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Creating a Contact Form with Next.js 13, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS

· 13.06.2023 · 04:55:22 ··· ··· Tuesday ·· 2 (2) Hack the coding
In this comprehensive live stream, we will cover the complete process of creating a sophisticated contact form using Next.js 13, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. Join us as we dive into the following key topics:

1️⃣ Designing the Schema: Learn how to architect an efficient and scalable schema for your contact form, ensuring optimal data organization and retrieval.

2️⃣ Building Endpoints: Discover how to create powerful endpoints that handle form submissions, process data, and interact with your Prisma database.

3️⃣ Leveraging Server Components: Explore the advantages of server components in Next.js 13, and witness the seamless server-side rendering capabilities that enhance performance and user experience.

4️⃣ Crafting Client Components: Delve into the art of creating dynamic and interactive client components that provide a visually appealing and engaging user interface.

💡 Throughout the live stream, our experienced instructors will share practical tips, industry best practices, and advanced techniques to help you master the intricacies of Next.js 13, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS. By the end of the session, you'll have the skills to build exceptional contact forms that leave a lasting impression.

02:10 Creating endpoints, components, and clients with Prisma, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS.
13:10 Navigate to the project folder in the terminal using CD commands
28:11 client component & server component
37:20 When keenly looking at our form, we have a name, email, company, and message fields.
55:26 creating form using react hook form
1:06:41 In order to understand why we need it, let me explain in a moment.
1:20:41 Working on the type of the route
1:37:48 To fix stuff, cool so, everything is running perfect,

GitHub repository: https://github.com/fhub-1/pr-sma-form

Prisma documentation: https://www.prisma.io/docs/getting-started/setup-prisma/add-to-existing-project/relational-databases-typescript-postgresql

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