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Tacos Al Pastor, Gringo Style

· 21.04.2023 · 13:30:11 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 My Name Is Andong
Tacos reinvented! Enjoy Mexican carnitas and al pastor flavors using simple, accessible ingredients in this controversial but delicious recipe.

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We did it again, we are hacking our way into delicious food! Create homemade wheat flour tortillas with a toasted corn flour twist, a unique kiwi-based salsa verde, and juicy, aromatic carnitas. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through assembling your tacos to satisfy your deepest cravings. Discover the internet's most outrageous tacos today and master the art of taco-making without traditional ingredients.


🍖 Carnitas
1kg fatty cut of pork (e.g. neck)
8g salt (about 1tsp)
water to cover
1 tsp store-bought Italian herb mix
3 red bell peppers
1 thick slice onion, toasted
2-3 garlic cloves, toasted
2 pieces dark chocolate
1 Tbsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 more tsp Italian herb mix

🥝 Kiwi Salsa Verde
2 green bell peppers
2-3 green jalapenos (optional)
1/4 onion
1 clove garlic
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 Tbsp honey
1 lime, juice only
1 firm green kiwi, peeled
1/2 tomato, finely diced
2 Tbsp cilantro, finely chopped

🌮 Toasted Corn Flour Tortillas (makes 7-8; scale up as needed)
90g wheat flour
30g toasted corn flour
pinch of salt
65g boiling hot water
5g vegetable oil

+ finely diced onion for garnish
+ cilantro for garnish
+ chopped canned pineapple
+ lime wedges

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🧠 📺

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