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Brand NEW Grand Arena Draft Mode Challenge - Revolutionizing Galaxy of Heroes

· 10.06.2023 · 23:39:05 ··· Samstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 AhnaldT101
It is time to shake up Grand Arena with a brand NEW Draft Mode feature! We are changing the game right now.

0:00 - Grand Arena Intro
4:00 - Explaining the New Draft Mode Grand Arena Challenge Rules
10:40 - My Drafted Offense Teams
16:59 - My Opponent Drafting Their Offense
43:00 - F2P Grand Arena
50:45 - Imperial Troopers vs JKR
54:00 - Traya vs Padme
1:01:30 - Phasma vs Phasma
1:05:25 - SEE vs GAS
1:09:30 - Savage vs Grievous
1:14:00 - Vader vs Geos
1:16:23 - Starkiller vs Iden
1:20:00 - BH vs Nightsisters
1:23:26 - Geos vs Grievous
1:25:17 - Chimaera vs Tarkin
1:28:11 - Finalizer vs Finalizer
1:30:30 - Final F2P Score
1:32:18 - Draft Mode Grand Arena Starts Here
1:38:58 - Dr. Aphra vs SEE
1:43:35 - Wampa vs Shortie
1:53:23 - JKL vs Reva Starkiller
2:02:00 - Mon Mothma vs Wedge
2:11:33 - This Was a Dirty Team
2:17:36 - SLKR vs Pad-Rey
2:21:43 - Lord Vader vs SLKR
2:33:00 - Asajj vs Windu
2:37:14 - JTR vs Piett and Malak
2:45:00 - QGJ vs Malgus
2:47:12 - Iden vs Lord Vader
2:49:20 - Tuskens vs Fives
2:51:56 - Twice the Echos
2:56:38 - Stupidest Thing I Ever Did in Grand Arena
3:13:30 - Final Score
3:14:00 - Reflecting on How to Improve This Draft Feature

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🧠 📺

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