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Easy Money

17.07.2024 · 08:16:45 ···
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01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
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1:: What are crypto currencies and what to do with them?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.12.2022 · 03:35:59 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Crypto currencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are created as a result of creating a cryptographic hash of a previous block, which is used to validate new transactions. This process, called mining, is rewarded with cryptocurrency for verifying and recording these transactions. What are the Different Cryptocurrencies. There are several different cryptocurrencies available on the market today. Some of these include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, and Monero. Each cryptocurrency has its own unique features and advantages that make it an ideal choice for those looking to invest in this digital currency. For example, Bitcoin is known for its fast transaction times and its low price volatility. Ethereum offers developers more flexibility when it comes to using smart contracts – meaning it can be used in many different applications than other cryptocurrencies. Litecoin is more privacy-protective than other cryptocurrencies due to its uses of Scrypt hashing algorithm. Ripple has significant potential as a payment platform because it can handle large volumes of payments quickly and efficiently. Finally, Monero offers users anonymity when making online transactions – something that may be important for certain users or groups of people who want to remain anonymous while traveling). How does Blockchain Work? Blockchain technology helps create a secure record of all crypto-currency transactions by keeping track of every node's copy of the blockchain ledger (a public ledger where everyone can see). This allows for security checks on each transaction before it's executed – ensuring that not one person or institution owns or controls any money or assets in the system! The blockchain also provides a way for people to trade crypto-currency without having to trust another entity (like a bank) with their money! Transactions are verified through miners who solve complex puzzles using cryptography) - thus creating an immutable record of what happened between two parties involved in a transaction! What is mining?

2:: Food prices in London increase by more than 100%. Food price inflation in the UK and worldwide

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.11.2022 · 12:12:35 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Analytical magazine Which? conducted a study and found out how the prices of more than 70 different brands of goods in UK supermarkets have changed from autumn 2020 to autumn 2022. It turned out that during this period the cost of the most popular products doubled, while the entire range rose by an average of 15%, writes The Telegraph. A big jump in price occurred, for example, for Dolmio products: sauces for pasta and lasagna went up by 107%. The cost of a pack of Twinings of London Everyday tea rose 64%, Heinz tomato ketchup 53% and Anchor Spreadable Butter butter 45%. The rise in prices extended to cheaper products such as noodles and butter. Prices have gone up at all supermarkets, but the risk of overpaying is higher for shoppers who live in areas with a limited choice of stores, where budget products are often not available, Which? said. The authors of the study added that promotions should now contain up-to-date information that allows comparison of prices in different supermarkets - this will alleviate the plight of those who are hardest hit by the cost-of-living crisis.

3:: London is no longer the financial centre of Europe. The bankers fled to Paris for a better life.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.11.2022 · 11:53:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· London for the first time since 2003 gave way to the largest European stock market to the French capital, writes The Independent. In many ways, this was influenced by investors' fears about the economic situation in Britain, the fall of the pound against the dollar and the consequences of Brexit. According to Bloomberg, the total value of shares traded on the Paris stock exchange on November 14 was $2.823 trillion, and on the London stock exchange - $2.821 trillion. One of the reasons for the narrowing of the gap between the two exchanges was the lifting of covid restrictions by China - now investors are predicting an increase in demand for French luxury goods among Chinese buyers. Earlier, the FTSE 250 index, which includes data on shares of small and medium British companies, fell by 17%. By the fourth week of Liz Truss' premiership, the stock markets had collectively lost about $500 billion. Truss' successor Rishi Sunak is now trying to revive Britain's economy with tax hikes and spending cuts, but experts fear this will exacerbate an already severe cost-of-living crisis.

4:: London rents rising to astronomical levels. Tenants unable to pay decide to go on strike.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 17.11.2022 · 11:42:36 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The London Renters Union announced a protest in the capital on 3 December. The organization said it had been approached in recent months by a huge number of tenants who were facing eviction for non-payment of rent, and called on the government to temporarily freeze the cost of rented housing. In October, the average rent in London set a new record at over £2,100 a month. That's about 62% of the average household's income, the Hamptons said, and many families are behind on payments. As a result, landlords threaten tenants with eviction and go to court. The number of lawsuits against people who don't pay their rent on time has reached its highest level ever, with 6,533 lawsuits filed by homeowners from July to September, according to the latest official figures from the Justice Department. During the same period, landlords evicted more than 3,700 tenants, up 10% from the previous quarter. Representatives of the organization Generation Rent, which fights against illegal evictions, asked the Secretary of the Treasury, Jeremy Hunt, to increase the housing allowance (local housing allowance) in line with market prices and to amend Section 21 of the Housing Act of 1988, according to which the landlord has the right to demand tenant to leave the property within two months without giving reasons. The government has already promised to remove this condition, but so far has not done so.

