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Terror in the Midnight Sun (1959 monster film) John Carradine, Barbara Wilson | USA version

· 05.04.2024 · 02:00:06 ··· ··· Friday ·· 5 (5) Cult Cinema Classics
Can earth stop the savage onslaught of beast-men from space?
Aliens release a furry critter in the wilds of Lapland where it takes a woman captive and threatens a group of scientists.

Colorized version: https://youtu.be/0BHNNX-vPSg

Original title: Invasion of the Animal People (1959) AKA: Terror in the Midnight Sun

Director: Jerry Warren, Virgil W. Vogel
Writers: Robert M. Fresco, Arthur C. Pierce
Stars: John Carradine, Barbara Wilson, Sten Gester, Robert Burton
Genres: Cult Classic, Horror, Sci-Fi, Monster Movie
Budget: $40,000 (estimated)

Original Swedish version: https://youtu.be/9pYWlOrBCbg

"Invasion of the Animal People" was the title retained for the version distributed to television by Medallion. Some of the cut Swedish footage was restored and Jerry Warren shot additional scenes to pad the running time up to 81 minutes, nearly 12 minutes longer than the original version.

Copyrighted :
"The US cut Invasion of the Animal People is Public Domain, we own the original version worldwide in perpetuity. Contract with the original producer. We own it, and have the restored version thru the SFI, and will contest anyone claiming to own the film."


· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
🧠 📺

· 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
# · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
