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Ben Twist and Lia Ghilardi - Climate and Culture Summit Glasgow 2024:

· 26.04.2024 · 00:08:50 ··· Freitag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Wiener Bildungsakademie
Welcome to the Climate and Culture Summit Glasgow 2024, the second event of the Turning the Tide (TTT) project following the Kick Off in December 2024. TTT is a transformative European cooperation project, co-funded by Creative Europe, dedicated to exploring and addressing the pressing issue of climate change through artistic and cultural practices. Our mission is to harness the power of art and culture to tackle climate change and foster sustainable communities.

Program Description:

9:30 Scotland / 10:30 CET: Welcome: Setting the Context
Join us as Iwona Preis from Intercult, Stockholm, and Dr. Liz Gardiner from Fablevision, Scotland, set the context for our discussions today. Learn about the goals and objectives of the Climate and Culture Summit and how it builds upon the progress made since the Kick Off in December 2024.

9:45 Scotland / 10:45 CET: Keynote 1: Ben Twist, Creative Carbon Scotland
Ben Twist from Creative Carbon Scotland will kick off the summit with a keynote address, providing insights into how creative approaches can address the challenges of climate change.

10:15 Scotland / 11:15 CET: Keynote 2: Lia Ghilardi: Cultural Planning – Growing Communities
Next, Lia Ghilardi will explore the role of cultural planning in growing communities and fostering sustainability. Gain valuable perspectives on how cultural initiatives can contribute to community resilience in the face of environmental challenges.

Join us as we continue our journey towards a more sustainable future at the Climate and Culture Summit Glasgow 2024.

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