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Jesus elucidates the 7 evil Spirits ❤️ Heavenly Gifts revealed thru Jakob Lorber

· 22.02.2024 · 10:44:23 ··· ··· Thursday ·· 4 (4) Liebesbriefe von Jesus - Loveletters from Jesus
Text & Audio to Video Content... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2018/01/22/7-bose-geister-7-evil-spirits/
Heavenly Gifts Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-reveals-thru-jakob-lorber-heavenly-gifts/
Channel Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Endtime-Prophecies... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCvqoP8fdADZdKJ--VYSyaHQ
Video Playlist Heavenly Gifts... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCuU4V_yYKK0XXgi5NRCNAMH
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/category/english/jakob-lorber-pdfs/

Jesus elucidates the 7 evil Spirits

June 4, 1840 – Heavenly Gifts Volume 1, Chapter 17

The Lord says:
About Luke 11:24-26 „When the impure spirit has been driven out of a human, he will wander through desolate places and he will be looking for a resting place there. And when he doesn’t find anything, he says: ,I want to return to my house which I have left’. Once he reaches it, he finds it nicely swept and cleaned up. Thereupon he goes and takes seven other spirits with him, who are worse than he himself, and they all move in and live there, and the end of such a human being will be worse than the beginning.”

1. Tell A. and all his adult family members, namely his wife and daughters: „Those who seek will find, those who knock, to them the doors will be opened, and those who ask, to them will be given what they ask for in abundance!”

2. If somebody has a wife, and the wife loves her husband in silence, so the world may not notice it, because she thinks that the world might think badly of her (if the world would realize that she clings to her husband with all her heart), that is why she acts cold and embarrassed on the outside and does not allow her body to be touched, all the while she burns with desire on the inside. She remains shy at all times, in part because of her womanhood, because of the world, and even because of her own foolishness and stupidity, and so all her husband’s efforts to secretly make her completely submissive were in vain – What will the husband do now?

3. I tell you, he will let his squeamish and idiotic wife remain in her foolishness until her very end, out of love, and he will never ever touch her again, not even with one finger, but he will place his seed on foreign soil, brimming with weeds and thistles, thinking… “Even if I will not be able to harvest here, I want to plant a seed still, one of my name, and for a future sowing and plentiful harvest.”

4. And I tell you, this man has done the right thing, by chastising his wife this way, for he did it out of love. And now I tell you as well… I am this husband, and you are the incredibly foolish wife!

5. I have attempted to touch and hold you close to My heart so many times already, but you continue to twist yourselves free by all manner of worldly austerity, as well as both foolish and humble reasons, though merely virtuous in a secular manner. You keep the love that belongs to Me locked away within you, and you think that the time will come eventually, when I come and blow upon you, so you will be able to love Me immeasurably. Or you think that I will notice that love within you (maybe with a microscope). Well, you are mistaken, and if you continue to persist therein, I will do as the husband and leave you in your squeamishness.

6. Therefore, be open, like I am! Talk to Me with trust and an open, free love! My old book will not have a single letter from which will not shine forth a sevenfold light upon you. Within your heart you will be able to read the secret of the great spirit world, revealed in large writing.

7. And now see and hear the understanding of the three verses of Luke!

8. If a man lives a moral and just life, according to the outer law, following it strictly and accurately by his own volition, defeating every temptation by the will subordinated to the intellect – there the deceiver and tempter will realize that there is nothing for him to do in this house. So he leaves it angrily and departs. He will comb through the scrawny residences in all the world, and when he realizes that no good or evil seed will be able to take root in places such as these, he will say to himself: “Where there is no moisture, there are only deserts, and thus no place to stay for me. What do I do? I shall turn around and go look, what my very first estate looks like!”

9. He turns around and rushes back there. He finds his old residence thoroughly cleaned, decorated with virtue and victory garlands. He likes it there very much now, but he feels too weak to take possession of it again, because he is but a spirit of the flesh.

10. And so he returns to hell and takes with him seven spirits, all of them even worse than him. They are… A great flatterer, a great hypocrite, a great eulogist, an ambitious one, a proud one, a despiser and a slanderer, a master of ceremonies, a gourmand and a...


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