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Fresh Crescendos

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1:: Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd delight Back to the Future fans as they reunite at Comic Co

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 20:41:50 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd delight Back to the Future fans as they reunite at Comic Con - Pair appeared together on the ‘Back To The Future’ reunion panel... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s84_tfEnN_s&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP The Independent 2022-10-10T06:52:50Z Dumbo: New trailer starring Colin Farrell, Eva Green and Danny DeVito House of Hammer trailer Beast trailer Fast And Furious 9 Super Bowl Trailer Darlings trailer R Lee Ermey plays iconic drill sergeant role in opening of Full Metal Jacket Alec Baldwin feared for his life after Trump said he intentionally shot woman on film set Kill Bill vol 1 trailer God's Creatures trailer Robin Williams stepped in to help Jumanji child stars from demanding producers The Irishman: Official Trailer Premiere Snowpiercer - trailer Trailer released for Old Footloose: 1984 vs 2011 John Boyega defends antiracism comments on Instagram Live BLACKBIRD trailer The pair starred â â as time-travelling high school student Marty McFly (Michael) and Dr “Doc” Emmett Brown in the 1985 film and its two sequels. On Sunday (9 October), the pair appeared together at New York Comic Con to speak on a panel about the franchise’s legacy. “The best part of this movie was working with Chris,” he said of his 83-year-old co-star. The footage and photos left fans emotional, with one Twitter user writing: “If you need me I’ll just be here watching this on a loop.” “Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd reunited at Comic Con is all the wholesome content you need on a Sunday,” another tweet read. One commenter tweeted: “Such a beautiful moment, Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd reuniting at Comic Con.” “Happy to see that their friendship is still there after all these years,” another Twitter user wrote. “This duo is and will remain LEGENDARY.” Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991 at the age of 29. He later founded a charity which works to further treatment of the condition.

2:: The Woman In The House... ending and killer explained

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 16:49:27 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· SPOILER ALERT!... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1itpRUpyCw&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP Digital Spy (UK) 2022-10-11T14:47:11Z You'd have thought we would have guessed that a show with a name as convoluted as This part thriller, part mystery and part satire of thrillers stars Kristen Bell as Anna, a traumatised mother with a drinking problem, who heads off on her own whodunnit mission after becoming convinced she witnessed a murder in the house across the street. Many are hesitant to believe her, partly because of her drinking problem, which when mixed with pills can cause hallucinations, and partly because her behaviour since the death of her own daughter is strange to say the least. "I chose middle-of-the-road sadness. But I also know — as someone who has certainly experienced grief, and suffers from anxiety and depression — there's a lot of comedy underneath these hard emotions." "Usually, when you get to the root of it, I can laugh at myself if I've been in a dark place," she added. "I was hoping to play a woman who was in a dark place, and I guess hope that the audience was laughing a little bit." The show keeps you guessing throughout, with a central mystery that spoofs the genre. Want a breakdown of exactly what happened? Here's the full explanation at the end of During a boozy night in, Anna becomes convinced she witnessed the murder of Lisa, the air-hostess girlfriend of her hot new widowed neighbour, Neil Coleman. Neil and his nine-year-old daughter Emma have only recently moved in to the quaint suburb. Due to his dashing good looks and their shared trauma, Anna and Neil have an almost immediate bond and flirtation. While Anna is dealing with the murder of her daughter and subsequent divorce from her husband, Douglas, Neil is still reeling from the death of wife Meredith, who drowned in a tragic accident while pregnant with their second child. Due to the death of her mother – and her teacher less than three weeks later – Neil is fiercely protective of the sweet-looking Emma, who sells girl scout cookies around town. But it turns out this made him a prime target for con-woman Lisa, whose real name is Chastity and who targeted him with her partner Rex in order to fleece him for cash. However, Rex, a stripper who was dragged into Lisa's plan, had drawn the line when he realised Neil had a daughter. When Lisa goes quiet on him, he thinks she's done a runner with their shared cash. He tries to track her down at Neil's house and instead finds Anna, who gets him to tell her more about what they were up to as proof she didn't lie about witnessing her murder. The pair hit it off and later have sex, but he's soon arrested when Lisa's body is finally found dismembered, with their criminal plot the assumed reason behind her death. Rex is quickly released when it's proven he was working as a stripper the night of the attack, and the weapon – an artist's palette knife – is discovered. The same kind that Anna has. Suddenly, she's in the frame and arrested. While her best friend Sloan bails her out, Neil visits her, threatens her with a gun, and tells her never to bother him and Emma again. Feeling trapped inside her home, Anna calls her therapist when she believes she sees blood dripping from her loft, and begins to feel like she's hallucinating. Turns out, her therapist is her ex-husband Douglas, who encourages her to investigate because he doesn't believe she's a murderer. Heading up to the loft, Anna's relieved to discover it was just paint. She also finds a cut up painting of Lisa, and realises her flashbacks of killing Lisa were actually her stabbing the artwork in a drunken rage. Feeling exonerated, she goes to head back downstairs... but then notices a makeshift bed and belongings that aren't hers. Putting together the pieces, she realises local handyman Buell, who has been fixing her mailbox for years, has been living in her loft. Douglas reveals to her on the phone that he had hired him after meeting him as his first ever criminally insane patient. After rehabilitating Buell, Douglas had offered him a job thinking he was okay. Looking out the window, she notices Buell walking across the street to Neil's house, with what appears to be a hammer in his hand. Despite her fear of the rain, Anna makes it over to Neil's house, only to find Buell stabbed to death. She quickly finds Neil dead on the sofa as well, as the killer finally reveals themselves. It's Emma, Neil's nine-year-old daughter, who is a full-on psychopath. Not only did she kill Buell and Neil, she'd also killed Lisa (for refusing to buy her chocolate bars), her mother Meredith (for daring to get pregnant with another child), and her teacher. She sinisterly tells Anna: "People always underestimate children. Underestimate

