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**?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> feed xmlns:yt="http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> link rel="self" href="http://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw"/> id>yt:channel:lPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/id> yt:channelId>lPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Browsley/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2018-03-07T16:37:48+00:00/published> entry> id>yt:video:lnmaf8EiH_4/id> yt:videoId>lnmaf8EiH_4/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>THIS is the true Elden Lord/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnmaf8EiH_4"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-04-03T18:00:41+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-19T02:06:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>THIS is the true Elden Lord/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/lnmaf8EiH_4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/lnmaf8EiH_4/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Going a bit back to my roots with this memepost! Hope you guys enjoy! Was a ton of fun fixing it since the one I uploaded the other day was the wrong one lol.. Still I am looking forward to Shadow of the Erdtree! What about you guys? music: https://youtu.be/cCHuqvfLeKc?si=yuYmnT40hksTcmuD #eldenring #shadowoftheerdtree #eldenringgameplay/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="27" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="977"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Gs52_ou_q3g/id> yt:videoId>Gs52_ou_q3g/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Pawn chatter is hilarious/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs52_ou_q3g"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-03-30T21:09:00+00:00/published> updated>2024-06-29T10:50:40+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Pawn chatter is hilarious/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Gs52_ou_q3g?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/Gs52_ou_q3g/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Pawns will be pawns #dragonsdogma2 #meme #dd2/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="12" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="514"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:COoNqQf5kDY/id> yt:videoId>COoNqQf5kDY/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Dragon's Dogma 2 A couple hours in/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COoNqQf5kDY"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-03-26T13:53:47+00:00/published> updated>2024-06-25T10:23:11+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Dragon's Dogma 2 A couple hours in/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/COoNqQf5kDY?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/COoNqQf5kDY/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>WOW! Just wow. I can't stress how enamoured I am with this game. It just speaks to me in every single way possible. Somethjing I forgot or didnt bother to mention is the microtransactions. They are a shady thing to add to a fully priced single-player game but the way you can get every "dlc" or microtransaction item in-game without spending extra cash is at least something. I also love how the Seeker's Tokens have a real tangible reward for collecting. Which is nice. What are something you guys look forward to seeing in this game? #dragonsdogma2 #dd2 #dragonsdogma/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="17" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="260"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:XgvP9WY22fM/id> yt:videoId>XgvP9WY22fM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>So long Dragon's Dogma - Chill farewell playthrough stream/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgvP9WY22fM"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-03-21T21:56:54+00:00/published> updated>2024-06-24T13:01:24+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>So long Dragon's Dogma - Chill farewell playthrough stream/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/XgvP9WY22fM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/XgvP9WY22fM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Just want to chat and play through the game with Beach Jesus as my pawn one last time with you guys. A proper send-off to one of my favorite games of all time. Saw Infinite Cringe have a stream and I wanted to try something similar myself/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="14" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="155"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:GVM0NUOq0jY/id> yt:videoId>GVM0NUOq0jY/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Revisited/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVM0NUOq0jY"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-03-19T16:00:07+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-14T06:30:42+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Revisited/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/GVM0NUOq0jY?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/GVM0NUOq0jY/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>The Elder Scrolls Skyrim has always had and always will have a special place in my heart. In this playthrough I talk about my experience throughout the game and my characters thoughts as well. The story of Skyrim is flawed but good and I had a blast playing. As some of you might know , this video was teased almost a year ago. A lot has happened since the tease and I did play through the game and write the script shortly after the community post about whether or not I would make this. However I have only now the last couple of weeks been editing and voice recording so i guess thats why its so late to the party. I did get it done before Dragons Dogma 2 tho! Holy moly I am hyped. Also special thanks to @Infinite_Cringe for helping me out with this. Thanks again for your patience. I appreciate it. Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Prt7F1Brg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpJEg6MTPzc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIql1V7ZasM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HG6C5Fhm7Mg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF32DRg9opA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PblUOKoBrbI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVLWzgzEiOs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODgzOZZVJQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVaihGLNqo Links to wiki: https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Draugr?so=search https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Daedric_prince?so=search https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Malacath?so=search https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Azura https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Boethiah https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Mehrunes_Dagon https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Meridia https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Sacrament https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Brotherhood https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Shor https://skyrim.fandom.com/wiki/Tsun #skyrim #theelderscrolls #skyrimspecialedition/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="79" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2438"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Cilv4BfPdiU/id> yt:videoId>Cilv4BfPdiU/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Creating Beach Jesus in Dragon's Dogma 2 Demo/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cilv4BfPdiU"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2024-03-15T14:15:01+00:00/published> updated>2024-06-14T15:39:42+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Creating Beach Jesus in Dragon's Dogma 2 Demo/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Cilv4BfPdiU?