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Nergis Canefe: Zgodovine pripadnosti na Globalnem vzhodu 🔎🔍

🎞️ · 13.05.2024 · 12:35:55 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 30 📺SIstory Info
🎬 · 13.05.2024 · 12:35:55 ··· Montag
😎 · 21.09.2024 · 20:48:13 ··· Samstag
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Nergis Canefe: Zgodovine pripadnosti na Globalnem vzhodu
Zgodovina na Špici / History on the Edge

Nergis Canefe: Zgodovine pripadnosti na Globalnem vzhodu

Lepo vabljeni na novo predavanje v ciklu dogodkov Zgodovina na Špici, ki bo potekalo to sredo, 8. 5. 2024 ob 13. uri, v prostorih INZ ali na ZOOM povezavi: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86949706378

Predavala bo prof. dr. Nergis Canefe z Univerze York v Kanadi.

Naslov predavanja je Zgodovine pripadnosti na Globalnem vzhodu.

Predavateljica se bo zgodovine pripadnosti na globalnem vzhodu lotila skozi študijo razlik med ustavnimi režimi državljanstva pod sovjetskim vplivom v primerjavi s pravnim okvirom EU o državljanstvu, pri čemer bo konkretneje predstavila študije primerov z Madžarske, Češke in Slovenije.

Nergis Canefe je profesorica politike, javnih politik in prava na Univerzi York v Kanadi. Pred tem je bila gostujoča znanstvena sodelavka pri reviji Past and Present na Univerzi v Oxfordu ter je delala na Inštitutu za zgodovinske raziskave v Londonu v Združenem kraljestvu in na LSE. Izobraževala se je na področjih zgodovine družbene in politične misli ter zgodovine mednarodnega prava. Področja njenega zanimanja so spomini na grozodejstva in krivice ter načini, kako ti oblikujejo predstavo o državljanstvu marginaliziranih skupin. Obenem je strokovnjakinja na področju kritičnih študij človekovih pravic, genocida in zločinov proti človečnosti ter odnosov med nacionalizmom in pravicami manjšin na Balkanu in Bližnjem vzhodu. Ukvarja se s prisilnimi migracijami ter razpravami o etiki v mednarodnem pravu v zvezi z množičnim političnim nasiljem. Njena raziskovalna zanimanja v okviru akademskega gostovanja na INZ spadajo v okvirje:

politične zgodovine Vzhodne Srednje Evrope (zakonodajna in ustavna zgodovina v zvezi s tranzicijo, postsocializmom in najnovejša (po letu 1989) zgodovina zakonov o državljanstvu)
primerjalne zgodovine državljanske zakonodaje, zlasti v obdobju državnega socializma
zgodovine politične misli in intelektualne zgodovine v Vzhodni in Srednji Evropi v zvezi z vprašanji študije meja in nacionalne pripadnosti
migracij in družbenih transformacij

Nergis Canefe: Histories of Belonging in the Global East
History on the Edge / Zgodovina na Špici
Nergis Canefe: Histories of Belonging in the Global East
You are cordially invited to the new lecture in the series of events "History on the Edge", this

The guest lecturer is Nergis Canefe, SJD, PhD, York University, Canada, giving a presentation titled: Histories of Belonging in the Global East.

The lecturer will tackle historical belonging in the global East through comparative studies on the differences between the constitutional regimes of citizenship under Soviet influence and the EU framework on citizenship, and in the course of the lectures she will present more concrete case studies from Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovenia.

Professor Canefe is a professor of politics, public policy and law at York University, Canada. Prior to her Canadian appointment, she was the Past and Present fellow at Oxford University and worked at the Institute of Historical Research in London, UK and LSE. She was academically trained in the history of social and political thought as well as the history of international law. Her areas of interest are memories of atrocities and injustices and how these shape notions of citizenship for marginalized groups. At the same time, she is an expert in critical studies of human rights, genocide and crimes against humanity, and the relationship between nationalism and minority rights in the Balkans and the Middle East. She deals with forced migration and debates on ethics in international law in relation to mass political violence. Her research interests at INZ fall within the framework of:

political histories of East Central Europe (legislative and constitutional history related to transition, post-socialism, and the most recent (after 1989) history of citizenship laws)
comparative history of civil legislation, especially in the period of state socialism
history of political thought and intellectual history in Eastern and Central Europe concerning issues of border studies and national belonging
migrations and social transformations

INZ, Privoz 11
Ljubljana, 4. april 2024

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