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Reflections: Jesus Calling June 24 #devotional #spirituality #jesuscalling

· 24.06.2023 · 12:00:18 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Michele Saxman
Jesus Calling June 24 is a great reading, filled with contrast.

Kingdom rules and culture rules. The inverse living that the kingdom calls us to and having a level of dependency on our creator and savior that in the culture is viewed as weakness and immaturity. In the culture we speak to one another like "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" and kind of you know take it on father says total dependence on me is an actual sign and reflection of maturity so remembering to hold his hand and to call on him and then it is it says that you'll find me the deepest fulfillment of your heart and acknowledging that we were born created with this void this Chasm that can only be filled by our creator and savior and that the culture is going to lead us toward Darkness that's going to be the brain train of the ego the brain train of the culture is going to be filled with fear and doubt and worry and anxiety and blame and shame so it says when fearful anxious thoughts they will melt away in the light of his presence so acknowledging how our body is responding to our fault life and when our shoulders are up in our ears and the jaw is clenched and the fist is tight and the legs are wrapped around one another maybe our stomach is in knots neck where it is our body is always sending a signals signs that are a reflection of our thought life I like to say the issues in the tissues and our body stores emotions and experiences and we have to acknowledge that in his presence when whatever it is that we shine the light on bring that truth in no longer holds its power over us but it is us that can control that flow I like to call it the pipeline to the Divine and when we are in the ego brain train and fear and worry and doubt and anxiety all we are just turning that faucet down to a trickle but it is going to melt away in the light of his presence and we will not stumble and that sin again just a reminder that is when we miss the mark he knew that we would miss the mark he knew that we would send and that is why he sent to savior so acknowledging those those are my takeaways for today we were designed to enjoy and I've said before E and with joy with Jesus so bringing him and we were designed our cells were designed to Crave peace and it is the culture The Familiar level our body craving stress and he says I walk with me I will fulfill your every heart's does the greatest desire but my kingdom dependence on me is a measure of maturity so I want to be mature by the kingdom rules and not by the culture rules so the readings for today the first one is from Isaiah the prophet Isaiah chapter 41:10 so do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand and then the next reading is Ephesians so this was written by the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians chapter 5 verse 8 for you were once in darkness but now you are light in the Lord walk as children of the light and that's why I like to say each and every one of us is the temple the tent that's temporary tent The House of the Holy Spirit we are light and we are love and when circumstances lead us to Darkness and dim and doubt seek the light seek the lighthouse in others and then the final reading is Psalm chapter 62:5 and 6 and I looked this up real quick who was the author of Psalm 62 and it was David and it says this is the psalm for the stressed but found that really interesting and acknowledging that just David and being chased by the king and the suffering that he went through with Saul and the journey then his friend Jonathan and just truly looking at all that David went through and the stress that he was under truly being chased by an army and this reading and a reminder to us is find rest oh my soul and God Alone My Hope comes from him he alone is my rock and my salvation he is my Fortress I will not be shaken and so acknowledging when stressful circumstances rise up do not play the tape do not keep it going is going to leave to more suffering turn toward him seek his hand hold my hand and Trust

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