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Clickbank Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (In 2023)

· 15.11.2022 · 22:29:25 ··· ··· Tuesday ·· 2 (2) The Affiliate Master
Clickbank Affiliate Marketing For Beginners. In this video, I will show you the easiest Clickbank Affiliate Marketing For Beginners that will enable you to make $100 per day using Clickbank marketplace.

🎁FREE TRAINING: How To Build A Highly Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business https://7figureacceleration.com/freetrainingwithusman

Here's what I cover.

Step 1: Find a good product to promote

Simply go to the Clickbank marketplace and hit the search button (don't type anything).

It will list the top products that are currently being promoted on the entire Clickbank marketplace. Go through the list and pick a product you like!

Step 2: Generate Affiliate Link

Once you've decided the product that you want to promote, simply click "Promote" button and you will have your affiliate link generated.

Step 3: Cloaking Affiliate Link

Once you've generated the affiliate link, simply download the Pretty Link wordpress plugin and cloak the link by following instructions from the video.

Step 4: Traffic Methods

You need people to come to your affiliate link in order to make commissions. There are two types of traffic.

1. Free Traffic
2. Paid Traffic

If you're just getting started and don't have a big budget, I highly recommend you get started using free traffic methods.

Step 5: YouTube

YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world and an excellent source of getting traffic and perfect for promoting Clickbank products.

Start creating videos around the products that you want to promote and include your links in the description to make fast commissions!

Step 6: Email Marketing

If you want to build a long-term and sustainable business, I highly recommend building an email list.

If you're just getting started, you can send the traffic straight to the affiliate products.

That's it!

Thanks for watching the simplest Clickbank Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Video.

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