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One Secret Organization That Controls The Entire World #conspiracy

· 16.02.2024 · 21:00:12 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Mojo
Have you ever wondered who really controls the companies and brands we see and use every day? In this video, we'll explore the 6 mega corporations that own a huge portion of the brands and companies that dominate various industries globally.

Starting with BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager led by CEO Larry Fink. Through its investment in stocks and real estate, BlackRock has major stakes in General Mills, Disney, Apple, Microsoft, and more.

Then there's Vanguard, another massive investment firm and one of the largest holders of company stocks worldwide. Between BlackRock and Vanguard, these two financial giants control a staggering $15 trillion in global assets.

Other powerful conglomerates featured are Comcast Corporation which owns media properties like NBC, CNBC, and Universal Studios. Alphabet Inc is the parent of Google, YouTube and other tech brands. AT&T acquired TimeWarner giving it control over CNN, HBO and Warner Bros. Finally, News Corp holds major media outlets such as Fox News, Wall Street Journal and New York Post.

Through cross-media ownership and investments, these corporations wield enormous influence over the information and entertainment we consume daily. Their reach expands to tech, retail, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and more. Understanding who controls the companies that dominate industries can reveal how concentrated power and capital have become.

This video provides an in-depth look at how just 6 massive corporations own many of the biggest brands we know and use regularly. From the food we eat to the news we read, these conglomerates impact our lives in ways we may not realize.

#investing #companies #finance #business #wealth #world #control #power #blackrock #fidelity #statestreet #vangaurd

· 16.02.2024 · 21:00:12 ··· Freitag
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* · 01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···

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