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Curious Tales Prequel 02

· 13.03.2023 · 19:03:47 ··· Montag ⭐ 2 🎬 19 📺 Edward Flaherty
On an early summer day in Gibraltar I was sitting on a hotel terrace, shaded by wisteria, looking towards, Africa, Morocco, Tangier. At a table near me, I met a grizzly old Amerrican landscape architect named Herb Striet. He talked about the geography at the Strait of Gibraltar:

“The Interzone, just as Burroughs’ wrote. But it’s real. Look at any satellite image. The Interzone is a land nobody owns--separated by the Sahara from Africa and separated by the Mediterranean from Europe. You don’t think so? One continent with towns like Gran Bassam and Little Popo--another continent with towns like London and Paris. You tell me what happens where those two continents meet... the Interzone.”

Someone in the back asks, “Wasn’t that some kind of 1950s fiction?”

“Didn’t you understand? It’s a real place, not a literary fantasy, but a geographic reality! Listen, in the Interzone rootlets from Africa and Europe attack and they attach. They try to suck energy from you. African rootlets suck European energy. European rootlets suck African energy. Anyone who lives there long enough becomes a crippled schizoid.”

Again someone from the back doubts Striet’s description of the Interzone along the Med coast of Morocco.

Striet says, “You don’t believe me? Read Paul Bowles’ stories. What happens to his characters? What happens to his characters is what happened to him. There is only one recourse for that madness. One shelter. The keef becomes one’s life. The majoon becomes one’s food. So, I ain’t goin’ back.”

In the background is the haunting thread of C418's "Key" from his Alpha album.

Curious Tales The Prequel is free to read on Kindle Vella at this link (https://bit.ly/3Hv6p2p)

And the story behind Curious Tales is Tangier Gardens and it is available on Amazon at this link (https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv)

Curious Tales Ebook will launch 15April at a huge discount: Sign up here for details (https://bit.ly/3q5lcaq)

· 13.03.2023 · 19:03:47 ··· Montag
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