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Oz. / Yama - Covered by Eillona Dusty

· 24.03.2024 · 12:00:07 ··· ··· Sunday ·· 7 (0) Eillona Dusty Ch. 【 LIVETOPIA 】
『 ひとりぼっちにはさせないでよ 』

Ewoo everyone! It's my birthday. ! I'm celebrating this special moment by spreading love, happiness, and gratitude to all those who have made my journey so precious.

A heartfelt thank you to my Destiny, for their unwavering support throughout. You've been a source of inspiration and strength in every step I take. I also want to express my gratitude to Eternity Virtual, where my dreams have come true and unforgettable experiences have unfolded in my journey.

And not forgetting, a big thank you to my Genmates! Those moments we've shared? Pure gold. I'm always reminiscing about the good times we've had.


Original song : yama


✦ Vocals: Eillona Dusty
✦ Art : Kousapi
✦ Mixing : Shiiyato
✦ Video: Imawan


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#Eillonadusty #Nsnsday

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