you as our king;
and whether our tomorrows
be filled with good or ill,
we'll triumph through our sorrows
and rise to bless you still:
to marvel at your beauty
and glory in your ways,
and make a joyful duty
our sacrifice of praise.

Learning Together
Introit: All Things of Earth Are Holy
All things of Earth are holy,
all things are one in you.
This Earth is filled with your beauty, God,
charged with your love.

First Reading: Genesis 25: 19-34
Gospel Reading: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Response: Deep Within Us
Deep within us is our “I Am”;
Our true self, “that of God”;
The Bread that feeds our
Hungry spirit’s quest,
The vine of green and growth.

Deep within us is our “I Am”;
Our true self, “that of God”;
Which brings me light and
Liberates my life from hatred,
guilt, and fear.
Deep within us is our “I Am”;
Our true self, “that of God”;
The way of God, the wisdom and the
truth, the Song, the Dance the Joy.

Proclamation: Sow What?
Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Wilfong-Pritchard

*Hymn: You Are the Seed
You are the seed that will grow a new sprout;
you’re a star that will shine in the night;
you are the yeast and a small grain of salt,
a beacon to glow in the dark.
You are the dawn that will bring a new day;
you’re the wheat that will bear golden grain;
you are a sting and a soft, gentle touch,
my witnesses wherever you go.
You are the flame that will lighten the dark,
sending sparkles of hope, faith, and love;
you are the shepherds to lead the whole world
through valleys and pastures of peace.
You are the friends that I chose for myself,
the word that I want to proclaim.
You are the new kingdom built on a rock
where justice and truth always reign.
You are the life that will nurture the plant;
you’re the waves in a turbulent sea;
yesterday’s yeast is beginning to rise,
a new loaf of bread it will yield.
There is no place for a city to hide,
nor a mountain can cover its might;
may your good deeds show a world in despair
a path that will lead all to God.
Go, my friends, go to the world, proclaiming love to all,
messengers of my forgiving peace, eternal love.
Be, my friends, a loyal witness, from the dead I arose;
"Lo, I’ll be with you forever, till the end of the world."
Offertory Hymn: God of All Good, Our Gifts We Bring to You

Prayers of the Community
The Prayer of Jesus
*Hymn: The Kingdom is Within You
The kingdom is within you, the kingdom is within you.
Why do we go searching for the answers of the mighty?
The kingdom is within you, the kingdom is within you.
Like a little seed planted in the ground, let it grow.
I will set my face to the wind,
scatter my handful of seed on high.
Needn't have to worry where the great wind takes it;
seeds will grow where ever they're planted.
All we need is courage to keep on facing the wind.
I will set my hand to the plough;
don't look back, it's too late now.
The fullness of the kingdom is not quite yet,
but the seed of the kingdom is here and now.
Don't split the seed; be patient, let it grow.

*Commissioning & Benediction
*Congregational Response: Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises


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