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Secure Digital Money - CBDC

21.07.2024 · 07:17:41 ···
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21.07.2024 · 07:17:41 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
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1:: Miguel A.F.Ordóñez: The public digital money revolution (CBDC)-A different vision of money & banking

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.10.2020 · 18:54:25 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - The public digital money revolution (CBDC) - A different vision of money & banking - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, former Governor of the Bank of Spain, about "The public digital money revolution (CBDC) - A different vision of money and banking". After his view about CBDC he was answering the participants questions. Monetative e.V. - as a member organisation of the International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) - was host of a free web conference from the series "Monetary and Economic Aspects of the Corona Crisis" on Thursday, October 15, 2020. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

2:: Miguel A.F. Ordóñez: Panel Discussion: How should a CBDC best be designed? Future of Money, Part 14.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.10.2020 · 16:04:18 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Panel Discussion: How should a CBDC best be designed? Future of Money, Part 14. - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Panel discussion: How should a CBDC best be designed? Which are the overall consequences for money, banking and the economy? Should the Riksbank implement the e-krona? 15 June 2019, Stockholm _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

3:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - CBDC: Stability and Competition. Future of Money, Part 6.

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 22:46:13 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - CBDC: Stability and Competition. Future of Money, Part 6. - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking CBDC: Stability and Competition Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez was the governor of the Spanish Central Bank and member of the Governing Council of the ECB from 2006 to 2012. Before this position, he was among others, Secretary of State for the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Secretary of State for the Ministry of Finance. He also held positions as Chairman of a Securities firm and board member of a big commercial bank. He was also member of the IMF Board, President of the Competition Court, President of the National Electricity Commission and lecturer at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Future of Money 2019 - Central Bank Digital Currency and Beyond 15 June 2019, Stockholm _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

4:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Safe Money at Central Bank Accounts (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 21:56:57 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Safe Money at Central Bank Accounts (CBDC) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking A speech by Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez (former governor of Bank of Spain) at Madrid on 23rd March 2019. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

5:: Miguel A. F. Ordóñez - Banking Liberalization Through Central Bank Digital Cash (CBDC) and Vollgeld

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 21:13:13 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Banking Liberalization Through Central Bank Digital Cash (CBDC) and Vollgeld - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, former governor of the Spanish central bank, explains how digital cash leading to a sovereign money system could lead to drastic banking liberalization. Learn how secure money helps to lower the regulatory burdens for commercial banks in this video and on the website: http://conference2018.monetative.de/ Speech: "Credit creation, asset prices and banking crises: What’s the link?" at the Conference "The Future of Money - 10 Years after Lehman and Nakamoto" by Prof. Dr. Steve Keen. Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez was the governor of the Spanish Central Bank and member of the Governing Council of the ECB from 2006 to 2012. Before this position, he was among others, Secretary of State for the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Secretary of State for the Ministry of Finance. He also held positions as Chairman of a Securities firm and board member of a big commercial bank. He was also member of the IMF Board, President of the Competition Court, President of the National Electricity Commission and lecturer at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. The conference was jointly organized by the German NGO Monetative e.V. and the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center. It was supported by the International Movement for Monetary Reform Monetative e.V.: Monetative is a not-for-profit NGO. It was founded in 2012 as a think tank and campaigning organization. It has more than 160 members, many of whom work or carry out research in the field of monetary systems. The aim of Monetative is to inform society, academics and politicians how the current money system works and why the power of commercial banks to create money systematically produces financial crises. As an alternative money system, Monetative campaigns for a „Vollgeld“- or „Sovereign Money“-System. https://www.monetative.de/ | Berlin, Germany Frankfurt School Blockchin Center The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center is a think tank and research center which investigates the implications of blockchain technology for companies and their business models. Apart from the development of prototypes, it serves as a platform for managers, startups and technology and industry experts to share knowledge and best practices. The Blockchain Center also provides new research impulses and develops training for students and executives. It focuses on banking, mobility, “Industry 4.0” and the energy sector. http://www.fs-blockchain.de/ | Frankfurt, Germany International Movement for Monetary Reform (IMMR) The IMMR is an international coalition of nonprofit organisations from across the world, campaigning for a monetary system that serves society. We maintain a very clear and specific aim, namely to change the way money is created and allocated, but we are not dogmatic about the way our proposal is implemented as the details will vary from country to country. To serve this goal, the IMMR supports and connects various national member organisations to share ideas, discuss research and exchange best practices. Read more: https://internationalmoneyreform.org 24th November 2018 _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

6:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Secure Money and Banking Liberalization (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 20:58:16 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Secure Money and Banking Liberalization - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Digital Money: a structural reform for banks – Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, former Governor of the Bank of Spain makes the case for introducing a Central Bank Digital Currency in the Euro area. Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordoñez graduated from Universidad Complutense of Madrid. He initially lectured in Economic Policy at that University but has dedicated most of his career to the Public Administration, notably as State Secretary for the Economy, State Secretary for Trade, and State Secretary for Tax and Budget Policy, and was appointed as governor of the central bank of Spain from 2006 until 2012. He also worked in the OECD, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and currently he teaches at the IE University in Madrid. His experience as economist and member of the governing council of the European Central Bank during the euro crisis has led him to explore new ideas on how to reform the money and banking system. Brussels, May 23th 2018 --- Follow the campaign: http://positivemoney.eu/ https://www.facebook.com/PositiveMoneyEurope https://twitter.com/PositiveMoneyEU Help us caption & translate this video! https://amara.org/v/kJQX/ _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

7:: スペイン銀行前総裁、ポジティブ・マネーの提案を称賛(日本ො

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 20:39:48 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· スペイン銀行前総裁、ポジティブ・マネーの提案を称賛(日本語字幕つき) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking 2017年11月7日にスペイン国会において、ミゲル・アンヘル・フェルナンデス・オルドニェス・スペイン銀行前総裁が、英ポジティブ・マネーの提案を称賛する発言を行う。 _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

8:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La possibilità che la banca emetta denaro pubblico sicuro (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 16:16:09 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La possibilità che la banca emetta denaro pubblico sicuro (CBDC) - 360p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Estratto dal discorso del 07.11.2017 di Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordoñez, ex presidente della banca centrale (2006-2012), davanti alla commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta durante la consultazione sulla crisi bancaria. L'ex governatore della Banca Centrale di Spagna, Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, spiega che la tecnologia ormai consente alle banche centrali di CREARE il denaro elettronico dal nulla, al posto delle banche commerciali. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

9:: (CBDC) - מיגל אנגל פרננדז אורדונז - האפשרות לה

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 16:09:18 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· (CBDC) - מיגל אנגל פרננדז אורדונז - האפשרות להנפיק כסף ציבורי ובטוח #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking .מיגל אנחל פרננדז אורדונז, לשעבר נגיד בנק ספרד, בוועדת החקירה בנושא המשבר הפיננסי, 7 בנובמבר 2017 נגיד הבנק הספרדי לשעבר קורא לאסור על בנקים לייצר כסף _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

10:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La posibilidad de emitir dinero público y seguro (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 15:52:12 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La posibilidad de emitir dinero público y seguro (CBDC) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, exgobernador del Banco de España, en la Comisión de investigación sobre la crisis financiera, 7 de noviembre de 2017. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

11:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La possibilité d'émettre de l'argent public et sûr (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 15:30:05 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - La possibilité d'émettre de l'argent public et sûr (CBDC) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Extrait du discours du 07.11.2017 de Miguel Angel Fernandez Ordonnez, ex-président de la banque centrale (2006-2012), devant la Commission d’enquête parlementaire à l’occasion de la consultation sur la crise bancaire. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

12:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Ex-Zentralbankpräsident Spaniens unterstützt Vollgeld (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 15:23:53 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - Ex-Zentralbankpräsident Spaniens unterstützt Vollgeld (CBDC) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Ausschnitt aus der Rede des Ex-Zentralbankpräsidenten Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez (2006-2012) vom 07.11.2017 vor dem parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss anlässlich der Anhörung zur Bankenkrise. - Dank der neuen Technologien, so die Forscher, könnte sicheres, von einer öffentlichen Institution ausgegebenes Geld geschöpft werden. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez

13:: Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - The possibility to issue public and safe money (CBDC)

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 24.10.2020 · 14:28:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez - The possibility to issue public and safe money (CBDC) - 1080p. #CBDC #Secure_Digital_Money #Money_Creation #Banking Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, former Governor of the Bank of Spain, in the Commission of Inquiry into the Financial Crisis, November 7, 2017. _______________________________ Secure Digital Money (CBDC) 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/dinero/ Secure Digital Money, articles and publications of interest 🖥️ https://www.fidefundacion.es/Dinero-Digital-Seguro-articulos-y-publicaciones-de-interes_a735.html Wikipedia 🖥️ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_%C3%81ngel_Fern%C3%A1ndez_Ord%C3%B3%C3%B1ez