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Transform Your Health with Juicing for Diabetics with David Abel

· 31.03.2024 · 12:25:26 ··· Sonntag ⭐ 104 🎬 1000 📺 The REAL David Abel
Transform Your Health with Juicing for Diabetics.
Discover how juicing can transform your health as a diabetic. Learn how to lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and lose weight by juicing veggies with David Abel.
A completely natural way to improve your health.
When preparing diabetic-friendly juices, it's important to focus on the overall balance of nutrients and portion sizes. Aim to include a variety of vegetables, and consider adding a source of protein or healthy fat to help stabilise blood sugar levels. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide you with personalised guidance and recommendations based on your specific needs and health goals.

Remember, it's essential to monitor your blood sugar levels and consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalised guidance when incorporating these vegetables into your diabetic-friendly juices.

* One final important note: some people with certain medical conditions should not have green juice, and some may not tolerate it as well. Please check with your doctor, if you are unsure about trying green juice.

- Cucumber. I like adding cucumber because it really does provide ample liquid to help this juice, and I love the refreshing flavour.
- Lemon: Half a large peeled lemon or one whole peeled small lemon.
- Kale: Any variety of kale will work. I used about 5 leaves
- Ginger: about 1 inch of fresh ginger. It's great for digestion and an extra boost to the immune system.
- Granny Smith Apple: these are the less sweet of the apple options, but they still add just enough natural sweetness to this green juice. Low on carbohydrates, Granny Smith apples provide vitamin C and can help inflammation, among their many benefits.
- Celery: probably the one thing I always have in my juice is celery. I use 5 to 6 celery stalks in this recipe. It's rich with vitamins and antioxidants, but to me, one super important benefit is that it provides some good digestive support.
- Parsley: parsley is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and good for your bones!

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