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#~~~~# http://chegu.de/Ausgabe.php?URL=https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ


**?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> feed xmlns:yt="http://www.youtube.com/xml/schemas/2015" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> link rel="self" href="http://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ"/> id>yt:channel:P6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/id> yt:channelId>P6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Khaleel Ray/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2019-02-21T17:41:26+00:00/published> entry> id>yt:video:o-qJV7jA5fU/id> yt:videoId>o-qJV7jA5fU/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>WATCH NOW 😭😂😂💀2024 CAME EARLY!!! 24 HOUR LIVE‼️/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-qJV7jA5fU"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-12-29T16:22:52+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-26T02:38:16+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>WATCH NOW 😭😂😂💀2024 CAME EARLY!!! 24 HOUR LIVE‼️/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/o-qJV7jA5fU?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/o-qJV7jA5fU/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>KHALEEL RAY LIVESTREAM #1/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="2" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="97"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:DriMD4HfJ8I/id> yt:videoId>DriMD4HfJ8I/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Khaleel Ray Live Stream/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DriMD4HfJ8I"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-12-29T01:18:57+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T07:49:10+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Khaleel Ray Live Stream/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/DriMD4HfJ8I?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/DriMD4HfJ8I/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="0" average="0.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="0"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:B6V1KcH3L7g/id> yt:videoId>B6V1KcH3L7g/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>I Invited 100 Strangers To My Birthday/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6V1KcH3L7g"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-11-18T00:31:26+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T07:23:55+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>I Invited 100 Strangers To My Birthday/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/B6V1KcH3L7g?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/B6V1KcH3L7g/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Make sure you Subscribe to not miss any uploads on this Channel 🔴 Follow Khaleel Ray Here Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay Instagram https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KhaleelRayy Join the Populr Community Discord: https://discord.gg/8bPn8kXe For Biz email me here! Khaleelrayy@gmail.com/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="36" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="380"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:rRgP3wYY3mI/id> yt:videoId>rRgP3wYY3mI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Can you Guess one Female Athlete?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRgP3wYY3mI"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-11-07T03:13:18+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-26T08:23:06+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Can you Guess one Female Athlete?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/rRgP3wYY3mI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/rRgP3wYY3mI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Can you name one female athlete? #shorts #comedy #publicinterview/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="73" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="4312"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:vyDbDIpupgw/id> yt:videoId>vyDbDIpupgw/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Her Favorite Athlete is Michael B. Jordan/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyDbDIpupgw"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-11-07T03:02:07+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-27T12:45:31+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Her Favorite Athlete is Michael B. Jordan/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/vyDbDIpupgw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/vyDbDIpupgw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Micael B. Jordan is prue Comedy Sub to my Youtube./media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="83" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="5369"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Bj3eQO-XBog/id> yt:videoId>Bj3eQO-XBog/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Confronting The Kids Who Stole My Candy/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj3eQO-XBog"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-11-05T23:00:06+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T03:52:18+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Confronting The Kids Who Stole My Candy/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Bj3eQO-XBog?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/Bj3eQO-XBog/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>This was a funny Clip from my recent Video. I will be uploading more vids here! I'm uploading every week Youtube needs the first Khaleel Ray Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="8" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="170"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:L7S15EFgvrI/id> yt:videoId>L7S15EFgvrI/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Trick or Treating In Billionaire Neighborhoods/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7S15EFgvrI"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-11-04T22:46:30+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-29T14:03:27+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Trick or Treating In Billionaire Neighborhoods/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/L7S15EFgvrI?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/L7S15EFgvrI/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! I'm uploading every week Youtube needs the first Khaleel Ray Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="19" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="683"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:0m5SomQcc6o/id> yt:videoId>0m5SomQcc6o/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Girls Decide If I'm a RED FLAG/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m5SomQcc6o"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-09-28T00:36:29+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-27T10:26:32+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Girls Decide If I'm a RED FLAG/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/0m5SomQcc6o?