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Where have you stopped believing the promise of God for your life? -Joyce Kelly (POWERFUL & PRESENT)

· 07.02.2024 · 22:06:35 ··· ··· Wednesday ·· 3 (3) gfcbeautiful
1. Waiting is so hard! We want answers now; our needs seem urgent, and
if we are not careful, we can slip into doubt that God is good. Read the following scriptures on waiting. What promises can you pull out from them? Psalm 25:5, Psalm 33:20, Psalm 38:15, Isaiah 40:31.

2. Sarah laughed at the angel of the Lord’s declaration that she would become pregnant and give birth by the following year. Share with your group when the Lord did the impossible in your life. How did it increase your faith? Where are you waiting on God to do the impossible?

3. God is always faithful to His promises. Joyce shared how God’s promise came packaged in a way she didn’t expect. Share with your group how God answered His promise in a way you didn’t like or expect. How did you navigate or “wrestle well” in that season? How did you see His glory magnified?

4. When we wait, we can choose unbelief or confidence in the Lord. Our decision to wait confidently shows that we expect good things from God. “Expecting” versus “hoping” is a huge leap of faith. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, and share how these verses can encourage us in our waiting. How has God shown up in your waiting?

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