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One Baptism | Ephesians 4:5

· 16.10.2023 · 18:49:21 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 The Apologetic Dog
Christian Unity: An Exposition of Ephesians by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In this sermon we discuss questions like: What is the "One Baptism" that the Apostle Paul is referring too? Is it the ceremonial water baptism? Or "Baptism of the Holy Spirit"? Are these baptisms the same baptism or different? What about 'baptismal regeneration"? However we approach this text we must always keep in mind that salvation has always been by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, all to the Glory to God alone!

00:00 - Introduction
04:54 - Baptismal Regeneration is Heretical
19:54 - Baptism by Ceremony into Water
31:10 - Baptism into One's authority
34:07 - Baptism into One Body by the Holy Spirit

Facebook Page: Church of Christ Exiles

This is a Facebook Group meant for people coming out of the "Church of Christ" Campbellite Restorationist Movement, and are seeking a community that is resting in the Gospel of Grace for help and support! Soli Deo Gloria

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