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/0m5SomQcc6o/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>I Got 8 Girls to Rank Myself and my friends Off their Red Flags Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com #redflags #comedy #dating #vs The boys @XanHarris @xavierisland2383 @ReeseDoman @itsdalexis/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="30" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="778"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:3Oo5MOFHLAs/id> yt:videoId>3Oo5MOFHLAs/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Match the Lie to the Person/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oo5MOFHLAs"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-09-12T00:26:56+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T05:54:11+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Match the Lie to the Person/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/3Oo5MOFHLAs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/3Oo5MOFHLAs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Match the lie to the Person! Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelray@gmail.com/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="17" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="232"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:SlZ8UN0th7I/id> yt:videoId>SlZ8UN0th7I/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>How I Beat Ryan Trahan’s Penny Challenge/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlZ8UN0th7I"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-07-25T21:34:50+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T05:36:01+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>How I Beat Ryan Trahan’s Penny Challenge/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/SlZ8UN0th7I?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/SlZ8UN0th7I/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>I Challenged myself to Beat the Infamous Penny Sereis by Ryan Trahan. Here's what happened! Subscribe and support the Channel! help me hit 100k I wanted to see suits make you more attractive Follow me here INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="62" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1039"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:F17vyYVmTjs/id> yt:videoId>F17vyYVmTjs/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>I Tested If Suits Make You more Attractive?/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F17vyYVmTjs"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-07-04T00:30:47+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-28T17:09:05+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>I Tested If Suits Make You more Attractive?/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/F17vyYVmTjs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/F17vyYVmTjs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe and support the Channel! help me hit 100k I wanted to see suits make you more attractive Follow me here INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com (Inspiration for video - body language joe navarro)/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="46" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="678"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:eomerRrRJtM/id> yt:videoId>eomerRrRJtM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>I got free stuff by being Verified!/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eomerRrRJtM"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-06-20T01:51:12+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-25T12:32:55+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>I got free stuff by being Verified!/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/eomerRrRJtM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/eomerRrRJtM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe and support the Channel! I wanted to see if the blue check made me more important here are my results. INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com (Inspiration for video - BLUE CHECK ) (Thumbnail Idea - Ryan Trahan - penny speedrun)/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="24" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="268"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:wMmwx1P9_u0/id> yt:videoId>wMmwx1P9_u0/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>We Overcame The Fear of Rejection!/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMmwx1P9_u0"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-05-25T20:24:34+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-22T07:50:08+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>We Overcame The Fear of Rejection!/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/wMmwx1P9_u0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/wMmwx1P9_u0/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe and support the Channel! In todays video we play the infamous point and shoot game. Point and shoot is a confidence boosting game you can play with your friends. If your not confident talking to girls go try this with your friends! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: (Point and Shoot) https://www.tiktok.com/@khaleelray/video/7230584541621079338 (Inspiration for video - Point and Shoot Game) (Thumbnail Idea - jc rodriguez and Lls)/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="47" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="905"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Uq6q6tqvFcA/id> yt:videoId>Uq6q6tqvFcA/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>Blind Dating 5 guys based on their Voice!/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uq6q6tqvFcA"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-04-07T16:20:44+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-23T22:15:27+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Blind Dating 5 guys based on their Voice!/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Uq6q6tqvFcA?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/Uq6q6tqvFcA/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe and support the Channel! Like the video PLEASE! In todays video i put my friends to the test by making them go on blind dates based off their voice! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: Chase - https://www.instagram.com/cd_walsh_/ for editing the video (Inspiration for video - jubilee and David alvereezy) (Thumbnail Idea - All the dating channels)/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="36" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="889"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:uG564tSp_9g/id> yt:videoId>uG564tSp_9g/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/yt:channelId> title>10 VS 10 Tinder: IRL/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG564tSp_9g"/> author> name>Khaleel Ray/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP6Tt5lXBKyHuIkv4lHLSsQ/uri> /author> published>2023-03-08T00:04:02+00:00/published> updated>2024-05-27T21:40:34+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>10 VS 10 Tinder: IRL/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/uG564tSp_9g?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/uG564tSp_9g/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Subscribe and support the Channel! Like the video PLEASE! In this video i put all my single friends on dates using tinder! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: Chase - https://www.instagram.com/cd_walsh_/ (Thumbnail Idea - Airrack dating video)/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="43" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1309"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> /feed>

