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IRON RANKS ain't ready for ME! Also, trying out CAMMY! Street Fighter 6 Ranked Matches!

· 14.06.2023 · 15:00:20 ··· ··· Wednesday ·· 3 (3) TURLASthe#6
Hey again, my friends. Had a difficult weekend, but, found some time to do some more SF6. If anything, its been a great distraction! Anyway, made it to Iron ranks with Juri, and things, shockingly, got a bit easier. I did spend some time in the lab, figuring out combos I could pull off. As you can see, it's paying off! We'll check in again when Juri get's out of Iron!

Also, decided to try out Cammy, and wow she's a lot of fun! Might be splitting my time between these two, we'll see! But, to sweeten the deal, our friend FINE makes mods for Cammy! So, you might see a familiar, but slightly altered ensemble for Cammy this video. Of course, links below! Special cameos by Son Goku and Prince Vegeta!

Thanks for stopping by, my friends! Channel's in a bit of a slump these days, and I am dealing with some serious personal stuff, so thank you to anyone who takes the time to click one of my vids, especially now. Hopefully things pick back up and the algorithm accepts SF6, lol! Time will tell. Till next time, my friends. Osu!

Today's mods:

#streetfighter6 #sf6 #sf6mods #juri #cammy #ryu #ken #goku #vegeta #dbz #cosplay #rankedmatches #calvinklein #branded

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🧠 📺

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