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Important REFLECTION !!! | Morning Prayer Before Start your Day | Daily Morning Prayer.

· 25.06.2023 · 10:00:14 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
I have a few questions for you, and please answer them honestly in your mind. If I gave you 1 million dollars today, would you be happy? I believe the answer would be yes, right?
Now, what if I told you that I would give you that 1 million dollars, but you wouldn't have the right to wake up tomorrow. Would you still want that money? Would it be worth it? Surely, you've just changed your answer, correct?
So if waking up alive and well is more worthwhile than 1 million dollars, why do we often complain so much? Why do we wake up in a bad mood, lacking positivity and prayer for our day or night to be wonderful, when the greatest blessing has already been given to us, which is another day of life? Reflect on this and think twice before continuing in a state of lamentation. We are human beings, and I understand that it's not possible to be 100% okay all the time, and that's normal. However, living permanently in a state of complaint will not help you solve your problems, nor will it help you draw closer to God.

Everything, absolutely everything, that we put our thoughts and intentions into, grows. So if you constantly focus on the negative, always dwell on what you lack, and complain about all your problems to everyone, it will only grow even more. Therefore, control your mind and your words before speaking negatively about yourself. Gradually transform this habit, and you will witness miracles happening. When you focus on the positive, on finding solutions, on prayer, wonderful things begin to happen. Have faith in God and faith in life. God did not give us this sacred temple that is our body, our spirit, and our soul, to complain but to cultivate kindness and happiness.

So smile, take a deep breath, and give thanks for another day, and let us pray with all our hearts and devotion.

Dear father,
I express gratitude to you for your kindness and your compassion. I appreciate the battles that you fight on my behalf, both the visible and the unseen ones. Father, I humbly request divine protection. You are aware of my struggles, Lord, and you understand what I am contending with and facing. I pray that you open my spiritual eyes so that I may comprehend the authority bestowed upon me through your word.

The authority vested in your name, Lord, may your ways be revealed to me. May I become acquainted with your presence, and may the Holy Spirit always remind me of the power I possess as a child of God who believes in and is saved by Jesus Christ.

May the Holy Spirit consistently remind me of my identity in the kingdom of God, and may the Holy Spirit bring to mind the promises outlined in your word. These promises assure me that I am above and not beneath, blessed in the morning and blessed in the evening. Promises that affirm that I am the head and not the tail. Grant me the ability to conduct myself as a child of God who comprehends their identity.

May all my actions be pleasing to you, and may my faith bring you pleasure, Lord. Your word tells me that whoever dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I declare that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Today, I affirm my trust in you, Lord. I trust you for victory in every area of my life, for a breakthrough, and for guidance when it appears that the devil has the upper hand. I will always trust in you because you are my refuge and fortress.

If Jehovah is our God, our refuge, and our fortress, then I have complete confidence that whatever I desire and need can be found in you. You are a mighty God, not weak or unreliable like humans. Therefore, there is no risk of disappointment when I place my trust in you.

Before we continue with this powerful prayer, I suggest that you put your first name in the comments and write: "I am grateful for my life," so that the energy of this powerful prayer will resonate within you. And subscribe to the channel and leave your like, so that this video reaches more people, and in doing so, you will help sow seeds of kindness, and all the good shared will come back to you multiplied. As Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

#morningprayer #morningprayerbeforestartyourday

· 25.06.2023 · 10:00:14 ··· Sonntag
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