3:: Maduro regains relevance on the international stage

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 12:36:23 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The renaissance of the Latin American left and talks with Washington, as well as the global energy crisis, have allowed the Venezuelan government to reposition itself... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDf0f5xqX1w&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP EL PAÍS 2022-10-11T11:42:45Z The ground that Maduro has recovered has been achieved in cooperation with the political circle surrounding Venezuela, particularly with Colombia and Washington, which has embarked on a process of negotiation with Caracas independently of the Venezuelan opposition. Meanwhile, on the domestic front, Maduro is continuing on his path of applying a policy of tranquility toward the private sector, and even with the opposition currents that question his legitimacy to govern. The sensation is that Maduro feels capable of defeating his opponents definitively at the ballot box in 2024 in a scenario in which they stand divided. “There is a powerful oil lobby working hard to reach agreements with Maduro; not only Chevron, but also Repsol, Exxon and Statoil,” says Carmen Beatriz Fernández, a Venezuelan academic at Spain’s University of Navarra’s Faculty of Communication. “The world in 2022 is different from that of 2019. Maduro benefitted from the pandemic and now he is doing so from the war in Ukraine. The political currents have shifted. There is a growing conviction that a policy of maximum pressure on Maduro is not going to work. There has been a change of strategy,” says Fernández, who adds that from here on it is very likely that persuasive formulas will be put into play, with partial progresses that will consolidate commitments in the medium term and center around clean and verifiable elections in Venezuela. Before the decision was made to carry out a prisoner swap with the United States, in Venezuela there had already been strong rumors of a possible resumption of political dialog between Caracas and the opposition in Mexico. These suggested that some pre-agreements were already in place in the sphere of the public health crisis, and that Maduro’s approval was all that was needed to resume talks that had been in a cataleptic state since they were announced a year ago. Chavism has little appetite to reinstate a political forum that tends to strengthen the rhetoric of its enemies, while opposition spokesmen have remained hermetic.

4:: Verstappen makes wet F1 tyre test offer to help Pirelli

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 08:39:53 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Max Verstappen has offered himself up for some wet weather Formula 1 tyre testing if it would help Pirelli come up with better products for the rain.... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s84_tfEnN_s&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP Autosport 2022-10-11T08:20:49Z The delays in getting the Japanese Grand Prix going on Sunday has reopened the debate about whether or not F1 needs a rethink about cars being better able to cope with poor weather conditions. The most critical aspect in terms of wet weather safety is in ensuring that tyres can cope with excess water on track, and that there is no risk of aquaplaning. But there is also the need to ensure that the range of wet weather rubber works, with Pirelli's current intermediate tyre performing much better over a wider range of track conditions compared to the extreme. Speaking after the rain-hit Suzuka event, Verstappen said he would be more than happy to work with Pirelli to try out some new ideas to help improve things. “I didn't want to take a dig out of everyone but I think we need better rain tyres,” said the Dutchman. “If you saw what we could do in the ‘90s or the early 2000s, with the amount of water on the track. “I'm very happy to have a few test days and try all different kinds of tyres. But we need better rain tyres because I think the extremes are just slow and they can't really carry a lot of water away. “That's why everyone always tries to switch very quickly to an intermediate because it's just so much faster per lap. “You could see from one to the other lap, we went from the extreme to the inter today and we immediately went five seconds at least faster and that is just too big. And that's why nobody really wants to run that extreme.” The performance contrast between the intermediate and the extreme wet prompted all drivers to take the original Japanese GP start on the inters before it was swiftly red flagged. All drivers started on intermediates before the race was red flagged While Verstappen thinks even the current extremes may not have been able to cope with the worst of the Japanese weather, he thinks tyres in the past were better at doing so. “When it rained like it did when the red flag came out, and you would have put extreme tyres on, I think it would still be really difficult to drive,” he said. “But then if you compare that to 20 years ago, that would have been perfectly fine. So there must be a solution. “But this is not criticism because I'm very happy to help out. We should look into it. “Maybe we can just organise more tests days in the wet and work together, to try and find better tyres to at least have an opportunity to really drive in the wet and not always only drive like two laps on an extreme, switch to intermediate and call it a wet race because a wet race is also normally driven with heavy rain.” Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc believed one important aspect that needs looking at is the amount of water thrown up by the current tyres, as that makes it hard for drivers to see through the spray. “I think a big problem of these cars is just the visibility,” he said. “So whatever we can do to try and improve the visibility and minimise the spray, especially behind the cars, this will be hugely beneficial. “I believe that sometimes we can actually run for the conditions of the track but just because of the visibility, because it's so dangerous being behind and you don't see anything, that we end up not running at all. “We should try and find a solution, for some reason, to try and minimise the spray.”

