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Genesis 14 Rebellion and First War in the Bible, Abram Rescues Lot, Why does Melchizedek meet Abram?

· 14.12.2023 · 18:04:00 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 2 🎬 45 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Genesis 14 Abram Rescues Lot, Why does Melchizedek meet Abram

1-12 Rebellion and Clash of Empires
13-16 Reaction, Attack and Rescue
17-20 Victory
21-24 Refusal to be Rich from Sodom

0:00 How does God love Abram? Can God's love for humanity be seen in the book of Genesis?
1:58 Does God love us personally and as individuals or does He love us a collective  movement?
5:55 What is eternal life?
6:42 Speaker's Outline
7:00 Where is Shinar, Ellasar, Goim and Elam? Where did they exercise power?
8:08 Where do the four kings conquer?
9:34 Where are the five kings defeated? Where iws Abram dwelling at the time of the rebellion and defeat of the five kings?
10:40 How does Abram rescue Lot?
11:17 Where is Jerusalem where  Melchizedek meets Abram?
11:56 Where is the Kings Highway?
12:27 Why did the war take place? What is the spiritual reason why there are wars?
13:24 Why was Lot captured? What danger did Lot face?
14:09 What was Abram's reaction to the news about Lot? What was his motive? Did Abram nurse any bad feelings with Lot?
15:28 Does the King of Sodom die? Who were the five kings that rebelled?
16:38 How did Lot get mixed up in the rebellion?
16:55 What is the warning of this chapter?How can Christians make the most difference in the world without being entangled in the world's warfare?
18:17 What do verses 1 to 12 show? War and Misery
18:35 What are verses13-16 showing? Counterattack and liberty.
19:46 Are we willing to rescue struggling believers who are trapped?
21:15 Are we willing to maintain  separation from love of the world, purity of heart and love for the Lord to give us courage? Are we willing to help those who can't help themselves?
22:21 Why is Abram able to rescue Lot? Will you make friends of God's people?
23:15 Are your children trained to help us in the work of the Lord? It's called discipling your children to lay hold of eternal life and to rescue others in an emergency.
24:28 Why was Abram victorious? What was his strategy?
25:38 How is Genesis 12 is being fulfilled in Genesis 14?
26:09 Psalm 107 Do we know people who are like Lot or Abram?
27:01 verses 17-20 - How does Melchizedek prepare Abram to overcome the temptation of Sodom? Communion, tithing and celebration.
29:03  Verses 21-24 - Opportunity and temptation. Who is Bera King of Sodom?
30:02 Why shouldn't Abram accept rewards from the King of Sodom?
30:53 How do we overcome temptation? It's the life and work of Christ that strengthen us.
31:22 What really matters for Christians?

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