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HORROR IN LONDON: The Gruesome Murder of The Chohan Family (True Crime)

· 15.07.2023 · 21:30:10 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) REALWOMEN/REALSTORIES
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They ranged from an eight-week-old boy to a 51-year-old grandmother. But age or gender was no protection when three generations of the same family were wiped out in one of the UK's most shocking crimes.

Amarjit and Nancy Chohan, their two sons, Ravinder, eight weeks, and Devinder, 18 months, and Mrs Chohan's mother, Charanjit Kaur, visiting their west London home from India, all died at the hands of ruthless men, who planned to take over Mr Chohan's haulage company, Ciba, and use it to smuggle drugs. They killed the Chohans and Mrs Kaur and then spun a web of lies to cover up their appalling brutality.

The bodies of Mr and Mrs Chohan and Mrs Kaur were recovered from the sea - in April, July and November 2003 respectively. Postmortem reports revealed that Mr Chohan had been drugged and possibly strangled and his wife's skull smashed with a hammer. Mrs Kaur's body was too badly decomposed to provide any conclusive information. The bodies of Ravinder and Devinder have never been found.

Kenneth Regan, William Horncy and Peter Rees, were convicted for their part in the murders. Watching this opens one's eyes to the fact that there are some individuals that should never walk among us. They are incapable of rehabilitation and their only goal in their lives is to take as much as they can at least cost to themselves with no care for those they trample over in their sickening quests. Directed by Richard Bond, Produced by Allen Jewhurst, Clive Entwistle.

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