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Controversial Protein World ‘Beach Body Ready’ Advert

· 18.03.2021 · 16:52:08 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 AD Wonk
In 2015, Protein World launched the ‘Are you beach body ready?’ advertising campaign on the London Underground. There was an almost instant social media backlash with lots of comments saying it promoted an unhealthy body image.

The UK's Advertising Standards Authority received 378 complaints regarding the advert in a matter of weeks. There was so much noise about the ad that Carlsberg even created a parody version ‘Are you beer body ready?’However, despite the adverts controversial reception, Protein World pushed back on social media and called dissenters 'fatty sympathisers' fuelling the discussion further.

The impact of all noise was that the £250,000 campaign resulted in over £1m in sales. So this is a controversial ad that worked. And it worked for the following reasons. This is a small brand with a small media budget. The advert itself is certainly quite bold but it’s the sheer scale of the earned media from this campaign, that delivers the bulk of the sales uplift. We are talking millions and millions in earned media across both social and traditional channels in a few months of 2015.

Deliberately using your adverts to spark controversy and earned media is risky. It can backfire but in this case, for this small brand, it clearly delivered huge results. The lesson from this Protein World 'Are you beach body ready?' advert is that for small brands especially, a little bit of controversy can have a big impact on brand awareness, create levels of earned media you could never afford to purchase and ultimately win a greater share of the customer wallet.

#ControversialAds #AdWonk

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