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The Basics of Sautéing Correctly!

· 21.10.2023 · 19:07:54 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Rick Bayless
1. Empty pan on Medium-High heat
2. Wait until hot -- use the water test and wait for it to *dance*
3. Oil in
4. Wait a few seconds then put in whatever you are cooking
5. WAIT! Let it sit. Don't fidget, and definitely DO NOT CROWD THE PAN
6. Flip and continue to cook on the other side until you are satisfied!

What's the difference between a sauté and a sear? Not much... a sear is pretty much the same just with a bit more of browning (from cooking longer or using a higher heat).

· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
🧠 📺

· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
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