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FAST REVIEW | Pizzello Forte Gas Pizza Oven ONLY $210

· 12.05.2023 · 02:20:30 ··· ··· Friday ·· 5 (5) Pala Pizza
GET IT HERE: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JNRPJ6T?tag=palapizzas-20

In this no-BS review, I test out the Pizzello Forte - a 12" gas or pellet-fueled budget pizza oven. At only $210, this oven offers multiple fuel options and even includes a cover.

Setup is straightforward, but I noticed some discrepancies in the manual. The pizza peel was also crazy small - only 9.5" wide so I can only assume that was an error.

This is also a product available on Alibaba - a Chinese technology company that allows anyone to order directly through a manufacturer. This means anyone can slap a logo on this oven and start selling it. But if it works, it works.

And the Pizzello Forte pizza oven does work well enough to make good pizzas. I obviously wouldn't choose it over a higher end product if cost wasn't a factor, but for only $210, this could be a decent budget pick for someone new to outdoor pizza making.

#pizzaoven #homemadepizza

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