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/Cilv4BfPdiU/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>I just wanted to update you guys a bit and give you some expectations for the coming weeks. Also really wanted to show you guys Beach Jesus in DD2. My god what a beauty. Here's to countless hours in DD2, guys! Really looking forward to experiencing this game with you! Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsmuiDRKbDk #dd2, #dragonsdogma2, #dragonsdogma, #miyazaki/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="15" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="206"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:IJJ_7DnNN1I/id> yt:videoId>IJJ_7DnNN1I/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Incoherent ramblings of a upjumped Dragon's Dogma 2 fan/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJJ_7DnNN1I"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2023-05-25T10:07:25+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T11:45:47+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Incoherent ramblings of a upjumped Dragon's Dogma 2 fan/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/IJJ_7DnNN1I?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/IJJ_7DnNN1I/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>It's happening. I am so happy ❤ It looks so good. Also furries!? #dragonsdogma2 #dragonsdogma #ddda/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="248" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="4518"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:3T64gh4i2kQ/id> yt:videoId>3T64gh4i2kQ/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Skyrim is perfectly balanced/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T64gh4i2kQ"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2023-03-04T08:25:04+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T11:37:30+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Skyrim is perfectly balanced/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/3T64gh4i2kQ?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/3T64gh4i2kQ/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Alduin should fear us. #shorts #memes #skyrimmeme #skyrim #longformcontent/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="17" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="355"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:uuZAqGYL2PI/id> yt:videoId>uuZAqGYL2PI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Dogma Ball Z/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuZAqGYL2PI"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2023-02-03T14:43:56+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-30T11:11:04+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Dogma Ball Z/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/uuZAqGYL2PI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/uuZAqGYL2PI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>This isn't even Beach Jesus's final form! I just mixed a couple of clips I had with the help of the dinput8 mod. #shorts #dragonsdogma #memes/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="42" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="690"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Y0yK3cPN0ys/id> yt:videoId>Y0yK3cPN0ys/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Dragon's Dogma Fashion and armor sets/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0yK3cPN0ys"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-12-02T17:00:19+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-20T01:49:39+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Dragon's Dogma Fashion and armor sets/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Y0yK3cPN0ys?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/Y0yK3cPN0ys/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>I am still in awe about the details and the love that has gone into the making of this awesome game. I can't believe it. And I can't wait 'till we get more information about Dragon's Dogma 2! Please comment whether or not a video about Skyrim in the style of the mentioned videos would be of interest! I am pretty motivated to delve back into the newest version of the game since last time I really played was back in 2012 I think on ps3 with 3-4 minute long load times between doors.. I have tried to get back into Skyrim several times after my initial playthrough but as mentioned in this video, I fall into the burnout wayy to quickly right after Helgen. Still it's many years since I tried this and now I'm motivated yet again! Thanks so much for watching! Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:37 Warrior of Chaos Link: https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Chaos_Armor_Set 01:17 Old King BJ https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Chimeric_Armor_Set?so=search 02:07 Warrior of Shadow & Assassin of Oblivion https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Oblivion_Armor_Set?so=search https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_Armor_Set?so=search 02:55 The Sinner & Hellspawn Warrior https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Sin_Armor_Set?so=search https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Hellfire_Armor_Set?so=search 03:31 Ancient Warrior of Twilight https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Twilight_Armor_Set?so=search 04:07 The Perfect Assassin https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Monomi_Armor_Set?so=search 04:49 Barbarian Warchief https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Barbarian_Armor_Sets?so=search 05:48 Ramblings 06:24 Getting close to finishing this now 06:36 Information about the future 08:03 Sincerely! THANK YOU! 08:12 Honorable mention The following links are to the wikis which will show where in Gransys or Bitterblack Isle you're able to aquire these awesome sets. #dragonsdogma #fashion #ddda/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="692" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="37292"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Vvj7aQ8DHrM/id> yt:videoId>Vvj7aQ8DHrM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>They're masterworks all you can't go wrong™/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvj7aQ8DHrM"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-10-14T13:00:31+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T22:03:51+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>They're masterworks all you can't go wrong™/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Vvj7aQ8DHrM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/Vvj7aQ8DHrM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>I have no idea how many times I've done this now. I am tired. Help me. Someone send help. Not only does this take an incredible amount of time but it is making me recreate dead memes from five years ago... #memes #dragonsdogma #farming/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="29" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="626"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:SZrwyfkhZss/id> yt:videoId>SZrwyfkhZss/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>A Dragon's Dogma Anime Intro/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZrwyfkhZss"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-10-07T15:00:16+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T21:01:27+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>A Dragon's Dogma Anime Intro/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/SZrwyfkhZss?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/SZrwyfkhZss/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Title. Had a lot of fun playing through on a fresh save! Thank you for your patience. Music: 1. [ Royalty FREE Japanese Anime_Game Song #047 ] Rainy day [ Mikado Miyabi ] 2. Sneaky Snitch (Kevin MacLeod) - Gaming Background Music (HD) Also I cant for the life of me understand why Aelinore became my beloved. My best efforts to court Fournival was to no avail! I sure hope Aleinore won't make a return in Dragons Dogma 2. That loli-princess makes me uneasy. Especially by how fast she attaches herself to others she's met only a couple of times. #dragonsdogma #ddda #browsley/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="131" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1284"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Szfy7bEjG34/id> yt:videoId>Szfy7bEjG34/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>Hva made Elden Ring so great?