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La Sconosciuta / Tornatore-Morricone-Rappaport superb!

· 13.07.2008 · 06:53:22 ··· ··· Sunday ·· 7 (0) soundimage4ever
Some segments of Giuseppe Tornatore's film 'La Sconosciuta', one of my recent favourites. The way Giuseppe Tornatore and Ennio Morricone work together is really unique. La Sconosciuta is in my opinion of the same high standard as Tornatore's 'Malena'. In both films the music works perfect and is really instrumental in developing the story and the characters in the same way as in real good opera. I enjoy directors like Tornatore who can really use film music in an 'operatic' way. Morricone is a giant and Tornatore knows exactly how to use the 'operatic', or -if u like- 'story developing/character building' music of Morricone.
I made a selection of scenes and combined them with several sequences of the brilliant score of Ennio Morricone. Two excerpts/scenes are unaltered and are shown in its original form, the one from 0'52 to 2'09 and the closing scene of the film, here from 8'36 until the end of my video. The other material shows my selection of scenes-frames, combined with some nice excerpts of the score. I hope this video shows the immense artistic quality and deep humanity of this very moving film that tells a very important story. When the film arrives at the scene where Irena/Giorgia (a superb role by Ksenia Rappaport) touches her breasts (here in my video at 7'32) I can't help crying. If you know what has just happened to her there (and not for the first time!) you'll understand why...

strongly recommended!

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