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Don't Invest In Gold! ‼️|Grant Cardone #shorts #investing

· 19.06.2023 · 01:00:07 ··· ··· Monday ·· 1 (1) wealthkingx
Grant Cardone talks why gold is a bad investment. And how investing into crypto/ cryptocurrencies is basically gambling.

Grant Cardone has developed most of his wealth from Real estate investment which involves purchasing, owning, managing, or selling properties with the goal of generating income or capital appreciation. Real estate is a tangible asset class that encompasses various types of properties, including residential, commercial, industrial, and undeveloped land.

Ignore tags:

money, business, entrepreneur, success, motivation, bitcoin, love, investment, finance, forex, investing, wealth, trading, cash, cryptocurrency, invest, financialfreedom, lifestyle, rich, millionaire, billionaire,Grant Cardone

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