5:: Roughing-the-passer call on MNF prompts officiating scrutiny

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 04:36:32 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A controversial roughing-the-passer penalty just before halftime of the Las Vegas Raiders’ game against the Kansas City Chiefs on Monday night delivered another blow to the NFL... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvJrk7eauzo&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP The Associated Press 2022-10-11T02:29:26Z KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A controversial roughing-the-passer penalty just before halftime of the Las Vegas Raiders’ game against the Kansas City Chiefs on Monday night delivered another blow to the NFL and its beleaguered officiating crew. The Chiefs had just scored to trim their deficit to 17-7 when Chris Jones stripped Derek Carr from behind. The Pro Bowl defensive tackle landed on the Raiders quarterback while also coming away with the ball — replays showed it was clearly loose and that Jones clearly recovered — and referee Carl Cheffers threw a flag for roughing the passer. The play happened with less than two minutes to go and was not reviewed. Chiefs coach Andy Reid stormed off the sideline to argue with every official within earshot. And after the teams traded field goals, leaving the Raiders ahead 20-10 at halftime, Reid cornered Cheffers again as they headed to the locker room. When the players emerged for the second half, Kansas City fans booed Cheffers more loudly than the hated Raiders (1-4). The Chiefs (4-1) went on to rally past Las Vegas, 30-29. The call came one day after Atlanta defensive tackle Grady Jarrett was flagged by referee Jerome Boger for a seemingly innocuous tackle of Tampa Bay quarterback Tom Brady. The penalty gave the Buccaneers a first down and allowed them to run out the clock on a 21-15 victory, rather than giving the Falcons a chance to drive for the win. “What I had was the defender grabbed the quarterback while he was still in the pocket, and unnecessarily throwing him to the ground,” Boger told a pool reporter after the game. “That is what I was making my decision based upon.” The NFL has been criticized for its failure to protect quarterbacks after Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa was taken off the field on a stretcher following a violent hit in a game against Cincinnati. Tagovailoa sustained a concussion when his head was slammed to the turf by the Bengals' Josh Tupou, who was not flagged on the play. In the NFL rulebook, it states: “Any physical acts against a player who is in a passing posture (i.e. before, during, or after a pass) which, in the referee’s judgment, are unwarranted by the circumstances of the play will be called as fouls.” The rulebook also notes: “When in doubt about a roughness call or potentially dangerous tactic against the quarterback, the referee should always call roughing the passer.” “Obviously from my vantage point, it looked like it was a bad call,” Falcons cornerback Casey Hayward Jr. said Sunday. “But that’s why you put the refs out there to make these calls. They pay these guys to make those calls. It looked bad (from) my standpoint, but like I said, I was on the back end. They put these guys there to make those calls.” Meanwhile, the Chiefs have had plenty of conflicts with Cheffers in the past. The biggest came during the 2016 playoffs against Pittsburgh, when Cheffers called left tackle Eric Fisher for holding that negated what would have been a tying two-point conversion. The Steelers won 18-16 to advance to the AFC title game, and Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce said Cheffers “shouldn't even be able to work at ... Foot Locker.” ___ More AP NFL coverage: https://apnews.com/hub/nfl and https://twitter.com/AP_NFL

