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🎯From Navy veteran to high-flying finance executive – Matt's incredible career transformation!

· 22.06.2023 · 22:58:19 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Tim Madden
Meet Matt, a Finance Executive who embraced change, took bold action, and bagged his dream six-figure role with an innovative company this year! How did he do it? Here's a snapshot of his success journey:

🔹 Matt discovered the power of connection through our Executive Career Network on Facebook.
🔹 He absorbed crucial insights from our masterclass, "The 5 Key Principles Our Clients Learned To Land Their Dream Job."
🔹 He consulted our team of Expert Career Coaches, capitalizing on their knowledge and experience.

With over 20 years of experience spanning the Navy to corporate work, Matt knew he was entering unfamiliar territory in today's job market. Yet, he eagerly learned and implemented strategies to navigate past the gatekeepers in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)...

But more importantly, Matt took MASSIVE ACTION! Using our proven blueprint, he achieved his career goals and landed his ideal six-figure role within 90 days! 🏆

In his testimonial video, Matt shares why he chose to get career coaching. From Notre Dame to the Navy and beyond, he'd always been sought after by organizations, never needing to conduct a formal job search.

His career search focus involved:

✅ Cultivating the right mindset.
✅ Defining his ideal career situation.
✅ Preparing meticulously for every networking opportunity and interview.

Today, we extend an invitation to you to experience what Matt and hundreds of other high-level Directors, VPs, and Executives have achieved - the peace of mind that comes from truly loving your job. Join us and start your journey to career fulfillment!

#CareerCoaching #ExecutiveJobs #JobSearchStrategy #CareerSuccessStory
#CareerTransition #SuccessStories #TestimonialTuesday #CareerAdvice #ExpertGuidance #LoveWhatYouDo #EntrepreneurToCorporate #Multiple6FigureJobs

#CEOChat #CareerGrowth #Opportunities #SuccessStories #JoinUs #BehindTheScenes

#ClientTestimonial #ECUSuccessStories #CareerAdvice #JobSeekers

Struggling with your job search?

Watch now to learn more 🤯

Be sure to 👍LIKE and 📌FOLLOW for more career tips!


#careercoach #careertips #interviewpreparation #sixfigurejob #executivecoaching #careersearch #executivejobsearch #executivecoach #executiveinterview #careerchange #jobsearch #dreamjob #executivepodcast #careergoals #careersuccess #careergrowth #careeradvice #headhunters #hiringmanager #career #dreamjob #careerbuilder #careerexpert #jobsearch #interviewquestions #interviewprep #jobadvice #interviewtipsandtricks #resumehelp #resumedesign #careeradvice #leadershipcoach #careeradvancement #networkingtips #networking #careerstrategy #executivesearch #sixfigures #networking #linkedin #automation #podcast #interviews

· 22.06.2023 · 22:58:19 ··· Donnerstag
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