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**?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> feed xmlns:yt="http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> link rel="self" href="http://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA"/> id>yt:channel:o8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/id> yt:channelId>o8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>Burner Reborn Gaming/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-05-26T01:40:34+00:00/published> entry> id>yt:video:CcDv44P9fqI/id> yt:videoId>CcDv44P9fqI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>Who are the BEST Characters in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcDv44P9fqI"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-29T19:00:06+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T08:04:11+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Who are the BEST Characters in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/CcDv44P9fqI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/CcDv44P9fqI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Who are the best characters in fire emblem three hopes? This is the final video of the series! However, it is the most important one. In todays video I am going to talk about every single character in the game and where I believe they should land on my very own TIER LIST. You've asked and its time I deliver, what could be a better final video then this? I present my fire emblem three hopes tier list! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music:/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="1591" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="70706"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:ckI86NrcYZs/id> yt:videoId>ckI86NrcYZs/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Shez in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckI86NrcYZs"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-28T19:00:10+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-25T17:43:26+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Shez in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/ckI86NrcYZs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/ckI86NrcYZs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for shez in fire emblem three hopes? Shez is the main character of fire emblem, this build is also what started the whole series. However, back then I wasn't as knowledgeable as I am today when it comes skills and abilities. So its only right that Shez here gets a Remake just like the 3 lords. For those of you who are worried this is the last video, do not worry there is 1 more! Watch to find out. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="410" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="21996"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:GdQ3K3fuDgs/id> yt:videoId>GdQ3K3fuDgs/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Claude in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdQ3K3fuDgs"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-27T19:00:13+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T02:04:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Claude in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/GdQ3K3fuDgs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/GdQ3K3fuDgs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Claude in fire emblem three hopes? In todays remake were covering Claude! Out of the three lords I decided to save the best for last since in my opinion Claude has the potential to the best of the three of them. I will be staying faithful to the original build but I well be adding more information that was lacking in the first one as well as swapping out and changing things that I learned were either broken, or not as good as I originally thought. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="122" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="7089"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:FCApRBgLAVs/id> yt:videoId>FCApRBgLAVs/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Dimitri in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCApRBgLAVs"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-26T19:00:05+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T05:43:24+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Dimitri in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/FCApRBgLAVs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/FCApRBgLAVs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Dimitri in fire emblem three hopes? Remake edition. Welcome to build 2 of my mini remake series for fire emblem three hopes, last time we covered Edelgard and today we will do the same thing with Dimitri. I have a learned a lot about this game over the course of my many builds and as such when looking at what each lord has access too, Shez included, these videos really needed a remake. I present... Dimitri's Build Remake. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="138" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="8520"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:EVKyJW0L_Do/id> yt:videoId>EVKyJW0L_Do/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>Request: A Hee-Home: Part 1 - Soul Hacker 2/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVKyJW0L_Do"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-26T16:00:08+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T04:07:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Request: A Hee-Home: Part 1 - Soul Hacker 2/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/EVKyJW0L_Do?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/EVKyJW0L_Do/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>How do you complete the request, a Hee-Home Part 1 in soul hackers 2? This is just another request guide for those of you stuck on A Hee-Home part 1. I will cover where to pick up the request, how to complete it and some battle advice. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="6" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="267"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:jOofuF76GYw/id> yt:videoId>jOofuF76GYw/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>Request: Lady On The Mind - Soul Hackers 2/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOofuF76GYw"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-26T14:00:32+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-26T10:16:03+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Request: Lady On The Mind - Soul Hackers 2/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/jOofuF76GYw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/jOofuF76GYw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>How do you complete the request Lady on the mind in Soul hackers 2? This video is a very straight forward request for those that are having trouble with it. For the sake of making a video on every request though, it must be done! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="13" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="435"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:BXMg-WglheI/id> yt:videoId>BXMg-WglheI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>Request: Merch Search - Soul Hackers 2/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXMg-WglheI"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-26T12:00:12+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T00:12:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Request: Merch Search - Soul Hackers 2/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/BXMg-WglheI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/BXMg-WglheI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>How do you complete the request merch search in soul hackers 2? In this video I take you through the process of starting, and finishing the request by the name Merch Search. I also cover the battle. If your having issues completing this request your in the right place. