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Frank Rogers

07.09.2024 · 15:24:07 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
27.07.2023 · 15:34:20 ··· 5 ··· ··· 16 ···
07.09.2024 · 15:24:07 ···
01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ···
27.07.2023 · 15:34:20 ··· 5 ··· ··· 16 ···

1:: Tim Wirth - My Testimony and dealing with bullies - Jacob Prasch exposed

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 11.08.2020 · 12:11:33 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· #jacobpraschexposed #Timwirth #spiritualbullies #Morieltv #simpleagapeproject #Jacobprasch #Morielexposed Ex-Moriel TV employee Tim Wirth explains his testimony and how to handle bullies like Prasch and Amos Farrell. How do we handle bullies? Luke 6:27-28 27 “But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who [a]mistreat you.o Fund Me Caregiver Fund Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 https://www.gofundme.com/f/5fg38-help...

2:: Acts 17 justifies Metatron as Jesus? - Jacob Prasch exposed

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.07.2020 · 03:59:03 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· #BillRandles #JacobPrasch #Metatron #Jesusnotmetatron #Morieltv Pastor Bill Randles expounds on the surrounding circumstances of Paul's sermon on Mars Hill (Acts 17) and Jacob Prasch's attempt to justify his equating Jesus with Metatron in relating to the Jews. Pastor Bill reveals that Paul's references to the "Unknown god" is not applicable in being utilized as a reference for Metatron = Jesus.

3:: David Nathan's original defense against the slander of Jacob Prasch

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 23.07.2020 · 21:38:57 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· David Nathan provides an evidential response which sheds light into the manipulation and truth twisting that Jacob Prasch, Servus Christi and others at Moriel engaged in. Pastor Nathan did not want to make such a video but after attempting every possible attempt to rectify the situation and work to make peace in the situation, he was left with no choice but to present his evidences of Jacob's deceit, half truth telling, and manipulation which seemed geared towards demonizing Pastor Nathan.

4:: Doreen Virtue on Jacob Prasch, the Metatron and faking his Jewish ancestry

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 22.07.2020 · 17:05:15 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· #doreenvirtue #jacobpraschexposed #jacobprasch #chrisrosebrough #morieltv #metatron #nomoremetatron #morielexposed #servuschristi Doreen Virtue speaks about the irony in being attacked by Jacob Prasch who promotes unbiblical teachings such as the Metatron as well as her pastime desire to believe she was half Jewish just as Jacob Prasch has been exposed for doing. Jacob has recently been exposed by multiple ministries for his lies about being Jewish on his fathers side though has finally admitted to his dishonesty.

5:: Jacob Prasch calls Justin Peters a Jackass?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.07.2020 · 14:58:34 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· #justinpeters #JacobPrasch #Jacobpraschexposed #frankrogers #servuschristi #servuschristiexposed #Morieltv #morieltvexposed #jacobpraschdisqualified Jacob Prasch emails Justin Peters to claim he has become a Jackass for error, is being exploited for his handicap then plays the handicap card himself claiming he is also handicapped. Justin Peters explains that Jacobs unbridled anger disqualifies him from ministry. The additional clips of Jacob Prasch are added by me Frank Rogers and were not inserted by Justin Peters. For the full video of Justin Peters please click bellow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGex1xtG7s&t=1194s

6:: Jacob Prasch brings confusion about Joshua Chavez' nickname and "one mistake"

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 13.07.2020 · 20:29:09 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Jacob Prasch unwisely does more harm than good through his ambiguous double speak and brings confusion about Joshua's "one mistake" concerning the name "Lydia" that has been going around of which can bring about painful rumors (of which Prasch seems to do quite often). The name came about by way of Joshua making a youtube pseudo name as "Lydia" to defend Jacob Prasch in commenting on my channel. For sake of truth lets clear up the confusion as there is nothing more to the story. I agree the nickname should die and I pray Joshua can find a far better father figure than Jacob who is the antithesis of a role model. #servuschristi #nomorelydia #JacobPraschexposed #JacobPrasch #JoshuaChavez #overcomeevilwithgood #Morieltv

7:: Justin Peters - Do not repay evil for evil, a Christian Response to Servus Christi

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 12.07.2020 · 20:01:30 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Justin Peters discusses though many commenters are taking Joshua Chavez to task for his hit piece on Justin Peters, Justin requests all to respond to Joshua in love and grace, not repaying evil for evil. Video from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyLM-2maq_o

8:: Justin Peter's wife rebukes Joshua Chavez for his deceit and slander - Servus Christi exposed

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 10.07.2020 · 20:30:14 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Justin makes a rebuttal video (full video posted bellow) to the many slanderous and deceitful claims that Joshua Chavez has recklessly made exposing himself as someone like his mentor Jacob Prasch, who reveals no evidence of the Holy Spirit and much evidence of being a false Christian. Justin Peters' wife who is not a public figure, compelled to speak out and bring some conviction to Joshua who needs repentance. Justin Peters rebuttal to Servus Christi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTGex1xtG7s

9:: Worship the Goat? - Jacob Prasch

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 07.07.2020 · 16:08:49 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Jacob Prasch claims that Christians are ignorant and too unstudied to know we should be worshiping both the Lamb of God and the Goat of God. I would ask however if it is the Christians who are ignorant or the New Testament authors that Jacob is accusing of ignorance? Why does Jesus, Paul, and all the New Testament authors never once associate Jesus blood with the blood of the goat? There may be typology in the scapegoat but to take the leap that we should be singing songs and thanking God for being "washed in the blood of the Goat" would be to add Midrashic conjecture to the New Testament and to overstep the boundary of Biblical interpretation. John saw the Lamb of God in heaven never once did he see the "Goat of God" and since the goat is often associated with Satan (or in the New Testament with false christians), we should be very careful on the deductions and inductions we make about Christ in the New Testament. the Bible authors gave us their divine interpretation and to attempt to do the same via midrashic and talmudic inductions is very dangerous. For full sermon see links - https://youtu.be/vbLD38QbgYA The Red Heifer https://youtu.be/T8ECIQKH6pI Life is in the Blood

10:: Bill Randles on Jacob Prasch - no Metatron, Jesus only!