6:: What can we expect from Emmerdale's 50th anniversary? 8 spoilers revealed

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.10.2022 · 00:36:00 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· We know something you don't, but luckily, we're kind enough to share it!... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvJrk7eauzo&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP Metro 2022-10-10T22:59:00Z A big storm, a wedding, three returning characters, a possible birth and certain death. Got all that? Good. If that isn’t enough of a teaser for you, then we have plenty more secrets to spill! The eagle eyed of you will see that a ‘Amelia ends up in a barn in the middle of nowhere, as it’s the only place she can find to shelter.’ Actress Daisy Campbell explained. ‘She’s really worried at this point as she’s only 16 and is stuck in a raging storm in the middle of nowhere and has no one to help her out. ‘She also can’t get in touch with anyone as all phone signals have been totally cut off due to the storm. I think at this stage her anxiety is through the roof!’ There may be some current viewers who watched the very first episode when it aired on 16th October 1972, and Emmerdale is tipping its hat back to some of its scenes. Claire King, who plays Kim Tate, teased what we can expect. ‘We have filmed the hand going through a cornfield and getting on a horse. Both were replicated from the first episode which is very special.’ ‘To be a part of this show 50 years on is amazing.’ She added. Director Ian Bevitt said that there is one aspect that links the first episode and the 50th anniversary above all else. ‘The great Yorkshire countryside – it’s a character all on its own and I wanted to emphasise that from the off. Eagle-eyed viewers will spot similarities with the opening of the very first episode and the opening of the 50th episode. And there are nods to older characters no longer with the show.’ Fans of Emmerdale should fondly remember Val Pollard of the Valerie Pollard Foundation, and those that don’t (how dare you) will be reminded during Sunday night’s episode. In touching scenes, Eric Pollard (Chris Chittell) returns from visiting the grave of his late wife, who died in a mirror maze after the helicopter crash in 2015. The love triangle drama between Will Taylor (Dean Andrews), Kim Tate (Claire King) and Harriet Finch (Katherine Dow Blyton) is far from over, but the wedding might be, according to a worried Will. Will Kim and Will sort things out or will they call it quits on their big day? Actor Dean Andrews hopes that things will work out for them. ‘I think they are a great couple. They’re both really similar in some ways but there’s a little bit of yin and yang. As posh as Kim is and as common as Will is they both see life with a similar eye. Opposites attract.’ What’s a love triangle without a fight for the person you love? ‘Harriet’s not scared of Kim but Harriet doesn’t trust her. She knows Kim’s reputation and what she’s done in the past, but Harriet can fight her own corner. She is however slightly put on the back foot by Kim’s little tricks.’ Katherine Dow Blyton teased. ‘Something Kim says makes Harriet lose it for a moment. It’s a good confrontation but ultimately who will win?’ Things don’t go well for Moira Barton (Natalie J Robb) when one of her barns collapses, sending a herd of cows stampeding through the storm. We can’t imagine she’s in the moo-d to chase them down, especially with the udderly intolerable wind. Directors Ian Bevitt and Tim O’Mara explained the difficulties of shooting with cattle, joking that ‘sometimes they don’t listen to direction.’ ‘Some of the less controllable aspects – horses and cows, for example, proved to be quite challenging, but we got there in the end, I feel.’ ‘In the scene it will look as if the cows are running towards the Emmerdale characters as the cows stampede.’ He sees both of his lovers be brought down by flying debris, but which one will he choose to help? There are still a lot of elements of the anniversary that Emmerdale are keeping their lips locked about. It’s going to be big, bold and like nothing Emmerdale has done before. You’re not going to want to miss it!

7:: At least thirteen dead in El Salvador and Honduras due to the passage of hurricane ‘Julia’.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.10.2022 · 20:33:17 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· At least nine people have died in El Salvador and four more have died in Honduras due to the passage of Hurricane Julia, whose eye has crossed from the Caribbean […]... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvJrk7eauzo&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP News 360 2022-10-10T20:03:50Z At least nine people have died in El Salvador and four more have died in Honduras due to the passage of Hurricane Julia, whose eye has crossed from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean through Nicaraguan territory. Five of the fatalities are Salvadoran soldiers who were buried by the collapse of a house in which they were sheltering in the municipality of Comasagua, according to the newspaper 'La Prensa Gráfica' quoting local authorities. A sixth soldier was taken to a health center with several fractures. Two other people died after being buried under a wall in their own home in Guatajiagua and a 30-year-old man died after being swept away by the current while riding a motorcycle in the municipality of Armenia. A 74 year-old man died when a tree fell on his house in Agua Caliente, Caluco, in the department of Sonsonate. Authorities have reported overflows in eight rivers, with the departments of La Unión and San Miguel as the most affected, as well as fallen trees and sinkholes in several roads. FOUR DEAD IN HONDURAS The heavy rains caused by 'Julia' in Honduras have resulted in the death of four people, hundreds of evacuees, floods and landslides. Classes are suspended throughout the country and the Ramon Villeda Morales Airport has been closed. The storm advances this Monday towards the northwest parallel to the coast of El Salvador, but the Secretariat of Risk Management and National Contingencies of Honduras (COPECO) maintains the red alert for twelve departments of the country, while the others are on yellow alert, according to the Honduran newspaper 'El Heraldo'. Among the deceased is a 22 year-old woman who was swept away by the strong currents of the Bijao river in Choloma, Cortés, in northern Honduras. Three other people died after being shipwrecked in the municipality of Brus Laguna, in Gracias a Dios. Among the victims are a man between 25 and 28 years old and a six year old girl. The third victim was found hours later, but his identity is not yet known. Meanwhile, the Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, has emphasized that the storm 'Julia' has caused only material damage after passing through Nicaraguan territory. The storm left Nicaraguan territory at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday with winds of 85 kilometers per hour, reports the portal El 19 Digital. "Of course an event like this so strong that is affecting all of Central America always leaves consequences, thank God that they have been material consequences, and that, as a direct result of this phenomenon, we have no deaths," Murillo said in a message broadcast this Sunday.