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="11" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="571"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:ViCcB6htrL4/id> yt:videoId>ViCcB6htrL4/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Edelgard in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViCcB6htrL4"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-25T19:00:10+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T11:11:13+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Edelgard in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/ViCcB6htrL4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/ViCcB6htrL4/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Edelgard in fire emblem three hopes? Edelgard again? Welcome to my small spin off series where I remake the 3 lords and Shez 1 last time with my new found knowledge of abilities in fire emblem three hopes. I will be adding in everything that I missed the last time, while altering certain abilities that I now know aren't as good as some other ones. Let me present my Edelgard Build Remake! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="190" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="10257"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:QZwgCcyjRgw/id> yt:videoId>QZwgCcyjRgw/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Arval in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZwgCcyjRgw"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-24T19:00:19+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T19:01:58+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Arval in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/QZwgCcyjRgw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/QZwgCcyjRgw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Arval in fire emblem three hopes? Arval is the final character in the series and I think you'll like how I built them. A lot of these final few characters had a lot of potential but the question everyone's probably wondering is... is this The End? Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="141" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="6831"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:QVK69OlUZvw/id> yt:videoId>QVK69OlUZvw/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Rodrigue in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVK69OlUZvw"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-23T19:00:07+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T02:32:32+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Rodrigue in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/QVK69OlUZvw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/QVK69OlUZvw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Rodrigue in fire emblem three hopes? We have another timing character! Its really surprising how many variants of this ability we have gotten, its even more surprising that I ended up running into most of them at the end. Regardless, just like the others Rodrigue makes an amazing dancer! So allow me to present, Rodrigue the King of Dance! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="77" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="4212"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:sz-kyrXHM-M/id> yt:videoId>sz-kyrXHM-M/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Caspar in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz-kyrXHM-M"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-22T23:00:19+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T07:01:19+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Caspar in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/sz-kyrXHM-M?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/sz-kyrXHM-M/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Caspar in fire emblem three hopes? Caspar is a beast, with the ability to either be played as a mage or a war master. Honestly though, even though he can go either way, I can't see him as anything but a Gauntlet wielding class so War Master it is! I present to you Enraged Smasher Caspar! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="106" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="5570"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:W8-Xh_P6BKI/id> yt:videoId>W8-Xh_P6BKI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Catherine in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8-Xh_P6BKI"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-21T19:00:18+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T16:02:43+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Catherine in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/W8-Xh_P6BKI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/W8-Xh_P6BKI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Catherine in fire emblem three hopes? Catherine has a lot of un tapped potential, from her amazing unique to her great assortment of abilities! Not just that but Catherine here makes an amazing mixed attacker which I rarely build due to specialization being better. In this specific instance, Catherine actually excels as a Mixed attacker the most, so allow me to present... Multi Slash Catherine! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="110" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="5774"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:tbLaW8ltKdc/id> yt:videoId>tbLaW8ltKdc/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Rhea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbLaW8ltKdc"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-20T19:00:17+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-27T19:46:58+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Rhea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/tbLaW8ltKdc?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/tbLaW8ltKdc/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Rhea in fire emblem three hopes? Rhea being one of the end characters suggests she's a really strong unit. She definitely lives up to the name, her class action, ability assortment and unique Saint class all help her excel into what I like to call the Immaculate Saint. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="176" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="7431"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Hx1sM99evg8/id> yt:videoId>Hx1sM99evg8/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP Build for Dorothea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx1sM99evg8"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-19T19:00:12+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T21:55:29+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP Build for Dorothea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Hx1sM99evg8?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Hx1sM99evg8/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op build for Dorothea in fire emblem three hopes? Dorothea has been asked about quite a bit, and vast majority of you really want her to be a dancer. Not only does it fit her personality the best, but it also fits her unique quite well. Usually I would go against the grain, but I can't argue that this time around Dancer is indeed her best class. So, allow me to present Dorothea the Dancing Songstress! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="181" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="9463"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:kXIsYbUJn3g/id> yt:videoId>kXIsYbUJn3g/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/yt:channelId> title>What is the Most OP END GAME Build for Guardian Commander in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXIsYbUJn3g"/> author> name>Burner Reborn Gaming/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8hB1TxWFljZSr2pj2HEzA/uri> /author> published>2022-08-19T15:00:39+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-26T06:06:06+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>What is the Most OP END GAME Build for Guardian Commander in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/kXIsYbUJn3g?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/kXIsYbUJn3g/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>What is the most op end game build for guardian commander in xenoblade chronicles 3? The guardian commander serves as the parties main tank making Lanz the perfect character for this role. The guardian commander is unique in the sense that it uses the Awakening buff to do some pretty high damage for a tank. I hope you like todays build! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com//media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="29" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2345"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> /feed>

