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Curious Tales Prequel 04 HD 720p

· 22.03.2023 · 18:44:38 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 4 📺 Edward Flaherty
Pirates are Pirates--only romantic in books…

On an early summer day in Gibraltar I was lounging on a hotel terrace, shaded by wisteria, looking towards, Africa, Morocco, Tangier.

At a table near me, I met a grizzly old Amerrican landscape architectnamed Herb Striet. He talked about the geography at the Strait of Gibraltar.

Striet had been getting by in Tangier nearly a decade and was in a dark funk when the young American student, Christopher Janus contacted him. Striet called him by his last name, Janus.

Striet said he did not make much of it at all when Janus contacted him. Striet agreed to help. He felt an obligation to help students of landscape architecture get to know the “real world”, the world outside the university ivory towers. With no big effort, Striet set up Janus in Tangier, arranged a place for him to stay, introduced him to the main arteries of the city and a couple key players.

“But, I might have left Janus in the sh*ts,” Striet said.


“I sent him a note when he first contacted me. I asked him are you sure you want to do this study here? I wrote to him, let me give you a history lesson. This is what the first time visitor sees when the boat from Spain docks at Tangier. Tangier is filled with scum, human scum. Always been that way. Pirates are pirates---only romantic in books.

“Tangier got a good turn when it became an independent zone in the early 1900s. But its big boost really came in World War II and following through the 1950s. During those years, every Mo who had one dirham of smarts went to Tangier to take money from the tourists, the crazy infidels. The infidels arrive by the boatload every day and are so stupid they want to give their money away. Are you gonna be like that, I wrote. No matter how much the infidels pretend to whine and protest, in the end the money changes hands and the Mo is victorious. That’s the public realm of Tangier. Still wanna come I asked him?”

And all this is haunted by C418’s cut “Oxygène” on his Alpha album.

Curious Tales The Prequel is free to read on Kindle Vella at this link (https://bit.ly/3Hv6p2p)

And the story behind Curious Tales is Tangier Gardens and it is available on Amazon at this link (https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv)

Curious Tales Ebook will launch 15April at a huge discount: Sign up here for details (https://bit.ly/3q5lcaq)

· 22.03.2023 · 18:44:38 ··· MiTTwoch
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