++++ UPdate DAvidKanal SET tsc=1727938564 WHERE Cid="14239"
03.10.2024 08:56
01.01.1970 01:00
01.01.1970 01:00

Khaleel Ray

01.07.2024 21:34:46
01.01.1970 01:00:00
23.04.2023 19:18:55 5 47
03.10.2024 08:56:04
02.07.2024 18:42:43
23.04.2023 19:18:55 5 47

1:: WATCH NOW 😭😂😂💀2024 CAME EARLY!!! 24 HOUR LIVE‼️

01.01.1970 01:00:00 29.12.2023 16:22:52

2:: Khaleel Ray Live Stream

01.01.1970 01:00:00 29.12.2023 01:18:57

3:: I Invited 100 Strangers To My Birthday

01.01.1970 01:00:00 18.11.2023 00:31:26
Make sure you Subscribe to not miss any uploads on this Channel 🔴 Follow Khaleel Ray Here Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay Instagram https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KhaleelRayy Join the Populr Community Discord: https://discord.gg/8bPn8kXe For Biz email me here! Khaleelrayy@gmail.com

4:: Can you Guess one Female Athlete?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 07.11.2023 03:13:18
Can you name one female athlete? #shorts #comedy #publicinterview

5:: Her Favorite Athlete is Michael B. Jordan

01.01.1970 01:00:00 07.11.2023 03:02:07
Micael B. Jordan is prue Comedy Sub to my Youtube.

6:: Confronting The Kids Who Stole My Candy

01.01.1970 01:00:00 05.11.2023 23:00:06
This was a funny Clip from my recent Video. I will be uploading more vids here! I'm uploading every week Youtube needs the first Khaleel Ray Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com

7:: Trick or Treating In Billionaire Neighborhoods

01.01.1970 01:00:00 04.11.2023 22:46:30
Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! I'm uploading every week Youtube needs the first Khaleel Ray Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com

8:: Girls Decide If I'm a RED FLAG

01.01.1970 01:00:00 28.09.2023 00:36:29
I Got 8 Girls to Rank Myself and my friends Off their Red Flags Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelrayy@gmail.com #redflags #comedy #dating #vs The boys @XanHarris @xavierisland2383 @ReeseDoman @itsdalexis

9:: Match the Lie to the Person

01.01.1970 01:00:00 12.09.2023 00:26:56
Match the lie to the Person! Subscribe to the channel to help me Hit 1 Million subs! Follow Khaleel Ray Here 🎥 https://www.youtube.com/@KhaleelRay 📸 https://www.instagram.com/khaleelray/ Biz Khaleelray@gmail.com

10:: How I Beat Ryan Trahan’s Penny Challenge

01.01.1970 01:00:00 25.07.2023 21:34:50
I Challenged myself to Beat the Infamous Penny Sereis by Ryan Trahan. Here's what happened! Subscribe and support the Channel! help me hit 100k I wanted to see suits make you more attractive Follow me here INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com

11:: I Tested If Suits Make You more Attractive?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 04.07.2023 00:30:47
Subscribe and support the Channel! help me hit 100k I wanted to see suits make you more attractive Follow me here INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com (Inspiration for video - body language joe navarro)

12:: Fake Celebrity Prank on Strangers

01.01.1970 01:00:00 21.06.2023 13:49:03
Fake weeknd prank on the public

13:: I got free stuff by being Verified!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 20.06.2023 01:51:12
Subscribe and support the Channel! I wanted to see if the blue check made me more important here are my results. INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com (Inspiration for video - BLUE CHECK ) (Thumbnail Idea - Ryan Trahan - penny speedrun)

14:: We Overcame The Fear of Rejection!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 25.05.2023 20:24:34
Subscribe and support the Channel! In todays video we play the infamous point and shoot game. Point and shoot is a confidence boosting game you can play with your friends. If your not confident talking to girls go try this with your friends! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: (Point and Shoot) https://www.tiktok.com/@khaleelray/video/7230584541621079338 (Inspiration for video - Point and Shoot Game) (Thumbnail Idea - jc rodriguez and Lls)

15:: Can you Guess that Word?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 03.05.2023 23:38:59
Urban Dictionary Hacks! #comedy #shortsfeed #shorts

16:: Playing Point and shoot at FIU

01.01.1970 01:00:00 19.04.2023 21:15:00
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