8:: Writer Svetlana Alexievich will revisit homo sovieticus in a book in the face of «Russian fasci

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.10.2022 · 12:29:31 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The Belarusian writer and winner of the XXXIV International Prize Catalunya Svetlana Alexievich has explained that she is working on an extension of the book ‘Second-hand Time. The End of […]... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y56x2tdinQ&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP News 360 2022-10-10T12:15:16Z The Belarusian writer and winner of the XXXIV International Prize Catalunya Svetlana Alexievich has explained that she is working on an extension of the book 'Second-hand Time. The End of the Red Man' (2014) and will take up homo sovieticus because it is still present with "Russian fascism". "We thought we had finished with communism, but no," he lamented this Monday from the Palau de la Generalitat in a meeting with the president of the award, Mary Ann Newman, which has moderated the spokeswoman of the Govern, Patrícia Plaja. The author believes that there has been a freedom in quotation marks since the fall of the Soviet Union until the "Russian fascism" that has started the war in Ukraine and stressed that it is difficult to imagine this situation because everyone is a mixture of blood and are in 'shock'. Alexievich has received the award for her work, which includes a series of books known as 'Voices of Utopia' about individuals in the former Soviet Union, as well as works on the aftermath of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe and Russia's war in Afghanistan. Other notable titles include 'The Zinc Boys' (1989), 'Captivated by Death' (1993), 'Voices from Chernobyl' (1997) and 'Secondhand Time. The End of the Red Man' (2014). NOBEL PRIZES On the Nobel Peace Prize for the Belarusian activist Ales Bialiatski, the Russian NGO Memorial and the Center for Civil Liberties of Ukraine, he has assured that it is "very important" that three peoples are represented who are in a war that they did not start. When asked about the Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to the French writer Annie Ernaux, she said she was "very happy" for the winner of whom she highlighted her almost physical honesty and the love she portrays in her books. Newman claimed that the award to the Belarusian author was "obvious and evident" for the literary value of her work but also for her poetic sensibility. He clarified that normally this award is not given to a person who has already won a Nobel Prize, as it is a recognition "difficult to surpass", but he emphasized the value and relevance of her work as well as the impact of the war as arguments for awarding Alexievich.

9:: Daniel Radcliffe thankful he didn't have pushy parents

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.10.2022 · 08:29:05 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· 'Harry Potter' actor Daniel Radcliffe feels "lucky" not to have had "pushy" parents when he was growing up.... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1itpRUpyCw&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP BANG Showbiz 2022-10-10T08:00:00Z Daniel Radcliffe feels "lucky" not to have had "pushy" parents when he was growing up. The 33-year-old actor - who was just 10 years old when he made his acting debut in TV miniseries 'David Copperfield' and was cast as the lead in the 'Harry Potter' film series when he was 11 - has praised his "incredible" mother and father for the way they handled his career and life in the spotlight. He told 'Entertainment Tonight': "My parents were incredible. They were really supportive. They walked the balance of not being pushy but always supportive. In a way that's not often credited to the parents of child actors. "So, I'm lucky." Daniel can next be seen in 'Weird: The Al Yankovic Story' and he was also thankful the parody musician was so supportive of his work on the project. He said: "He was there on set everyday, he was incredibly involved in the shoot. Yeah he was really kind, the whole way." Daniel's girlfriend Erin Darke is a huge fan of the musical comedian but the actor recently admitted he was mainly concerned about what her family would think of the Eric Appel-directed film. Asked how Erin reacted, he said: “Actually, after Eric and Al, the people I’m most concerned about their reaction is probably my in-laws. “Erin’s dad and brother, because they’re massive fans as well. Erin’s seen the movie but I’ll be interested in what [her father] Ian thinks. I really hope he likes it.” Erin's family may get a shock because the 'Swiss Army Man' star has admitted the biopic contains one of the most "bizarre" scenes he's ever filmed. He said: "The thing that's so fascinating about Al is that he manages to thread the needle between wholesome and genuinely weird. "He can be childishly surreal, with a real edge of madness and danger to him. "There's one scene involving an LSD trip that's probably the most bizarre thing I've ever done.''

