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Lessons in Courage: Taking a Step of Faith

· 14.08.2023 · 18:29:49 ··· Montag ⭐ 0 🎬 0 📺 Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
There are times when you need to make a move but cannot do it. You have to take the shot but you can’t bring yourself to it. If following Jesus lead in your life, there will come a time when you need to step in faith out of the safe and comfortable spaces you have created.

Jesus calls us to adventure. He invites us to leave behind our insecurities and to find our courage in him. Where is Jesus inviting your to step out of the boat? Where is he asking you to leave your comfort zone? Where is it that you are sinking because you find more security in the things of this world than in your faith in him.

Scripture Reading - Matthew 14:22–33

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Good Shepherd is a caring community, committed to Jesus Christ serving Old Bridge, NJ.

Our mission connecting ordinary people to our extraordinary God.

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