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Ukraine Marine Forces Drone Eliminated Russian Troops Infantry, T-80BV Tank & BMP-2 Infantry Vehicle

· 14.06.2023 · 17:10:30 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 TEW22
Ukraine announced on Wednesday that its military units have liberated two villages along a 133-kilometre front in the southeast from Russian forces since the start of its eagerly awaited counteroffensive last week.

An official from the armed forces claims that Ukrainian forces have made progress near the eastern city's frontline.

Small, lightly armed Ukrainian units moved towards Russian fortified lines in southern Ukraine, southeast of Zaporizhzhia, on Tuesday, appearing to signal a change in the situation.

The task of stopping Russia's spread in the country's southern and eastern regions is difficult due to Russia's numerical superiority in men, weapons, and air power, as well as the lengthy period of time it had to build extensive defensive barricades, particularly in southern Ukraine.

Moscow hasn't yet officially approved any of Ukraine's advancements. However, well-known Russian military commentators asserted that after seizing three villages, Ukrainian forces were moving south in groups.

The move has already been Ukraine's fastest advancement in the previous seven months, despite the fact that it hasn't yet achieved significant advancement.

The counteroffensive is expected to involve numerous Ukrainian service personnel who have obtained Western training and equipment.

This victory is among a number of roughly comparable ones Kyiv has announced this week.

Ukrainian forces have launched assaults at other locations along the comprehensive front line in an effort to find Russian weaknesses, though they have so far given few details.

It is anticipated that the main Ukrainian force's strike on the coast will begin on the southern front.

Ukraine hopes that its advantage will come from the tens of billions of dollars in munitions, mentoring, and intelligence it has received from the West, as well as its own battlefield tenacity, strategies, and drive to expel an invading force from its own territory.

According to some intelligence analysts in the West, the current skirmishes may be an indication that Ukraine is still merely testing Russian defences and that it is too soon to draw any inferences.

The country has not yet been subjected to a full onslaught as a consequence of Russia's ineffectual battlefield results over the previous 15 months, which led to frequent changes of command and exposed issues with the private militias enlisted to fight alongside the army.

This will be the most lethal and destructive phase of the war.

To attack the land border between Russia and Crimea, Ukrainian forces must breach Russian defensive positions in the south and drive the enemy back.

· 14.06.2023 · 17:10:30 ··· MiTTwoch
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