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Mr. Roberts Simple Belief

🎞️ · 18.09.2022 · 09:01:31 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Paul Ross
🎬 · 18.09.2022 · 09:01:31 ··· Sonntag
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
Mr. Roberts is a simple man, what he sees directly in front of him shapes his view of reality. As far as he is concerned, what is empirically observable is all that is real. It's the real world.

It probably never occurred to him that his observations and experiences have their basis in rules and laws that make his observations and experiences possible in the first place.

For example, when Mr. Roberts is buying his groceries at the local supermarket, he doesn't see the underlying laws and informational mathematical structures that make the universe and his experience of grocery shopping possible in the first place. He doesn't see the cosmic microwave background. He doesn't see dark matter, unknown particles, neutrinos, electrons, and vacuum energy. He doesn't see gravity, electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. In short, he gives little to no consideration to the fact that all of his day-to-day experiences are anchored in the harmony and regularity of laws and finely tuned constants
that serve as the foundation to making the world and his physical senses possible.

Is Mr. Roberts aware that observable things do not exist in isolation? Has it ever come into his mind that all that he sees and experiences exist contingently and dependently upon unseen fundamental principles, laws and factors that anchor his perceptions? In his childlike seeing is believing view of the world, he assumes that everything perceptible is as it appears. Nobody has told him, or he was not listening when it was explained, that what caused the universe is not perceptible and what formed his senses and perceptions is not observable.

Anyway, what does Mr. Roberts care about such things? Surely, what he sees through the bus window on his way home from the supermarket is what it is. Trees, rocks, mountains, and the sky are not complicated. They are simple facts that Mr. Roberts has seen since a child.

Don't try to talk to Mr. Roberts about unseen things. Don't try to explain what allows for his perceptions, and definitely do not tell him that everything that he sees, and experiences are merely contingent byproducts of the unobservable and imperceptible. You see, Mr. Roberts is not easily fooled. He wasn't born yesterday. You won't be able to pull the wool over his eyes that easily. That's right, Mr. Roberts is a true believer in seeing is believing. Mr. Roberts is a matter man, he only believes in matter and matter is simple.

Of course, physicists have a much more difficult time understanding the simple facts that Mr. Roberts takes for granted. That’s right Mr. Roberts has a childlike belief that what he sees with his eyes is what reality is. He assumes that his sense-based appearance of things is what they are in reality. However, physicists know that his simplistic understanding of the world is rooted in ignorance. That's right, his simplistic belief about matter is not even remotely close to what is understood in the departments of contemporary physics. In fact, his simplistic view goes all the way back to the ancient Greek materialist Democritus. Democritus believed that matter is nothing more than lumps of hard, solid stuff. Democritus believed that matter was nothing more than indivisible atoms bumping into one another and forming complicated compositions that we call the material world.

These days, physicists don't really know what matter is. Is it quarks, or superstrings? They don't know. Is it dark energy, or the result of quantum fluctuations in a vacuum? They don't know. Is it an unreal simulation that is run by mathematical code? They don't know. In short, there is no easy answer for what matter actually is, but whatever it is, they at least know it's not what Democritus thought it was. Or what the common person in the street thinks it is.

Physicist Paul Davies, in his book The Matter Myth, argues that matter is a sort of illusion or appearance produced by some mysterious and unknown substratum in interaction with the human mind and Roger Penrose, the Oxford mathematician, even thinks that the laws of physics may need to be radically revised so that they take account of the important role of consciousness in the nature of the world. And philosopher Keith Ward tells us that creativity and mind, value, purpose and meaning, have to be included in any final explanation of the universe, or it is not a final and complete explanation.

Anyway, modern physics suggests that the nature of reality is very different from what we see and that it is possibly unimaginable and inexplicable. So, the next time a person says to you that they only believe in matter, ask them to explain what they are talking about. After all, if they don't know what matter actually is, then their beliefs about matter really do not matter.

- Paul

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