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Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. 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Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="49" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1019"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:VNx98w4mFcA/id> yt:videoId>VNx98w4mFcA/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>1st Sunday of Luke, St Phokas the Hieromartyr, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 22-9-2024/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNx98w4mFcA"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-22T01:40:08+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-26T08:42:35+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>1st Sunday of Luke, St Phokas the Hieromartyr, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 22-9-2024/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/VNx98w4mFcA?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/VNx98w4mFcA/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="61" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2327"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:J1WJdy6uec8/id> yt:videoId>J1WJdy6uec8/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 21 (19/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1WJdy6uec8"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-19T23:44:17+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-26T03:25:21+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 21 (19/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/J1WJdy6uec8?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/J1WJdy6uec8/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="43" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1168"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:pPqcBSlm2tE/id> yt:videoId>pPqcBSlm2tE/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Saint Sophia, Saint Faith, Saint Hope and Saint Love, Matins and Divine Liturgy (17/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPqcBSlm2tE"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-17T00:37:38+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-25T23:54:58+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Saint Sophia, Saint Faith, Saint Hope and Saint Love, Matins and Divine Liturgy (17/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/pPqcBSlm2tE?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/pPqcBSlm2tE/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="52" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1197"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:iudAGsCf0Fk/id> yt:videoId>iudAGsCf0Fk/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Sunday after the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (15/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iudAGsCf0Fk"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-15T01:42:55+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-20T14:08:20+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Sunday after the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (15/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/iudAGsCf0Fk?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/iudAGsCf0Fk/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="64" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2140"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:HEhtKMTx3JM/id> yt:videoId>HEhtKMTx3JM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>The Elevation of the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (14/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEhtKMTx3JM"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-14T01:41:08+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-21T20:10:58+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>The Elevation of the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (14/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/HEhtKMTx3JM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/HEhtKMTx3JM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="79" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2493"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:oIZPC1MzWJ0/id> yt:videoId>oIZPC1MzWJ0/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>The Elevation Of The Holy Cross, Great Vespers and Akathyst (13/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIZPC1MzWJ0"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-13T23:43:25+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-25T19:26:45+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>The Elevation Of The Holy Cross, Great Vespers and Akathyst (13/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/oIZPC1MzWJ0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/oIZPC1MzWJ0/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="40" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1037"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:ylAf0a_vKss/id> yt:videoId>ylAf0a_vKss/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: Spiritual Warfare by Nun Christina from Jerusalem (12/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylAf0a_vKss"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-12T11:58:54+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-20T07:26:20+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: Spiritual Warfare by Nun Christina from Jerusalem (12/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/ylAf0a_vKss?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/ylAf0a_vKss/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Topic: Spiritual Warfare/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="64" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1420"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:OIbrrcKa4gY/id> yt:videoId>OIbrrcKa4gY/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>The Nativity of the Theotokos, Matins and Divine Liturgy (08/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIbrrcKa4gY"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-08T02:06:08+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-21T21:08:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>The Nativity of the Theotokos, Matins and Divine Liturgy (08/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/OIbrrcKa4gY?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/OIbrrcKa4gY/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="85" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="2316"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:LbKJP6j5WU0/id> yt:videoId>LbKJP6j5WU0/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Paraklesis to the Theotokos & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 20 (05/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbKJP6j5WU0"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-05T23:48:05+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-25T23:48:39+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Paraklesis to the Theotokos & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 20 (05/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/LbKJP6j5WU0?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/LbKJP6j5WU0/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="40" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="893"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:iKfuzU2eT6o/id> yt:videoId>iKfuzU2eT6o/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Saint Zacharias & Saint Elizabeth, Matins and Divine Liturgy (05/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKfuzU2eT6o"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-05T01:12:46+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-20T19:45:59+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Saint Zacharias & Saint Elizabeth, Matins and Divine Liturgy (05/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/iKfuzU2eT6o?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/iKfuzU2eT6o/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="38" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="944"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:c7Y-xYVufYA/id> yt:videoId>c7Y-xYVufYA/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Saint Mammas the Martyr & Miracle-worker, Matins and Divine Liturgy (02/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7Y-xYVufYA"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-02T00:37:41+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-25T21:36:16+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Saint Mammas the Martyr & Miracle-worker, Matins and Divine Liturgy (02/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/c7Y-xYVufYA?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/c7Y-xYVufYA/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="43" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="983"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:Td-1RNt4-sw/id> yt:videoId>Td-1RNt4-sw/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Ecclesiastical New Year, Matins and Divine Liturgy (01/09/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td-1RNt4-sw"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-09-01T01:41:59+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-21T21:09:48+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Ecclesiastical New Year, Matins and Divine Liturgy (01/09/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/Td-1RNt4-sw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/Td-1RNt4-sw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="57" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1977"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> entry> id>yt:video:uZa9hXO3kWM/id> yt:videoId>uZa9hXO3kWM/yt:videoId> yt:channelId>UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/yt:channelId> title>Holy Belt of the Theotokos, Vespers, Matins and Divine Liturgy (30/08/2024)/title> link rel="alternate" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZa9hXO3kWM"/> author> name>Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans/name> uri>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Pn8cnSBVVV56v4IzyQpXQ/uri> /author> published>2024-08-30T12:47:54+00:00/published> updated>2024-09-25T21:25:44+00:00/updated> media:group> media:title>Holy Belt of the Theotokos, Vespers, Matins and Divine Liturgy (30/08/2024)/media:title> media:content url="https://www.youtube.com/v/uZa9hXO3kWM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/> media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/uZa9hXO3kWM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/> media:description>Saint Paraskevi, Saint Barbara & Saint John the Merciful - Greek Orthodox Church in St Albans, Melbourne, Australia. Our beautiful Church is under the Spiritual and Ecclesiastical leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, within the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Our Parish Priest is Fr Demos Nicolaou. Come join us as we grow together in the love of Christ + www.stparaskevi.org.au/media:description> media:community> media:starRating count="68" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/> media:statistics views="1454"/> /media:community> /media:group> /entry> /feed>