5:: British Pound strengthens on the news of Liz Truss resignation. FTSE 100 improves marginally.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2022 · 23:17:51 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her resignation. The statement came after her meeting with Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee, which represents the Conservative party's parliamentary faction. According to the BBC, Brady told the prime minister that she could no longer count on the support of a majority Tory MP. And after Lisa repeatedly stated that she was not going to leave, she still had to leave. She, as they say, left her own party colleagues. And it was both funny, and bitter, and painful. But the pain will be felt by British citizens for a very long time to come. In her very short period of just over forty days, Lisa managed to depreciate the national currency, the pound sterling, collapse the securities market, raise mortgage rates for everyone, increase inflation, disgrace the country as a reliable center for investment and business, change the Minister of Finance once again, and bring the country to a complete crisis, political and economic. Of the less toxic achievements of an outgoing prime minister, Liz Truss broke the record for the shortest tenure as prime minister of the country, which lasted 195 years: in 1827, Prime Minister George Canning died 119 days after taking office. Liz Truss took up her duties on September 5 this year. Its main problem was attempts to implement reforms in the field of taxation, which provoked a sharp drop in the stock market, the national currency and confidence in the government. In an attempt to solve the lingering problem, Truss fired Treasury Secretary Quasi Kwarteng and appointed Jeremy Hunt, a vocal opponent of reform, to replace him. Many members of the party openly opposed the prime minister, and her position became almost hopeless after the resignation of the Minister of the Interior, Suella Braverman. The official reason for the resignation was a violation of security rules (the politician sent official documentation from her personal mailbox), but in her letter, Braverman noted that the government of Liz Truss violated election promises. After British Prime Minister Liz Truss announced her resignation, the pound sterling slightly strengthened its position. The leading index of the British Stock Exchange FTSE 100 rose by 0.1%, while the yield on 30-year government bonds fell to 3.94%. Despite the fact that Truss leaves the country without a leader during a serious economic crisis, financial markets, according to experts, still felt relieved. However, they are still in a state of uncertainty and are not likely to stabilize until trust in the government is restored. For the moment, firms are delaying investments because of the chaos within the party and are waiting for a credible budget plan, at least in the short term.

6:: Britain's National Grid has warned of blackouts this winter. Blackouts can occur in the winter amid

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 08.10.2022 · 00:13:08 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Britain's National Grid has warned of blackouts this winter. Blackouts can occur in the winter amid the energy crisis. The best-case scenario assumes that electricity will be produced about 3.7 gigawatts more than the country needs, in which case neither households nor businesses will suffer from a possible shortage of gas. However, there are two alternative options - they could lead to an even greater reduction in gas supplies from Russia and interruptions in the operation of generators in other countries. Under one of these scenarios, electricity imports from France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be stopped for the entire winter. In this case, the authorities will bring into operation five coal-fired power plants that can generate up to 2 gigawatts of electricity, and launch the so-called demand flexibility service, which National Grid was testing back in the summer. The meaning of this service is that consumers install smart meters and do not use electricity during peak hours, for example, from 16:30 to 18:30, and the company pays them for this. In the pilot project, participants saved approximately 23p for every two hours. The company hopes that if there are enough participants, such a measure will help generate an additional 2 gigawatts, which will be enough to supply electricity to about 600,000 homes. The most pessimistic scenario is possible in the event of a severe cooling and a complete cessation of gas supply from Russia: Britain will lose about 10 gigawatts of energy generated by gas-fired power plants. In this scenario, you will have to temporarily turn off the electricity for three hours to reduce overall consumption by 5%. Consumers will be warned of the outage a day in advance. The power grid says that for now this scenario is unlikely and the contingency plan has not yet been approved by the king.

