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Triggered Free | Control Your Emotions with Pastor Scot Anderson

· 24.07.2023 · 21:22:45 ··· ··· Monday ·· 1 (1) Living Word Bible Church
Triggered Free

God is working hard behind the scenes to give us special things and we can’t enjoy the blessing God is bringing because negative emotions control us. We miss out on God’s best! When we are in control of our emotions we find out God will navigate us through the speed bumps! If you dont control your emotions your emotions will control you. Today we begin a series that will empower you to take control of our emotions and become trigger free!

Ephesians 4:26 (TPT)
Proverbs 4:23

#PastorScotAnderson #scotanderson #wakeup

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Pastor Scot and Holly Anderson have a global calling to build strong successful families. They are lead pastors of one of the largest churches in the southwest, best selling authors of over ten books, creators of the number one parenting program “Train up a Parent”. They travel the globe teaching on parenting, marriage, finance, and being the best you, you can be. They have planted many family focused churches all over the world. Pastor Holly has spoken in churches all over the globe. She is Author of the best selling book “More than a Mom”. Pastor Holly is known around the world for her ability to resonate with her audience, providing insights and wisdom that are life changing. Holly shares biblical truths, wrapped in humor and delivered with passion. Pastor Holly Lead Praise and worship for over a decade, while building a massive children’s ministry. She has her Bachelors degree from Arizona State University. Pastor Scot is known around the world for his ability to take the complicated things of life and make them simple. Scot provides insights and wisdom in a way that entertains and are life changing. Scot is known for his hilarious stories that have a way of impacting your life. He is author of the best selling book “Think like a Billionaire” with nearly a million books sold world wide, and printed in over ten languages. Scot co- hosts the number one daily bible study called “Wake-up” with his brother. He has been on Pastor Joel Osteen Pod cast, on CNN with Steve Jobs, on the Pastor Marylyn Hickey show, Pastor Paula White show, Pastor Benny Hinn Show, hosted many TBN shows, and has taught in some of the largest churches in America. Scot runs and owns one of the largest knife companies in America. He also owns a gun store, cerakote company, and a pickleball company. Scot and Holly live in Mesa, Az. They have five amazing kids and two beautiful grand-daughters
Stay Connected

Scot Anderson YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Scot Anderson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PastorScotAn...
Scot Anderson Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pastorscota...
Scot Anderson Twitter: https://twitter.com/scotanderson

Website: https://livingwordonline.com
Living Word Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livingwordbi...
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Living Word Twitter: https://twitter.com/LivingWordBible

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