++++ UPdate DAvidKanal SET tsc=1727550243 WHERE Cid="25385"
28.09.2024 21:04
01.01.1970 01:00
01.01.1970 01:00

Saint Paraskevi Church St Albans

1:: Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation- Part 22 & The Holy Priesthood (26/09/2024)

27.09.2024 · 08:54:45 ··· Freitag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

2:: St Thekla Equal to the Apostles, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 24-9-2024

24.09.2024 · 02:17:33 ··· Dienstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

3:: 1st Sunday of Luke, St Phokas the Hieromartyr, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 22-9-2024

22.09.2024 · 03:40:08 ··· Sonntag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

4:: Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 21 (19/09/2024)

20.09.2024 · 01:44:17 ··· Freitag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

5:: Saint Sophia, Saint Faith, Saint Hope and Saint Love, Matins and Divine Liturgy (17/09/2024)

17.09.2024 · 02:37:38 ··· Dienstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

6:: Sunday after the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (15/09/2024)

15.09.2024 · 03:42:55 ··· Sonntag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

7:: The Elevation of the Holy Cross, Matins and Divine Liturgy (14/09/2024)

14.09.2024 · 03:41:08 ··· Samstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

8:: The Elevation Of The Holy Cross, Great Vespers and Akathyst (13/09/2024)

14.09.2024 · 01:43:25 ··· Samstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

9:: Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: Spiritual Warfare by Nun Christina from Jerusalem (12/09/2024)

12.09.2024 · 13:58:54 ··· Donnerstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

10:: The Nativity of the Theotokos, Matins and Divine Liturgy (08/09/2024)

08.09.2024 · 04:06:08 ··· Sonntag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

11:: Paraklesis to the Theotokos & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 20 (05/09/2024)

06.09.2024 · 01:48:05 ··· Freitag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

12:: Saint Zacharias & Saint Elizabeth, Matins and Divine Liturgy (05/09/2024)

05.09.2024 · 03:12:46 ··· Donnerstag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

13:: Saint Mammas the Martyr & Miracle-worker, Matins and Divine Liturgy (02/09/2024)

02.09.2024 · 02:37:41 ··· Montag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

14:: Ecclesiastical New Year, Matins and Divine Liturgy (01/09/2024)

01.09.2024 · 03:41:59 ··· Sonntag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

15:: Holy Belt of the Theotokos, Vespers, Matins and Divine Liturgy (30/08/2024)

