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Part 1: Kizza Besigye on Arrests, Torture and Killing in Uganda. Death of kirumira, Felix kaweesi?

· 01.12.2022 · 15:30:07 ··· ··· Thursday ·· 4 (4) JIM NEWTON
Dr and retired Canal Kiiza Besigye a renowned Opposition leader and former FDC president on reasons why Uganda has not achieved the change needed.
1. Rule by Gun use. Dr Besigye says ugandans are ruled using gun power. Museveni has taken over people's power by using the gun. Who ever comes up to speak against is silence by the gun.
2. Grabbing the country's resources. Dr says Museveni has kept Ugandans poor intentionally by taking over/ claiming all the resources as personal.
3. Fear and intimidation. He also says Museveni and NRM have planted fear in Ugandans that whoever shows up to oppose is silenced. Arrested, or killed.
4. Compromising other.....

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@JIMNEWTON is an independent information house in Uganda, Africa and the rest of the world. Subscribe to the channel and Be able to get all the news on the move.

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