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szfy7bEjG34"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-09-02T15:00:13+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T06:29:37+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Hva made Elden Ring so great?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Szfy7bEjG34?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/Szfy7bEjG34/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Elden ring has occupied my mind these past months after it's release in february. And now that I've completed the game several times I've seen countless videos and takes about the game and I have some thoughs about it myself. Therefore I felt the need to ramble a bit to sort it out and get my thoughts out there. As stated in the intro; this is by no means a review or critique or anything like that. It's simply my thoughts as I went through the game and what I felt at the time. Unfortunately I felt it became too big and the final stretch was way more of a slog to finish than any previous games I've played recently. Still It's an amazing and beautiful game which desereves the love it's been shovered with these last couple of months. Let me know in the comments what you though of the game! Timestamps: Preface: 00:00 First Impressions: 01:44 The Story: 04:19 My Journey: 05:26 Mechanics: 33:24 Sidequests: 38:35 Dungeons: 40:12 Final Ramblings: 41:27 Background music is the Firelink Shrine music from Dark Souls. #eldenring #narration #browsley/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="152" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="4086"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:QBsqQVFj6UM/id> yt:videoId>QBsqQVFj6UM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>THE Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Retrospective - The Long Cut/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBsqQVFj6UM"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-07-08T15:00:15+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-17T14:42:58+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>THE Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Retrospective - The Long Cut/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/QBsqQVFj6UM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/QBsqQVFj6UM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>To celebrate the reveal of Dragon's Dogma 2 being in development I felt the need to go back and revisit this Dragon's Dogma long form analysis/ retrospective/ gameplay/ talkthrough/ impressions/ commentary thing. And it definitely helped that the majority of you guys wanted to have one superlong vid compiling all three. I have made a few minor changes as well as combining it with the bitterblack and Ur-dragon videos for a complete experience. I have also made a few changes to the sound, volume, denoised a few parts as well as completely re-recorded some parts. If you watch the individual parts and then the SUPER-cut, you’ll notice the differences. I know this is not quite a retrospective in the traditional sense, but I wanted to do something different. And after getting Private Sessions’ blessing to do this after seeing his Skyrim retrospective it kinda just snowballed into this mess. I have however been super lucky with friends that have helped me out during this project. My best man has watched through all my recent vids several times to help me pick out and fix minor things and giving me ideas etc. Spoogie Derpington has also been super helpful during this time. So a huge shoutout to him as well. Thank you for being my therapist when I’ve needed to vent lol. Also I know I’ve glossed over a lot of stuff in this vid. I just covered what I felt was most interesting and entertaining. I feel I should clarify why Quina has been captured by Grigori. The game has an “affinity” stat that governs how much npc’s like you. Giving Quina the Blessed flower raised her affinity to max and thus she is our “beloved” as Grigori calls it. Also how AWESOME isn’t it that we finally have a Dragon’s Dogma 2 reveal? I cant wait and I am positive Itsuno and the original team will deliver something for us all to enjoy! Also hope you guys like my new avatar and thumbnails. I wanted to do something different. Check out Spoogie Derpington!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCel243nniGADkkR1eNoWH6A Check out Nihil0.0!: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nihil00 Check out The Rift!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIi6HLKNttdF9QeRP6Lo9uw Interesting wiki links: https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Bitterblack_Isle https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Bitterblack_Isle#Midnight_Helix https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Shrine_of_Futile_Truths https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Gazer https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Death https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Ashe https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Olra https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Ur-Dragon The one who showed me the throwblast trick: https://youtu.be/c58B_hP7l0o The one who had Olra as beloved: https://youtu.be/ipm8pSgXYJk The description became too long when listing all songs used, so I've linked below to the two retrospectives and their descriptions for the respective songs. Music used in the “base retrospective”: https://studio.youtube.com/video/NShD-PstDVE/edit Dragon's Dogma Cassardis Village theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCZDx0dlDws Music used in bitterblack-part in order: https://studio.youtube.com/video/keEvMwzOH00/edit #dragonsdogma #retrospective #ddda dragons dogma dark arisen long form analysis, gameplay, talkthrough, impressions, commentary/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="914" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="86906"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:iDV_ikWb6ec/id> yt:videoId>iDV_ikWb6ec/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/yt:channelId> title>All Vocations VS The Ur Dragon in Dragon's Dogma/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDV_ikWb6ec"/> author> name>Browsley/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClPHAnjQvOJ6YFVfbt4NPCw/uri> /author> published>2022-06-24T16:00:33+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-25T10:42:59+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>All Vocations VS The Ur Dragon in Dragon's Dogma/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/iDV_ikWb6ec?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/iDV_ikWb6ec/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>The mythical Ur-Dragon finally has it's long awaited fight with.. eight different Chad Rooks? It seems as though time is convoluted and every universe gets a tate of the mighty Chad! Chad Rook and Beach Jesus are also extremely excited for the release of Dragon's Dogma 2. Their adventure will continue in the sequel. The build for Chad Rook is (If I remembder correctly) 1-10 Mage, 10-70 or so Assassin, 70-115 Mystic Knight, 115-200 Socerer. That's at least the gist of the level spread I think. I'm old. My memory is glitchy. Ur-Dragon Tactics: https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Ur-Dragon Song used: Conan Exiles Original Soundtrack from the Limited Collector's Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-xLl3CJTCY&t=1174s Dragon's dogma ur dragon fights, showcase all vocations, tactics. Augments. #urdragontactics, #dragonsdogma,#dragosdogma2, #hype,/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="188" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="7496"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> /feed>

