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Acts 24 Expository Bible Study w/ Q&A, Attack of Paul Moves Into the Courtroom, Paul on Trial

· 02.05.2024 · 06:49:31 ··· Donnerstag ⭐ 0 🎬 32 📺 Bible and Family Matters
Acts 24 Spiritual Witness and Spiritual Warfare Clash in the Courtroom:
What God Proposes, Satan Opposes

0:00 Introduction: Clash in the Courtroom. Satan Opposes every decision you make for Him.
1:06 The Big Idea of this Chapter - Paul and others are witnessing and there is spiritual warfare against it.
4:42 Review of the attacks on Paul in Acts 21, 22, and 23
5:20 Acts 24. The enemy is not giving up. The attack on Paul moves into the courtroom. Trying to take out Paul one way or another.
6:11 What is the witness? God has an eternal purpose that the Jew and Gentile should be one body in the Church to get an administrator for the future Kingdom.
6:39 What does God propose? That we join that purpose. Satan Opposes that. 2 Timothy 3.
8:00 What are you suffering for?
8:32 What makes our life important or not is the cause you represent.
9:14 vs. 10 The purpose of suffering - salvation in Christ Jesus WITH eternal glory
10:11 Why are we here on earth? For the sake of those who are chosen. John 15:15. To bear fruit by cooperating with and proclaiming His purpose to the Church in the world. Only what you do in the power of the Holy Spirit will remain.
11:31 Verses 1 to 9 Strong Yet Untruthful Accusations - There is religious malice against Paul and it motivates them to go through hardships to persecute Paul. They don't know God.
13:32 What will come of Tertullus? Tertullus is a class of lawyers. Verbal bullets - strong and untruthful accusations - oratory and flattery used to flatter Felix who is a bad guy.
19:28 Factual and Courageous Answers 1) He answers with courtesy without flattery 2) He has straightforward statements - simple and truthful 3) He will fearlessly deny the charges 4) He has a righteous challenge - We don't need to twist things.
22:03 Felix lacks moral clarity and hence Hesitation and Indecision Despite Being Well-Informed - Evil will eventually make you a coward. John 3:19-21 The real problem is that we love evil. But we need to repent of loving evil. Come to the light.
26:45 Felix Missing His Golden Opportunity - What is a Golden Opportunity? For 2 years, Felix has the greatest thinker in his quarters. Felix missed it.
31:15 How can a good command of language and skillful public speaking be used harmfully by others against Christians or be used by Christians to protect us, pierce the conscience and get conviction of the Holy Spirit?
40:10 If a person has charisma, how careful should he be with his gift? Test the spirits. When the Antichrist and false prophet show up, they will be the best speakers.
42:22 Why is it so important for us to use facts in answering accusations against us and not respond emotionally and launch our own personal attacks? Don’t get in the way of the Holy Spirit.
48:23 How does Jesus' response to Pilate encourage us when it seems the "higher authorities" like Felix do not favor us and only want what is good for themselves? How does Paul's refusal to offer a bribe to obtain his freedom encourage us to refuse questionable antics to try to escape our own troubles? Deliverance will come from God. Don’t take short cuts.
50:20 What steps should Christians take to have moral clarity that is Biblical and, in God's eyes, blameless in today's world. See Hebrews 4:12. Don't live in an echo chamber.
52:45 Colossians 1:13 Are you willing for God to transfer you from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Witness for Him.

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