7:: Credit Suisse, one of the largest international investment banks is in deep trouble and the scale

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 08.10.2022 · 00:07:34 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Credit Suisse, one of the largest international investment banks is in deep trouble and the scale of problems continues to grow. The price of Credit Suisse shares continues to drop reaching 59% decline since the start of the year. The overall decline now reaching 91% from its peak in 2007. During the last three quarters Credit Suisse reportedly lost $4 billion. Given that this is Switzerland’s second largest bank, this raises concerns over financial and economic stability of Swiss economy and financial system. Bank’s CEO tried to reassure its bankers with various memos highlighting that there is a pool of $100 billion to pay for losses and $200 billion of assets that could be sold to cover extended losses that bank continues to experience. The markets responded negatively to this information and shares dropped about 10%. Many analysts are now comparing Credit Suisse to another similar situation with Lehman Brothers. If Credit Suisse collapsed, would this really be a catastrophic event? Such discussions and comparisons raise serious concerns of impact on local and global markets from such an event. We could argue that Federal Reserve now has experience in dealing with these kinds of events and bailouts, but there is no guarantee that a bailout will be available for a foreign bank of such magnitude. Credit Suisse is based in Zurich and is a household name in Switzerland. Credit Suisse has already seen serious trouble in the last 18 months after collapse of Archegos Capital generating losses for the bank estimated at $5.5 billion. Traders around the world started making bets against Credit Suisse in fear that slowing global economy will result in further losses for Credit Suisse. Both share price and confidence in the bank’s ability to sustain such heavy losses continues to drive the situation from bad to worse. Will Swiss government and regulators be able to bail out such oversized banking institution? Banking analyst Johann Scholtz doesn’t think Credit Suisse is at risk of collapsing. But this optimism is not shared by many investors and market participants. Wholesale funders are demanding a greater capital buffer from Credit Suisse. As with the financial crisis of 2008, many investors are concerned that Credit Suisse presents serious risks of contagion among European banks.

8:: The Bank of England announced the start of an emergency program of interventions and the purchase

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 08.10.2022 · 00:02:49 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The Bank of England announced the start of an emergency program of interventions and the purchase of long-term government bonds to stabilize the market, writes The Independent. To do this, the institution had to postpone the planned start of the sale of its securities. Such a shocking move was caused by the recent actions of Liz Truss and her new unbalanced budget, which literally brought down the stock markets and threatened the country's pension funds. The decision of the Bank of England followed the speech of the Minister of Finance of the United Kingdom Quasi Kwarteng, who on September 23 announced a reduction in the maximum income tax rate from 45% to 40%. Then the pound fell to a historic low of $1.03, and after that the British currency regained some of its lost positions to $1.07. “There has been a lot of volatility in the global financial markets in recent days. To streamline the situation, the bank will temporarily buy long-term government bonds. This operation will be compensated by the Ministry of Finance,” the bank said in a statement. The announcement temporarily calmed the bond market: the interest rate on 10-year UK government bonds fell from 4.5% to 4.1%, and on 30-year bonds from 5% to 4.2%. However, the pound, which managed to stabilize, again fell sharply by 1.6% to $1.05. Many experts commented that the situation continues to cause great concern among investors and ordinary citizens. Labor leader Kier Starmer called on the Conservative government to hold an emergency meeting and change course. The head of the Liberal Democrat party, Ed Davey, said that Prime Minister Liz Truss needs to prevent an economic disaster. The faces of Truss have been repeatedly blamed for the collapse of the pound and the stock markets due to her incompetent policies and budget, which has been repeatedly called a gamble.

9:: The British pound continued to fall to record lows against the dollar, euro, and other currencies.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.09.2022 · 21:37:09 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The British pound continued to fall to record lows against the dollar, euro, and other currencies. The devaluation of the pound continued after the publication of the budget of the new British government under the leadership of Liz Truss. Markets reacted negatively to the announced tax cuts for the UK's wealthiest citizens with salaries in excess of £150,000 a year. The British pound fell against the dollar to just 1.09. Against the euro, the pound fell to 1.11. Against the Russian Rouble, the pound fell to a record low of 60.31. Against the Australian Dollar, the pound fell to 1.65. Against the Indian Rupee, the pound fell to 87.51. The plan of Prime Minister Liz Truss to reduce taxes for large corporations, specialists of the Institute for Fiscal Studies called a gamble. Institute analysts have warned that Liz Truss' sweeping plans for massive tax cuts, along with gigantic spending to curb energy bills, could put public finances on an unsustainable path. The think tank has calculated government borrowing to be £100bn a year, more than double the official March 2021 forecasts. At the moment, the public debt of the UK is close to 96% of GDP. The IFS said there was no reason to build up national debt indefinitely for the sake of immediate tax cuts, adding that Truss's claim that reducing it would lead to economic growth was a gamble at best.