17:: Pranking Girls at the Beach

01.01.1970 01:00:00 18.04.2023 17:30:08
This is point and shoot a confidence boosting game you can play with you friends #pointandshoot

18:: Can I get a Fry?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 17.04.2023 19:33:23
I'm verified on Instagram so i wanted to see all the power a blue check holds #shorts #bluecheckchallenge

19:: Does Every girl really have a Boyfriend?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 17.04.2023 18:15:04
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

20:: Does Every Girl Have a Boyfriend at UCLA

01.01.1970 01:00:00 16.04.2023 17:00:22
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

21:: Trolling Girls at UCLA campus

01.01.1970 01:00:00 15.04.2023 15:15:00
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

22:: She Did Not Expect THAT

01.01.1970 01:00:00 14.04.2023 17:45:00
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

23:: When the Prank Goes Wrong!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 13.04.2023 15:45:00
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

24:: Using Ai Art to Get Her Number?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 12.04.2023 15:30:07
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

25:: Would you Play this Game With your Friends?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 11.04.2023 16:15:01
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

26:: She Thought that he was Crazy

01.01.1970 01:00:00 10.04.2023 16:00:09
This is a confidence boosting game called point and shoot... You can play it with your friends anywhere! On the go in school. Go boost your confidence #pointandshoot #confidence #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shorts

27:: Rejection Is OK!!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 09.04.2023 15:45:00

28:: Funny Pick-up Lines at UCF

01.01.1970 01:00:00 08.04.2023 15:45:03

29:: Blind Dating 5 guys based on their Voice!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 07.04.2023 16:20:44
Subscribe and support the Channel! Like the video PLEASE! In todays video i put my friends to the test by making them go on blind dates based off their voice! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: Chase - https://www.instagram.com/cd_walsh_/ for editing the video (Inspiration for video - jubilee and David alvereezy) (Thumbnail Idea - All the dating channels)

30:: Try this is you SUCK at Talking to Girls

01.01.1970 01:00:00 07.04.2023 15:15:03

31:: Pranking Girls at UCLA

01.01.1970 01:00:00 06.04.2023 19:45:00

32:: She Instantly Rejected me

01.01.1970 01:00:00 06.04.2023 15:45:01

33:: Surviving Tinder: IRL

01.01.1970 01:00:00 08.03.2023 00:04:02
Subscribe and support the Channel! Like the video PLEASE! In this video i put all my single friends on dates using tinder! INSTAGRAM ▶️ https://www.instagram.com/Khaleelray/ TWITTER ▶️ https://twitter.com/Khaleelrayy BUSINESS ▶️ Khaleelrayy@gmail.com Special thanks to: Chase - https://www.instagram.com/cd_walsh_/ (Thumbnail Idea - Airrack dating video)

34:: Point and Shoot at UCLA!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 06.02.2023 23:59:29

35:: I asked Overtime Megan on a Date!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 06.02.2023 21:22:08

36:: Rate my Rizz 0-10

01.01.1970 01:00:00 28.01.2023 19:25:18

37:: Confidence Boosting Activities

01.01.1970 01:00:00 19.01.2023 08:00:32

38:: Strongest way to Approach a Girl

01.01.1970 01:00:00 18.01.2023 20:00:29

39:: Can you get a girls number while Injured?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 17.01.2023 18:45:00

40:: Who had the better RIZZ?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 16.01.2023 16:45:01

41:: I Can't Believe She didn't get his Number

01.01.1970 01:00:00 15.01.2023 18:52:40

42:: Who has More Rizz?

01.01.1970 01:00:00 03.01.2023 01:58:14

43:: Speed Dating with My Friends!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 30.12.2022 19:00:16

44:: 10 vs 10 Tinder: IRL

01.01.1970 01:00:00 24.12.2022 00:38:52

45:: I Hosted a Tinder Event and things got Wild!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 21.12.2022 17:09:55

46:: Playing Point and Shoot a Confidence Boosting Game You can play with your Friends!

01.01.1970 01:00:00 03.12.2022 21:39:19

47:: I Got My Cursh to Give Me Her Number

01.01.1970 01:00:00 03.12.2022 03:52:14