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30.12.2024 13:29
01.01.1970 01:00
01.01.1970 01:00

17.06.2024 · 19:02:46 · War news

1:: Ship USS George HW Bush, NATO Claims to Be Ready to Face Russia

31.07.2023 · 20:15:01 ··· Montag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

2:: American Fighter Jets And Helicopters Take Off From Nuclear Powered Carriers

28.07.2023 · 20:00:09 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

3:: USS Ronald Reagan, a nuclear-powered Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

24.07.2023 · 20:13:35 ··· Montag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

4:: U.S. Army Chinooks Conduct Landings On Aircraft Carrier

23.07.2023 · 16:48:50 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

5:: Marine Corps tests ‘the most lethal, aviation-capable amphibious assault ship

21.07.2023 · 19:04:19 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

6:: The Navy And Marines Are Deploying A'lightning Carrer' to The Pacific

19.07.2023 · 17:36:51 ··· MiTTwoch ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

7:: U.S Military Forces In Fy 2022 : Navy

16.07.2023 · 15:53:29 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

8:: Poland Sends Leopard Tanks To Ukraine - Part 5

19.06.2023 · 21:07:30 ··· Montag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

9:: Nato Joint Military Trains War Tactics To Ukrainian Army _ Part 4

18.06.2023 · 20:05:52 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

10:: Ukrainian Army holds Exercise led by NATO Soldiers _ Part 3

16.06.2023 · 17:37:02 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

11:: What Army Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp Army Basic Combat Training _Part 2

11.06.2023 · 20:25:59 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

12:: American Soldiers Sing Their Own Version of the Yel Song _ Part 1

09.06.2023 · 17:21:14 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

13:: 30,000 NATO Troops Large-Scale War Exercise in Norway

11.04.2023 · 19:49:54 ··· Dienstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

14:: Ukrainian Special Forces Strike Ammunition Storage Site Of Russian

30.03.2023 · 19:39:30 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

15:: Ukrainian special forces defeat hundreds of Wagner Russian mercenaries in Bakhmut at close quarters

29.03.2023 · 17:59:36 ··· MiTTwoch ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

16:: Ukrainian forces take out russian tanks on apocalyptic bakhmut battlefield

27.03.2023 · 21:34:20 ··· Montag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

17:: Ukrainian fighter #bakhmut

26.03.2023 · 17:58:10 ··· Sonntag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

18:: Ukrainian Troop blast russian tanks with rifles from trenches in first-person footage

25.03.2023 · 19:54:21 ··· Samstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

19:: The commander of the Russian Wagner mercenary was killed in an ambush by the Ukrainian joint forces

24.03.2023 · 19:16:07 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

20:: Russian Soldiers Surrender #ukraine

22.03.2023 · 23:29:10 ··· MiTTwoch ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

21:: Ukrainian Troop blast down russian aircraft near bakhmut with handheld rocket launchers

16.03.2023 · 18:51:54 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

22:: US Battle Tank M1 ABRAM Ukraine Fights with Russian Troops

13.03.2023 · 21:01:04 ··· Montag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

23:: Newly formed Ukrainian armored brigadier with heavy tank attack Russian troops

11.03.2023 · 21:03:25 ··· Samstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

24:: Ukrainian Special Forces defeat hundreds of Russian Wagner mercenaries at close quarters

10.03.2023 · 23:05:38 ··· Freitag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

25:: Russian Wagner Mercenary Commander Ambushed By Ukrainian Special Forces

09.03.2023 · 13:53:07 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

26:: Bakhmut Battle Footage || The Ukrainian Military Continue To Hold Their Ground

09.03.2023 · 02:35:03 ··· Donnerstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

27:: Nato Army Sends Tanks To Ukrainian Army Troops And Heavy Weapons

07.03.2023 · 23:00:14 ··· Dienstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···

28:: Ukraine Soldiers And Russian Troops In Face-To-Face Combat On

04.02.2023 · 13:30:14 ··· Samstag ··· 03.07.2024 · 17:40:29 ···