10:: The Walking Dead season 11, episode 18 review: 'Setting things up for the endgame'

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.10.2022 · 04:31:03 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The latest episode of The Walking Dead season 11 rectifies its predecessor's mistakes and starts gearing things up for the series' conclusion... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1itpRUpyCw&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP Total Film 2022-10-10T02:00:00Z Like its predecessor, the new installment kicks off with another montage of past Walking Dead clips, which is already starting to feel like a bit of a cheap way to stir up nostalgia. Fortunately, it's brief, and who knows? The throwbacks might make more sense as the season continues. The episode itself continues on from last week's cliffhanger, with Mercer and Pamela Milton interrupting Daryl, Maggie, Aaron and Father Gabriel's stand-off with the Commonwealth troopers. Having not yet caught him up on her deal with Pamela – to hand Lance Hornsby in, so that Pamela can use him as a scapegoat for the "accusations" against her jumped-up son Sebastian – Carol urges Daryl to lower his knife from Lance’s throat. He angrily obliges, but not before stabbing Lance through the hand, dropping his blade and storming off. "Don't worry, he'll live," he growls. "So, the slate's just wiped clean?" a skeptical Aaron asks in the next scene, as Carol replies: "Debt, deaths on both sides… We get supplies, water, weapons; Pamela provides everything we need to finish rebuilding. Free and clear." The gang voice their doubts, before ultimately agreeing to leave the Commonwealth and go back to their respective communities; Alexandria, Hilltop, and the Kingdom for the first time since the devastating Whisperer War. With six more episodes to go, though, we know things aren't going to be that easy. For one, we're 18 episodes into season 11, and it's still pretty unclear who the Either way, where last week's installment felt like filler, 'A New Deal' actually feels like the beginning of the end. As certain characters prepare to leave the Commonwealth, others – like Ezekiel – decide to stay put; each of them being carefully positioned ahead of a conclusion they're not aware is coming. Director Jeffrey F. January and writer Corey Reed smartly carve out time for those who are packing up to reflect on their situations, nurturing a sense of sentimentality and intimacy that the show has been sorely lacking of late. Gabriel's epiphany is a highlight, as he delivers his "last sermon" to an empty church before touchingly explaining to partner Rosita (who still has too little to do) that while he's never considered the Commonwealth home, its people led to him finding his faith again. Carol has poignant but brief chats with Ezekiel and Lydia, while Daryl grapples with his sudden parenthood and shares a heated discussion with Judith about Rick, running and responsibility. (Look out for a fun nod to Invincible, The Walking Dead author Robert Kirkman's "You were alone a lot?" Judith (Cailey Fleming) asks while quizzing Daryl on his childhood when he tells her he gets why she wants to isolate herself sometimes. "Yeah," he whispers back. It’s a quick but effective way to remind us how far Daryl has come from being the hot-headed lone wolf we met all those years ago. No one can carry this show quite like Andrew Lincoln did, but it's great seeing Norman Reedus being given the material to flex his acting muscles. It's frustrating to see the likes of Ross Marquand (who plays Aaron), Paola Lázaro (Princess), Lauren Ridloff (Connie), and Angel Theory (Kelly) continue to be short-changed when it comes to screen time, however. As the series finale approaches, it's expected that the characters who have been around since the beginning hog focus, but most of them are getting spin-offs beyond the last episode. The supporting characters aren't, and are just as worthy of having their stories wrapped up in a satisfying way. As much as The Walking Dead enjoys yanking on our heartstrings, it's never without its fair share of scheming and drama – and the episode delivers on that front as well. Pamela may have thrown Lance in a jail cell, determined to see him take the fall for her family's wrongdoings, but he has his connections on the outside; Shira (AKA Fake Stephanie) and another of his lackeys still sneaking around on his behalf. Elsewhere, Max insists to an initially reluctant Eugene that she can't leave the Commonwealth without first exposing the Miltons – and the end of 'A New Deal' sees her put her money where her mouth is, as she sets Sebastian up during an address to the public. Instead of playing an old voice recording of his grandfather, President Milton, the founder of the Commonwealth, during Sebastian's speech, Max and Eugene deliberately bungle the presentation to blast out a secret tape the former took while talking with him earlier that day. "The reality is that the poor stay poor so

