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Yes, you CAN be a racist.

· 15.11.2023 · 01:57:47 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Fellowship of the Martyrs
Racism is just a bias, a prejudice AGAINST a particular people. People mix that up with "systemic racism" and say because the people running the system are a particular color, then they people who are not - who are the victims of the system - can't be racist. But that's just a NONSENSE Harvard definition that gets people off the hook. The truth is that everybody has preferences - and therefore biases and prejudices - and everybody can be hateful and take it out on somebody else. If you're mean to someone because of their skin color - then you're a racist. And if you're a Christian, you have ZERO EXCUSE to pretend it's not sin. You're supposed to LOVE LIKE CHRIST. Period.

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