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05.10.2024 14:33
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1:: THIS is the true Elden Lord

03.04.2024 · 20:00:41 ··· MiTTwoch ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

2:: Pawn chatter is hilarious

30.03.2024 · 23:09:00 ··· Samstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

3:: Dragon's Dogma 2 A couple hours in

26.03.2024 · 15:53:47 ··· Dienstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

4:: So long Dragon's Dogma - Chill farewell playthrough stream

21.03.2024 · 23:56:54 ··· Donnerstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

5:: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Revisited

19.03.2024 · 18:00:07 ··· Dienstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

6:: Creating Beach Jesus in Dragon's Dogma 2 Demo

15.03.2024 · 16:15:01 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

7:: Incoherent ramblings of a upjumped Dragons Dogma 2 fan

25.05.2023 · 12:07:25 ··· Donnerstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

8:: Skyrim is perfectly balanced

04.03.2023 · 10:25:04 ··· Samstag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

9:: Dogma Ball Z

03.02.2023 · 16:43:56 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

10:: Dogma Fashion and armor sets

02.12.2022 · 19:00:19 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

11:: When exploiting an exploit goes wrong™

14.10.2022 · 15:00:31 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

12:: If the Dragon's Dogma anime were any good

07.10.2022 · 17:00:16 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

13:: Basically Wild Strikes - Elden Ring

16.09.2022 · 17:00:20 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

14:: I Wanna Talk About Elden Ring

02.09.2022 · 17:00:13 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

15:: THE Dragons Dogma Retrospective - The Long Cut

08.07.2022 · 17:00:15 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···

16:: All Vocations VS The Ur Dragon in Dragon's Dogma

24.06.2022 · 18:00:33 ··· Freitag ··· 05.07.2024 · 02:20:13 ···


17.06.2022 · 10:10:52 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···
