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A BIG RESOLUTION IS COMING | Powerful Prayer | Morning Prayer Before Start Your Day.

· 21.06.2023 · 12:00:05 ··· MiTTwoch ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Dream to Heal
A BIG RESOLUTION IS COMING | Powerful Prayer | Morning Prayer Before Start Your Day.

Welcome to the daily prayer channel, Dream to Heal. In this morning prayer, we will pray and reflect on something very serious. Many people act doubtfully towards Jesus Christ, saying one thing and preaching another, or even in a weak manner. People claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but in times of turmoil, they rebel against our Almighty Lord. Yet, He has given us more than enough evidence that He is with us and His plans are far greater than we can comprehend. So do not act like this, stay strong, confident, and have faith in God who never forsakes us.

Stay till the end of the video so that you can reflect and be blessed, for it is a powerful prayer, and feel free to share it with those you love.

Psalm 19 verse 14 says, "May the words of my mouth and the contemplation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." I want you to take note of how the psalmist makes the distinction that he desires the utterances of his mouth and the thoughts of his heart to both be agreeable to the Lord. Let's discuss this differentiation between the expressions that come out of your mouth and the thoughts that occupy your heart. Personally, I don't know if you've ever provided words of encouragement to someone while dealing with turmoil within your own heart, or if you've encountered someone who says one thing but harbors intentions in their heart that contradict their words. You see, God doesn't just desire us to vocalize words of praise to Him, but also to have hearts filled with adoration for Him. He wants us to genuinely love Him with our whole hearts and meditate on His word. In Matthew 15 verse 8, the Bible states, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." My dear friend, do not be the kind of person who honors God with empty words while keeping a distant heart. Today, When you harbor bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness, it all stems from the heart. Therefore, the heart is a crucial area for your overall well-being and spiritual health. We must guard and protect our hearts, not allowing anything harmful to take root. The Bible warns that the heart is deceitful above all things, which is why we are instructed to diligently safeguard it, as everything in life flows from it. If you desire genuine transformation and lasting change in your life, you must reach a point where you withhold nothing, not even your heart. Let us pray: "May the words of my mouth and the contemplation of my heart be pleasing to You, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." In Luke chapter 9 verse 62, Jesus said, "No one who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God." Father, help me never to look back. Grant me the grace, strength, and determination to continuously look forward and keep my eyes fixed on You, Lord Jesus. I surrender everything to You—my life, hands, mind, and my entire being belong to You. I pray, Lord, that you would sever the ties between me and this world, breaking any hold my past may have on me. Holy Spirit, guide me to the point of surrendering everything to Jesus Christ, withholding nothing. If I am tested, may I remain loyal to You, not just seeking the blessings but remaining loyal to the Healer rather than the healing. I choose to prioritize the miracle Giver over the miracles themselves. Help me understand, Lord, that You are of far greater importance and value to me than any blessing, gift, or breakthrough. I declare that I am willing to give up everything else if it means having You, King Jesus. Give me a contented heart, Lord, one that values a few things on Earth while storing up true treasures in Heaven. Thank you, Lord, for being a God who never leaves us empty-handed.

Extra Tags: Dream to Heal,morning prayer,catholic morning prayer,jesus morning prayer,daily morning prayer,prayer for morning,jesus prayer,morning prayer catholic,catholic morning prayers,prayer,morning prayer before you start your day,amrita masih today's prayer,morning prayers,short morning prayer,telugu morning prayer,daily prayer morning,night prayer,malayalam morning prayer,prayers for morning,sermon,bible,psalms,god,faith,blessings,prayer for protection

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