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Alessandro Cuozzo - Manam Op. 64 for 5 string-violin (Mauro Tortorelli, violin)

· 03.11.2022 · 21:06:47 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Alessandro Cuozzo
#5stringviolin #5stringviolinist #violin

"Manam", dedicated to the violinist Mauro Tortorelli, member of the Gran Duo Italiano, is a composition in four movements written for a 5-string violin made by Liuteria Jonica of Montegiordano especially for him, while Paolo Montefusco has made an appropriate bow for this instrument. Manam, word palindrome, has several meanings: in Indian it means "we", in Turkish "my meaning", in arabic ‘’vision in the dream’’, in Tamil language "heart".
It Is made up by 4 movemets:
1) At the spring of Mnemosyne 00:00
2) Ionic dance 05:55
3) Invocation to the sun 09:39
4) Epitaph 12:46
Since the lutherie is located in a small town near Crotone, where Pythagoras founded his famous school, the first movement "At the spring of Mnemosyne" is based on an Orphic funerary plate belonging to those who, like the great Greek philosopher and mathematician, they were initiated into the Orphic, Dionysian, Egyptian and Semitic cults. The plate, preserved in the Vibo Valentia museum, also suggested to me the idea of ​​imitating with the violin the sound of the Duduk, an ancient Armenian instrument widespread in much of the Middle East. The whole piece is based exclusively on the notes that Pythagoras believed to belong to the sun, to the moon, to the planets and to the fixed stars of the known universe, which constitute two tetrachords united by the note A (the sun).
The second movement "Ionic dance" is a reinterpretation of the Calabrian tarantella, practiced on the Ionian side on the occasion of religious festivals and it originates from Greek dances.
The third movement "Invocation to the sun" derives from the Pythagorean practice of worshiping the sun as it was considered a paradise where people with excellent moral behavior went.
The fourth movement "Epitaph" is based on Seikilos epitaph, a musical document of ancient Greece, consisting of 12 lines of text, 6 of which accompanied by Greek alphabetic notation of a Phrygian musical melody in eight measures, carved on a marble funerary stele dedicated to Euterpe. Discovered in Anatolia in 1883, it s dated between the 2nd century B.C. and the 1st century A.D.. For this reason it can be considered the oldest complete musical composition survived until today.
German Gedovius, Aqua Regia
Sir Edward John Poynter, The ionian dance 1895
Fedor Andreevich Bronnikov, Hymn of the Pythagoreans to the rising sun 1869
Arnold Böcklin, Sacred grove 1886

· 03.11.2022 · 21:06:47 ··· Donnerstag
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