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Harvard So Woke - Socialism And University 🔎🔍

🎞️ · 24.06.2020 · 13:35:56 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺TheGreatLenin
🎬 · 24.06.2020 · 13:35:56 ··· MiTTwoch
😎 · 03.07.2024 · 15:40:29 ··· MiTTwoch
Harvard University has unwittingly turned itself into a socialist flagship institution of higher education committed to c social composition, political correctness and safe spaces, behavioral control, thought policing and auditing, and last but not least enforced racism (through race quotas and affirmative actions), oppression (through dehumanizing dissidents, conservatives, and non-believers), and cult-like tendencies (the so-called „woke“ society, best embodied in AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, 3rd wave feminism, the LGTBQ movement, militant climate activists, anti-American forces, cultural Marxists, social justice warriors, and other ultra-radical leftist groups). The initial mission of Harvard University - the pursuit of Truth - and thus the advancement of society has been cancelled. Since truth in socialism (just like race, gender, class, culture, religion and history) is a „social construct“ it follows that Harvard‘s new socialist mission is to destroy the old „truths“ and establish a new order, a new culture, a new raceless, genderless, borderless, hateless society of desired social composition and correct thinking led by the dictatorship of a new (Harvard) breed of hyper-sensitive, highly authoritative but professionally incompetent „experts“ on all things not fair and equal. Naturally, those virtue-signaling self-elevated philosopher-kings will dictate the rest of us what to think and how to behave, and - most importantly - to terrorize the masses with arbitrary quotas, moral coercion, re-education programs, dispossessions, re-distribution of wealth, insane social policies, censorship, and endless revolution. Socialism at its finest. Harvard at its worst.

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