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3 PROVEN Steps to Find and Convert Your Audience into High-Quality Leads

· 02.07.2018 · 15:00:06 ··· ··· Monday ·· 1 (1) Benson Sung
Convert your audience into lifelong customers and clients using THIS proven process. ► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/BensonSungShow?sub_confirmation=1
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Website: http://bensonsung.com
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1:00 How to Convert Audience into Leads Step #1 Traffic Sources
The first core dial that we want to focus on to be able to increase the conversions of the number of leads that you're generating or having your audience start that communication process with you is the traffic sources. Your target audience is the foundation of everything. If you're spending paid ads on LinkedIn, on YouTube, on Facebook, it doesn't matter what platform, what we want to look at is the audience that you're targeting. Who is the audience that you're targeting? That's the first core dial.

1:20 The second thing is we want to focus on the creative. What is the creative that you're showing to your target audience? When they scroll down on Facebook when they scroll down on LinkedIn, whatever it is that it is, when they watch a video on Youtube, what is that content? What is that creative, how are you communicating with them? What are you getting them to do? What are the values that you're associating with them? That's the second core thing.

1:40 The third thing is how is the copywriting on the post? Look at the copy on this post; if you look above this post right here on linked in or on Youtube below, on Facebook as well above, you can see the copy is demonstrating different types is built natively to that platform.

2:30 How to Convert Audience into Leads Step #2 Assets
The second core dial that I want to focus on optimizing is whatever page or asset that they're seeing. So for example, when you're generating leads when you want your target audience to start that communication with you, they have to have a way to enter their name or their email, or click on the messenger button on Facebook, or be able to send a text via texting, and that's one of the things that you want to keep in mind.

4:00 How to Convert Audience into Leads Step #3 Communication
The third most important dial that you want to have is after they say that hey I want to start communicating with you, I want to get that asset, what does the communication process look like? Through your marketing automation platform of using active campaigning Fusionsoft, through your messenger platform using mini chat for example, or through the texting platform through Yetitext or Fix Your Funnel.

5:30 Those are the dials that you want to focus on after they raise their hand and start the communication process with you.

6:00 I want you to go to Digital Marketing University:
https://bensonsung.com/digital-marketing-university/ to get the full walkthrough, step by step post, how to actually implement this in your business, and then you'll get even more value from this when you execute. Thanks for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one.

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