11:: Woman died from allergic reaction to dairy-contaminated Pret vegan wrap

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.10.2022 · 00:29:19 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Woman died from allergic reaction to dairy-contaminated Pret vegan wrap - Celia Marsh, who had an acute dairy allergy, died less than two hours after eating a flatbread from the sandwich chain.... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s84_tfEnN_s&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP The Independent 2022-09-22T11:18:25Z A woman with an acute dairy allergy who died shortly after eating a Pret a Manger vegan wrap suffered a fatal anaphylactic shock due to contaminants in a dressing in the sandwich, a coroner has found. Mrs Marsh had been on a post-Christmas shopping trip with her husband and three of her daughters when she went into Pret at around 2pm. She was declared dead less than two hours later. The whole of the wrap had been eaten, and the pot of CoYo yoghurt used to make it was thrown away before Bath and North East Somerset Council began its investigation. Testing on other pots found small quantities of dairy protein in the product, with traces found in another rainbow wrap. Although the court heard evidence that Mrs Marsh was an asthma sufferer and used an inhaler, Maria Voisin, the senior coroner for Avon, concluded she died from anaphylaxis. The inquest heard that the yoghurt contained a starch that was manufactured in a facility that also handled dairy, and that it carried a warning that there was a risk of cross-contamination. Ms Voisin said Mrs Marsh died from “anaphylaxis triggered by the consumption of milk protein”. The coroner told the hearing: “She had a known allergy to milk. On that day in Bath city centre she had a super-veg rainbow flatbread which she believed was safe to eat. “She suffered an anaphylaxis caused by milk protein in the yoghurt in the wrap. This caused her to collapse and, despite the efforts of medical teams involved, she died. “The wrap contained a product which was labelled as dairy-free yoghurt alternative but, despite this, contained milk protein which was the cause of Celia’s anaphylaxis. “The contamination arose because an ingredient in the yoghurt called HG1 (a starch) had been cross-contaminated with milk protein during its manufacture. “The manufacturer of the dairy-free yoghurt had in its possession documentation that flagged this risk but this risk was not passed on to its customers.” During the two-week inquest a chemist acknowledged the quantity of dairy in the wrap was too low to be measured with any degree of accuracy, but he believed it definitely contained milk. Paul Hancock, the analytical chemist for Bath and North East Somerset Council, said testing of the rainbow veg wrap found 0.55mg/kg of milk protein – below the level at which it can be reliably measured by accepted testing procedures. But testing by Mr Hancock at a Worcester Scientific Services laboratory on two other pots of yoghurt found 3.1mg/kg of milk protein in one and 3.4mg/kg in another. Mr Hancock said: “Using the supporting evidence of other analysis, looking at the whole product, the fact CoYo yoghurt had milk in it, looking at the whole picture with the other ingredients, I think it would be reasonable to deduce there was milk in the super veg rainbow wrap. “It will be for the court to decide if the milk protein present was sufficient to cause a reaction in Mrs Marsh.” It is thought the contamination stemmed from the HG1 starch in the yoghurt supplied by Tate and Lyle plc. Bags of the starch carried the warning “manufactured in a factory that handles milk, eggs, cereals containing gluten, sulphur dioxide and sulphites”, but Bethany Eaton, the managing director of Planet Coconut, said she was unaware of the risk. Mrs Eaton said she had been assured the yoghurt’s ingredients were safe for people with allergens by CoYo founder Henry Gosling. “I didn’t ever dream it would contain dairy after he (Henry Gosling) sold me a licence,” she said. “He said it was made in an allergen-free environment. He had a very good relationship with Tate & Lyle. That was the reassurance he gave me and I respected that.” The coroner asked Mrs Eaton whether she considered testing the starch. She replied: “We never tested the product because I was assured and believed it was being made in an allergen-free environment. “I was told there was a separate line or facility that was entirely allergen-free and that’s what we relied upon.” She said that since Mrs Marsh’s death all products are now tested, irrespective of the source. Pret was charged with food safety failures after Mrs Marsh’s death but the prosecution was dropped due to lack of evidence. The court heard that Pret sandwiches were displayed next to a warning stating it could not guarantee its products were free from allergens. Guy Meakin, interim managing director of Pret a Manger, expressed his “extreme sorrow” to the family of Mrs Marsh for their

12:: London crime: Man offers £12k reward after 'beloved' Range Rover stolen from outside hotel

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.10.2022 · 20:30:54 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The car is worth a whopping £115k... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y56x2tdinQ&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP MyLondon 2022-09-22T13:57:45Z A man is offering a staggering reward after his car was stolen from outside a hotel in East London. Rod Johnson has made a desperate plea to Newham locals after his 'beloved' Range Rover reportedly vanished from the Hampton by Hilton on Dockside Road earlier this month. In a separate incident in North West London, a double amputee said he has been left feeling physically sick after his car was stolen from outside his home. Philip Coburn, 56, was relaxing with his family on Friday (September 2) when he noticed his car - which had been parked approximately 20 metres from his house - had disappeared from its spot. MyLondon have contacted the Met Police for information on the reported stolen vehicle from Newham.

13:: How Tom Hiddleston's Loki Could Play A Much Larger Role In Avengers: Secret Wars Than We Though

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.10.2022 · 16:28:17 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Some big news about Avengers: Secret Wars might mean that Tom Hiddleston’s Loki could play a much larger role in the Phase 6 finale than we thought.... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s84_tfEnN_s&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP CinemaBlend 2022-10-09T13:05:35Z To be sure, Now it’s important to note that Michael Waldron is not working on More importantly on the subject of Loki the character, because Michael Waldron now holds the proverbial keys to the biggest chapter of the Multiverse Saga, why not throw in the character whose journey he helped kick off? The people who only pay attention to the Marvel movies simply know this Loki from his brief appearance in Thanos served as the overarching antagonist of the Infinity Saga, first being teased in Obviously Kang the Conqueror’s machinations will affect everyone in the MCU too, and it could be argued he’ll be even more dangerous than Thanos was if whatever he has planned affects multiple realities. It’ll be great to see heroes like Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel and the Fantastic Four fight Kang, but a big way Marvel can help make the Conqueror stand out is by giving him a foil, i.e. a protagonist or rival he can have a more personal conflict with. Oftentimes in the comics Doctor Doom has filled that role, but since it’s unclear when we’ll meet him in the MCU, this is where Tom Hiddleston’s Loki variant can come into play. Loki’s time in the TVA has given him a solid understanding of how this timeline craziness works, and that knowledge will only grow in the second season of his Disney+ show. The surviving heroes who participated in Plus, remember that in the At the beginning of