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Burner Reborn Gaming

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1:: Who are the BEST Characters in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.08.2022 · 19:00:06 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Who are the best characters in fire emblem three hopes? This is the final video of the series! However, it is the most important one. In todays video I am going to talk about every single character in the game and where I believe they should land on my very own TIER LIST. You've asked and its time I deliver, what could be a better final video then this? I present my fire emblem three hopes tier list! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music:

2:: What is the Most OP Build for Shez in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 28.08.2022 · 19:00:10 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for shez in fire emblem three hopes? Shez is the main character of fire emblem, this build is also what started the whole series. However, back then I wasn't as knowledgeable as I am today when it comes skills and abilities. So its only right that Shez here gets a Remake just like the 3 lords. For those of you who are worried this is the last video, do not worry there is 1 more! Watch to find out. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

3:: What is the Most OP Build for Claude in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 27.08.2022 · 19:00:13 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Claude in fire emblem three hopes? In todays remake were covering Claude! Out of the three lords I decided to save the best for last since in my opinion Claude has the potential to the best of the three of them. I will be staying faithful to the original build but I well be adding more information that was lacking in the first one as well as swapping out and changing things that I learned were either broken, or not as good as I originally thought. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

4:: What is the Most OP Build for Dimitri in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.08.2022 · 19:00:05 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Dimitri in fire emblem three hopes? Remake edition. Welcome to build 2 of my mini remake series for fire emblem three hopes, last time we covered Edelgard and today we will do the same thing with Dimitri. I have a learned a lot about this game over the course of my many builds and as such when looking at what each lord has access too, Shez included, these videos really needed a remake. I present... Dimitri's Build Remake. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

5:: Request: A Hee-Home: Part 1 - Soul Hacker 2

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.08.2022 · 16:00:08 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· How do you complete the request, a Hee-Home Part 1 in soul hackers 2? This is just another request guide for those of you stuck on A Hee-Home part 1. I will cover where to pick up the request, how to complete it and some battle advice. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

6:: Request: Lady On The Mind - Soul Hackers 2

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.08.2022 · 14:00:32 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· How do you complete the request Lady on the mind in Soul hackers 2? This video is a very straight forward request for those that are having trouble with it. For the sake of making a video on every request though, it must be done! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

7:: Request: Merch Search - Soul Hackers 2

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.08.2022 · 12:00:12 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· How do you complete the request merch search in soul hackers 2? In this video I take you through the process of starting, and finishing the request by the name Merch Search. I also cover the battle. If your having issues completing this request your in the right place. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

8:: What is the Most OP Build for Edelgard in Fire Emblem Three Hopes? REMAKE

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.08.2022 · 19:00:10 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Edelgard in fire emblem three hopes? Edelgard again? Welcome to my small spin off series where I remake the 3 lords and Shez 1 last time with my new found knowledge of abilities in fire emblem three hopes. I will be adding in everything that I missed the last time, while altering certain abilities that I now know aren't as good as some other ones. Let me present my Edelgard Build Remake! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

9:: What is the Most OP Build for Arval in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.08.2022 · 19:00:19 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Arval in fire emblem three hopes? Arval is the final character in the series and I think you'll like how I built them. A lot of these final few characters had a lot of potential but the question everyone's probably wondering is... is this The End? Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

10:: What is the Most OP Build for Rodrigue in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.08.2022 · 19:00:07 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Rodrigue in fire emblem three hopes? We have another timing character! Its really surprising how many variants of this ability we have gotten, its even more surprising that I ended up running into most of them at the end. Regardless, just like the others Rodrigue makes an amazing dancer! So allow me to present, Rodrigue the King of Dance! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

11:: What is the Most OP Build for Caspar in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.08.2022 · 23:00:19 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Caspar in fire emblem three hopes? Caspar is a beast, with the ability to either be played as a mage or a war master. Honestly though, even though he can go either way, I can't see him as anything but a Gauntlet wielding class so War Master it is! I present to you Enraged Smasher Caspar! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

12:: What is the Most OP Build for Catherine in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 21.08.2022 · 19:00:18 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Catherine in fire emblem three hopes? Catherine has a lot of un tapped potential, from her amazing unique to her great assortment of abilities! Not just that but Catherine here makes an amazing mixed attacker which I rarely build due to specialization being better. In this specific instance, Catherine actually excels as a Mixed attacker the most, so allow me to present... Multi Slash Catherine! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

13:: What is the Most OP Build for Rhea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 20.08.2022 · 19:00:17 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Rhea in fire emblem three hopes? Rhea being one of the end characters suggests she's a really strong unit. She definitely lives up to the name, her class action, ability assortment and unique Saint class all help her excel into what I like to call the Immaculate Saint. Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

14:: What is the Most OP Build for Dorothea in Fire Emblem Three Hopes?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.08.2022 · 19:00:12 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op build for Dorothea in fire emblem three hopes? Dorothea has been asked about quite a bit, and vast majority of you really want her to be a dancer. Not only does it fit her personality the best, but it also fits her unique quite well. Usually I would go against the grain, but I can't argue that this time around Dancer is indeed her best class. So, allow me to present Dorothea the Dancing Songstress! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

15:: What is the Most OP END GAME Build for Guardian Commander in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 19.08.2022 · 15:00:39 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· What is the most op end game build for guardian commander in xenoblade chronicles 3? The guardian commander serves as the parties main tank making Lanz the perfect character for this role. The guardian commander is unique in the sense that it uses the Awakening buff to do some pretty high damage for a tank. I hope you like todays build! Video Chapters 0:00 Main Channel: www.youtube.com/c/burnerrebornpokemon Music: https://www.bensound.com/

16:: What is the Most OP Early Game Build for Noah in Xenoblade Chronicles 3?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 31.07.2022 · 00:00:00 ··· ···
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