30.08.2024 · 14:47:54 ··· Freitag ··· 28.09.2024 · 23:04:03 ···

16:: Paraklesis & Fellowship Talk: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand (29/08/2024)

30.08.2024 · 01:33:33 ··· Freitag ··· 21.09.2024 · 21:08:42 ···

17:: The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, Matins and Divine Liturgy (29/08/2024)

29.08.2024 · 02:59:53 ··· Donnerstag ··· 21.09.2024 · 21:08:42 ···

18:: Saint Phanourios the Great Martyr, Matins and Divine Liturgy (27/08/2024)

27.08.2024 · 02:38:31 ··· Dienstag ··· 21.09.2024 · 21:08:42 ···

19:: The Ascension of our Lord into the Heavens, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 13-6-2024

13.06.2024 · 03:00:18 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

20:: Apodosis of Pascha and Vespers of the Ascension, 12-6-2024

13.06.2024 · 00:03:39 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

21:: Apodosis of Pacha

11.06.2024 · 13:59:55 ··· Dienstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

22:: Sunday of the Blind Man, Matins and Divine Liturgy, 9-6-2024

09.06.2024 · 03:42:11 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

23:: Funeral Service: Κηδεία 'Ελλη Καζή (08/06/2024)

08.06.2024 · 15:07:50 ··· Samstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

24:: Paraklesis to the Mother of God & Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 16 (06/06/2024)

07.06.2024 · 01:02:40 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

25:: Sunday of the Samaritain Woman, Matins and Divie Liturgy (02/06/2024)

02.06.2024 · 04:02:44 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

26:: Sunday of the Paralytic, Matins and Divine Liturgy (26/05/2024)

26.05.2024 · 03:41:53 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

27:: Paraklesis to the Theotokos & Fellowship Talk: Saint Evmenios Saridakis (23/05/2024)

24.05.2024 · 01:13:11 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

28:: Saint Konstantine and Saint Helen, Matins and Divine Liturgy (21/05/2024)

21.05.2024 · 02:46:47 ··· Dienstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

29:: Sunday of the Myrrhbearing Women, Matins and Divine Liturgy (19/05/2024)

19.05.2024 · 04:00:11 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

30:: Paraklesis to the Theotokos & Fellowship Talk: How we become beings of the Resurrection (16/05/2024)

17.05.2024 · 01:16:36 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

31:: Thomas Sunday, Matins and Divine Liturgy (12/05/2024)

12.05.2024 · 03:26:42 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

32:: Renewal Friday ~ Theotokos the Life-Giving Spring (10/05/2024)

10.05.2024 · 02:58:47 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

33:: Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene & Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri (07/05/2024)

07.05.2024 · 02:58:49 ··· Dienstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

34:: Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 7 (26/10/2023)

29.10.2023 · 05:33:01 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

35:: 7th Sunday of Luke, Saint Anastasia of Rome, Matins and Divine Liturgy (29/10/2023)

29.10.2023 · 02:42:14 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

36:: Αγίας Σκέπης, Επέτειος του ΌΧΙ, 'Ορθρος και Θε

28.10.2023 · 01:58:34 ··· Samstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

37:: Saint Dimitrios the Great Martyr, Matins and Divine Liturgy (26/10/2023)

26.10.2023 · 01:59:51 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

38:: 6th Sunday of Luke, Saint Averkios, Matins and Divine Liturgy (22/10/2023)

22.10.2023 · 03:56:20 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

39:: St Artemios & St Gerasimos, & prayers for the departed in Saint Porphyrios Church, (20/10/2023)

20.10.2023 · 01:51:40 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

40:: Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 6 (19/10/2023)

20.10.2023 · 01:31:08 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

41:: Saint Luke the Apostle and Evangelist, Matins and Divine Liturgy (18/10/2023)

18.10.2023 · 01:29:55 ··· MiTTwoch ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

42:: Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council, Matins and Divine Liturgy (15/10/2023)

15.10.2023 · 03:20:55 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

43:: Fellowship Talk: The Book of Revelation - Part 5 (12/10/2023)

13.10.2023 · 07:30:36 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

44:: 3rd Sunday of Luke, Saint Pelagia, Matins and Divine Liturgy - Part 2 - (08/10/2023)

08.10.2023 · 14:11:37 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···