14:: UK senior ministers urge Conservatives to unite behind PM Truss

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.10.2022 · 12:28:10 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· LONDON (Reuters) - Senior British ministers on Sunday urged their colleagues to unite behind Prime Minister Liz Truss, warning that infighting would hand power to the opposition Labour Party at an e... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y56x2tdinQ&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP Reuters 2022-10-09T10:57:35Z LONDON (Reuters) - Senior British ministers on Sunday urged their colleagues to unite behind Prime Minister Liz Truss, warning that infighting would hand power to the opposition Labour Party at an election due in 2024. Just over a month into the job, Truss and her team are fighting for credibility after they were forced into a humiliating U-turn over a decision to scrap Britain's highest rate of income tax. Her governing Conservative Party's annual conference last week was beset by division and unrest among the party's members of parliament (MPs), and opinion polls give Labour a huge lead. "Those plotting against the prime minister are helping to usher in a Labour government. Conservative MPs should be supporting our party leader, not working against her. Division will only result in drift, delay and defeat," senior Cabinet Office minister Nadhim Zahawi wrote in Mail on Sunday. He was one of four cabinet ministers to pen articles for a Sunday newspaper to call on their party to back Truss, ahead of the return of parliament from a short break on Tuesday. "As a party, we must unite around her now," interior minister Suella Braverman wrote in the Sun on Sunday. 'PUNCH AFTER PUNCH' Truss faces a battle over whether to limit increases in some benefit payments to less than inflation as she seeks ways to fund her tax-cutting growth plan, something many lawmakers say would be inappropriate when millions of families are struggling with the soaring cost of food and energy. While ministers say they have yet to take a decision, the Sunday Times reported Truss was expected to give in to pressure from ministers to rule out a real-terms reduction in welfare. It cited two unnamed cabinet ministers saying the government did not have the support to get a vote through parliament on raising benefits in line with earnings rather than inflation. "She can either get ahead of this now and make it go away or we will be dragged kicking and screaming towards another screeching U-turn when they realise it’s a game of arithmetic and the numbers will not stack up," it quoted one as saying. Cabinet minister Penny Mordaunt, who days ago said benefits should rise in line with inflation, wrote in the Sunday Telegraph that tough decisions were needed. "It’s far easier to embrace the status quo. Anyone can wave to the cameras. Anyone can be all things to all people. That’s the easy bit. You measure leaders when they are in the ring dazzled by the media lights taking punch after punch and taking the hard decisions required," she wrote. (Reporting by Kylie MacLellan; editing by Barbara Lewis)

15:: Mariah Carey always travels with one thing

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.10.2022 · 08:23:16 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Mariah Carey always travels with conditioner to keep her hair well maintained.... Music in Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDf0f5xqX1w&list=PL5kd2hN0bph6qdvUgA1Qn8ahxhWvsDNkP BANG Showbiz 2022-10-09T08:00:00Z Mariah Carey always travels with conditioner. The 'Fantasy' singer admitted she often felt out of place growing up as a mixed-race child and thinks her position was highlighted with uncertainty around her hair and how best to treat it, something she understands better now she's older. She explained to Sunday Times Style magazine: “I grew up thinking hair was supposed to look a certain way. “As a mixed-race person with a black father growing up in predominantly white neighbourhoods, it was difficult. "My black friends were able to do different types of treatments on their hair from the ones who were mixed. "My white friends didn’t have to do anything — they just woke up and their hair was fabulous. "We didn’t have conditioner in our house because my mother was like, ‘Whatever, it looks fine.’ "Now I’m never far from a bottle of conditioner. I travel with one.” The 53-year-old star recently released a remastered video for her song 'Honey' to mark the 25th anniversary of her album 'Butterfly' and she admitted the promo - in which she escaped from a lookalike of her first husband Tommy Mottola and into the arms of a male model - was the most fun she'd had on a video shoot, largely because of her wardrobe. She said: “In the video I was clearly inspired by Ursula Andress and all the Bond girls. It was fun to swim in Gucci heel. “It was the first video I had fun making,” she says now of Honey. Considering it was her 26th single release and seven years into her career, that is wild, to say the least. “You can really tell, if you watch the other videos, that I was more free and more obviously ‘me’.”

16:: Grandad makes friends with two families of mice at the bottom of his garden

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 09.09.2022 · 00:00:00 ··· ···
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