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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/26/23

· 27.07.2023 · 06:13:16 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 The Mark Levin Show
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead. The Hunter Biden deal was a way to cover up, censor, and kill any attempt to investigate Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ were all in on it. The deal would have excused Hunter from tax evasion and immune to any future crimes, which is what led to IRS whistleblowers sounding the alarm. Garland and the other Obama Marxists in the DOJ need to be uncovered and exposed for the mob boss lawyers they are. The level of corruption at the DOJ is beyond anything we’ve ever seen, and there is no doubt the Biden White House is involved. We are up against a Democrat party that wants to destroy the country and have a media that continues to trash Donald Trump and not Joe Biden. Also, Jack Smith violated DOJ regulations when he had a grand jury in the wrong venue in Washington D.C. when all of Donald Trump’s activity occurred in Florida at Mar-A-Lago. There should be a jury in Florida and not Washington D.C., but Smith will fight to get a Democrat jury in D.C. and get an easy conviction. You cannot pick grand juries in one city and then a trial jury in another city, and this demonstrates how this case has been politicized in the worst way. The web of radical Democrats and DOJ officials involved in the taking down of Trump and interfering in the 2024 election is horrendous, and giving Jack Smith unlimited resources as special counsel only makes it worse. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Greg Gutfeld about his new book, The King of Late Night.

Pre-Order Mark's new book now, The Democrat Party Hates America, and be among the first to read it when it comes out on September 19: https://www.amazon.com/Democrat-Party-Hates-America/dp/150118315X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TKIU0OFXYJYJ&keywords=mark+levin+book&qid=1688018802&sprefix=mark+levin+book%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-1

Be sure to visit marklevinshow.com for all things Mark Levin.

Listen and subscribe on Apple Podcasts: http://apple.co/marklevinshow

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