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John study 72 (Jesus' Death Sentence [Jn 11:50-57] and an Excursus on the Christian Priesthood)

· 27.06.2023 · 22:08:24 ··· Dienstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church
The first half of the study, we look to the prophecy of Caiaphas and its aftermath. Caiaphas did prophesy that Jesus would die for the people, but he meant it in a political sense. John rightly hints at the true meaning being Jesus dying for the salvation of people from sin and death. Caiaphas could have used the priestly method of the Urim and Thummim for determining what to do with regard to Jesus, which is a specialized casting of lots, where God gave the response that Jesus was to die. Jesus uncharacteristically withdraws from public life until shortly before the Passover and people were wondering where he was. The Sanhedrin publicly announced Jesus' whereabouts were to be reported to them that they may kill him.

The second half of the study (1:02:45) gets into the question of the Levitical and Christian Priesthoods. The Old Testament priests had significant limitations (male from the tribe of Levi without defect) while the Christian preaching office has different restrictions which are largely ethical (1 Timothy 3:1-7) with the exception of being male (1 Timothy 2:11-15). The condition of being male does not sit well with our preset-day culture since people look more toward equity (sameness of outcome) instead of equality (sameness of opportunity) where the latter applies restrictions based on qualifications for vocations. This is made worse with the cultural call to ignore physical differences in selection, although some are recommended or necessary for certain vocations. Lutheran synods were affected by this through the shift toward Social Justice over the teaching of Law and Gospel. However, a breaking point might be reached later in time where our culture becomes so perverse in its understanding of sexuality that society begins to move back to a proper understanding of men and women.

Devotions on Sexual Prohibitions in Leviticus:
Incest (and Polygamy) https://youtu.be/zLxyjQ2rFkA
Impurity and Adultery https://youtu.be/W-KMxJkdGPI
Abortion and Prostitution https://youtu.be/fGtc9dPRCJI
Homosexuality and Bestiality https://youtu.be/NWgsvYf7AWY

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