10:: New energy subsidies for businesses in the UK attempting to prevent a wave of corporate bankruptcies

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.09.2022 · 19:09:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The British government has announced new subsidies that will help partly stem a wave of corporate bankruptcies. In the winter, companies and public organizations will pay for electricity half as much as expected, but still much more than before, according to a statement from the authorities, writes the Financial Times. Wholesale prices for businesses are expected to be around £211/MWh for electricity and £75/MWh for gas. Electricity and gas contracts for the winter are currently trading in the UK at around £490/MWh and £170/MWh respectively. Finance Minister Kwazi Kwarteng said the government's intervention would help stem the collapse of businesses, protect jobs and curb inflation. In addition, the authorities assume that this method of curbing inflation will reduce the volume of government borrowing, which has increased significantly compared to the level expected in August. The new rules will be in effect from October to March, but Liz Truss noted that they could be extended for the most vulnerable organizations, including schools, hospitals and charities. The level of price reduction for each individual business will vary depending on the type of contract and the commitment of the company. While most businesses have welcomed the government's proposal, many remain wary of a significant increase in bills compared to previous years. Over the past decade, gas prices in the UK have rarely exceeded £30 per megawatt hour. Even with the new pricing policy, businesses will still face serious challenges, and some of them have already noted that such support will not be enough to survive the winter.

11:: The Bank of England raised the base rate from 1.75% to 2.25%, which was the highest jump in 14 years

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.09.2022 · 21:40:01 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· The rate has already increased in August. This time it was raised for the seventh time since December 2021. Some analysts suggest that with the next increase, which will occur at the end of 2022, it will rise to the level of 3%. And next year they predict a rate of 5%. Earlier this week, the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve raised their base rate by 0.75 percentage points. Most of the nine members of the Bank of England monetary policy committee considered this approach too radical and voted in favor of moving to 50 basis points. The bank is raising rates in an attempt to contain price increases and cope with inflation, which, according to the plan, should not exceed 2%. However, inflation is currently at 9.9% and is expected to rise further despite government intervention and lower electricity bills. Raising interest rates should theoretically encourage people to borrow less and spend less, but there is a risk that such measures will hit the country's economic growth. The bank noted that the UK has already entered a recession.

12:: US housing market continues to climb but signs of overheating are already beginning

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 21.09.2022 · 01:25:18 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· According to the National Association of Realtors, the median home sales price has jumped every month this year, reaching a record high of $413000 in June before falling slightly in July to $403000 Home prices continued to climb despite higher mortgage rates and an increase in housing supply. Such factors typically put downward pressure on home prices. But the numbers still show the market is quite resilient, and costly. There are, however, signs of overheating and slowing growth. Housing experts say they are keeping a watchful eye on the economy, which is being pulled in all directions by many negative factors such as inflation, gas prices, wars around the world, global trade restrictions due to economic downturns and shortages of raw materials around the world. Inflation, high mortgage rates and record-high home prices are beginning to diminish housing affordability. Salaries in many industries failed to keep up with inflation and rising cost of living. Affordability is becoming a very serious factor which can affect housing market dramatically. Buying a house is a complex and very personal decision. Because homes represent the largest single investment most people will make in their lifetime, it is important to be in a good financial position before considering such purchase. The US housing market is a complex, dynamic system of buyers, sellers, developers and investors. The housing market can be broken down into two major sectors: the residential sector and the commercial sector. The residential sector includes single-family homes, townhouses, condos and apartments. In this sector, the prices are determined by the local demand for housing and supply of land in that area. The commercial sector includes office buildings, retail spaces and other investments. Commercial real estate prices are determined by demand for space in that area as well as interest rates in that region. There are many factors influencing demand for US housing including population growth rates, income levels, unemployment rates and mortgage rates to name a few.