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 07.07.2020 · 04:46:52 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Pastor Bill Randles of Believers In Grace Fellowship who spent years as a faithful friend to Jacob Prasch, speaks openly to warn against Jacob's dangerous teaching on the Metatron who is not Jesus nor should be compared to Jesus. Pastor Bill empathizes with those who are drawn to Moriel but warns them to get out for their own spiritual health. Bill Randles Blog - https://billrandles.wordpress.com Original mirrored from Bill Randles Channel - https://youtu.be/oTk_M6gQhOs

11:: Servus Christi deceived by Jacob Prasch to believe he was half Jewish

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 03.07.2020 · 07:10:33 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Servus Christi who has been mentored under Jacob Prasch and served as the Moriel Ministries media administrator for a time, was unfortunately deceived by Jacob to believe that Jacob was half Jewish for quite some time. Thanks to Tbckawaii for recording the now deleted videos of Amos exposing Prasch's non jewishness https://vimeo.com/401304950 References: Josh defends Moriel https://youtu.be/AXaH4iK6rrM The video Josh references in his defense of Jacob https://youtu.be/UPNqKXRC8c0

12:: Jacob Prasch offers METATRON altar call? "Salvation from the Metatron!" -

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 29.06.2020 · 18:40:12 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Jacob Prasch gives an altar call and offers people to receive salvation through the METATRON, an angel not found in the Bible but found in the satanic Kabbalah instead of leading people to Christ. The METATRON is certainly not Christ and Prasch is either ignorant of his leading others astray to a demonic being or he is trying to harmonize Jewish mysticism with the pure Word of God and this is blasphemous. Prasch states blatantly that the "best Jew you could ever meet is the Metatron" as well as offering an alter call of which people can receive "salvation from the Metatron" For more info check out latest article by Pirate Christian Radio http://www.piratechristian.com/museum-of-idolatry/2020/6/prasch-madonna-and-the-metatrone?fbclid=IwAR2nSQNcQuKkfuqp4pY9bQVMy_C2Jdf5TXcBbbcUPoDFVRn95vr3jNDhdPI

13:: Servus Christi (Joshua Chavez) harassing cursing church security - fruit of spirit or flesh?

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 25.05.2020 · 14:40:42 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Servus Christi frequently digs up very old videos of pastors and bible teachers and uses it to publicly shame them and call them out. This has been the case with Justin Peters, Ray Comfort, and many others but can Servus Christi (Joshua Chavez) honor his own standard and give account for his actions? Should he demonstrate a public apology for cursing and harassing a church instead of peaceably approaching them for conversation on church issues he feels are important? - Doreen Virtue and Justin Peters - is Josh justified and qualified to attack them publicly?

14:: Tim Wirth exhorts Jacob Prasch on transparency of finances

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 16.12.2019 · 19:52:46 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Other important resources Tim Wirth's youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUmug8JBY5VsZC5qs1MpwNQ Midrash (Jacob's definition of it) exposed (Part 1)https://peacefulpolemics.home.blog/2019/12/11/example-post/ (part 2) https://peacefulpolemics.home.blog/2019/12/14/midrash-manipulation-pt-2/ TbcKawaii's latest video https://vimeo.com/379816399 (David Pawson's 1998 assessment of Jacob Prasch's behavior uncovered) https://powerplaypause.blog/2019/11/28/the-jacob-prasch-files-no-1-david-pawsons-1998-report-on-praschs-behaviour/

15:: Jacob Prasch - roots of midrash, roots of rage - Stewart Traill David Berg cults

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 15.11.2019 · 09:41:32 ··· ···
··· ··· ··· ··· Jacob Prasch was saved in the 1970's but sat under two manipulative cult leaders named David Berg, and Stewart Traill. These men damaged Jacob psychologically, spiritually, and deeply influenced his theology. His Midrash and 6th seal rapture theory both seemed to come from these men. References: Holy Pretzel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRiykyN1KOk Angel Fire http://www.angelfire.com/nm/cobu/front2.html Jacob Prasch letter http://www.angelfire.com/nm/cobu/prasch.html Mike Montoya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zVWeM1iB30&list=UU6WN-rMLpRe8WZoHDV9IS4A Origins of pre wrath rapture http://blog.moriel.org/various-topics-1/wrath/20921-the-development-and-origins-of-modern-pre-wrath-inter-seal-positions.html Jacob Prasch remembers Rosen http://blog.moriel.org/authors-1/james-jacob-prasch/19506-passing-of-jews-for-jesus-founder.html

16:: Hypocrisy Report - Servus Christi, Jacob Prasch - and Big banana Macarthur

01.01.1970 · 01:00:00 ··· 30.04.2019 · 00:00:00 ··· ···
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