13:: British Pound falls to its lowest level on anniversary of the Black Wednesday event.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 21.09.2022 · 01:06:30 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· British Pound falls to its lowest level on anniversary of the Black Wednesday event. British Economy is weakening fuelling concern. The British pound fell to a 37-year low against the US dollar amid a sharp decline in retail sales, writes the BBC. The pound sterling is trading at 1.13 dollars and 1.14 euros. This is the largest fall of the currency against the dollar since 1985, and against the euro since 2021. Analysts attributed the drop to the fact that most households cut spending amid a cost-of-living crisis. The decline in retail sales has continued since the summer of 2021, when various restrictions on retailers were lifted. According to the National Statistic Agency, in August, sales in supermarkets decreased by 0.9%, in department stores by 2.7%, and in clothing stores by 0.6%. Supermarket chain Waitrose said sales were down 5% from last year and basket sizes were down by almost a fifth, resulting in a loss of 99 million pounds. People are also less likely to buy non-essential items, such as expensive tickets. The Bank of England had assumed that the UK would fall into recession by the end of 2022, however, judging by retail sales figures, the country's economy is already in recession. In the coming months, the British residents will feel the effects of the crisis even more strongly, but the bank will still have to sharply raise interest rates. The situation will be slightly softened by measures to reduce electricity bills taken by the government the day before: according to the plan, households will pay no more than 2,500 pounds for two years. Prices continued to rise in other sectors of the economy, namely food, services and imported goods fuelling inflationary pressures further. Some analysts refer to the Black Wednesday event when Sterling dropped out of the European Exchange Rate mechanism back in 1992. The recent decline comes on the 30 year anniversary of the Black Wednesday event. British point is close to the level it hit after that collapse. Some analysts suggest on the other hand that pound is still too strong and can fall further. Average UK wages continue to fall behind rising prices and the bank of England is expected to push up interest rates further.

14:: How to save money effectively and keep more cash

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.07.2022 · 17:21:13 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Why people always need more money? This is a common theme in any internet forum, on blog post, or Facebook post. But it never gets answered. It’s a question we get asked by people all the time: “How do I save money?” This question is as old as the hills. The more you want, the more you will spend. If you want to save money, it is important to know how to balance income and expenses. If you only have a fraction of your income left each month and need to save for an emergency, then saving for your needs may not be enough (there are many other expenses that could come into play). But if all your funds are available every month to cover your bills and living expenses, then it’s easy to see why people always need more money: they have little or no discretionary income left at the end of the month! In this article we will explore some of the various techniques for making money work for you. These techniques can help you make less money with less work but at the same time give you more control over how much money is left over each month after all the other costs are covered. We will start by looking at why people always need more money and how they can get out of this vicious cycle (and many others) without losing their sense of independence or freedom.

15:: What is inflation? How to avoid it and how to benefit from inflation.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.07.2022 · 16:52:24 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· So, what exactly is inflation? It is a phenomenon where a country goes from having a fixed exchange rate to an arbitrarily high one. It usually happens when the central bank tries to control inflation by printing money. Inflation is not applicable to the government sector since the only way they can print money is through taxes (since they cannot borrow from the market), but it applies to all other sectors, including private businesses as well. Let’s say you are a small business owner, and you are struggling. Your bank just cut your interest rate abruptly, and now you have to pay for your loans at 3% instead of 5%, despite that your business suffered from 10% inflation per year in recent years. You will be unable to pay for your loans because of all your costs increased by 10%. Let’s say you are one of those people who has always believed in free market and capitalism. You have thought of all the advantages of free markets over government intervention, but nonetheless, your business has been hit with this sudden switch in policy.

16:: Making Money Online including Affiliate Marketing, POD, Amazon etc.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.07.2022 · 16:45:01 ··· ···
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17:: Food Shortages in supermarket near you. Food price increases, how to prepare for food inflation

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.04.2022 · 17:21:38 ··· ···
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18:: Gold: Why is gold so valuable? History of gold. Using gold as money. Future of gold and applications

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 31.03.2022 · 17:20:06 ··· ···
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19:: Gamestop Short Squeeze | What's Going On | Wallstreet Bets | Making Money | Profits Stock Market

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 04.02.2021 · 22:06:27 ··· ···
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20:: Brexit Deal Explained | Full Summary of the UK and EU Trade Deal | UK-EU Free Trade Agreement

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 26.12.2020 · 04:07:51 ··· ···
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21:: Making money in difficult markets: Airlines and Travel industry in chaos and decline for good?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.05.2020 · 19:39:59 ··· ···
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22:: Oil Crash and how to invest in post pandemic energy markets, why oil crashed and where to make money

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.04.2020 · 11:27:46 ··· ···
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23:: Passive Income Dividend Investing: What They Don't Tell You Often Enough

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 27.10.2019 · 02:03:11 ··· ···
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