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D for Deep Learning

· 17.06.2023 · 15:30:11 ··· ··· Saturday ·· 6 (6) Jovian
What if

we could teach computers

to be as smart as   📍 Tony Stark's


 That is the power of

  📍 Deep Learning.

  📍 Deep learning is how

computers learn to think.

It uses layers of

artificial neurons to

learn and

make decisions

from the information

we give it

Inspired by our own brain

more layers mean it

can learn and understand

more complex stuff

like Tony Stark

upgrading his suit.

Deep learning has

changed the game in areas

like   📍 📍 image recognition,

  📍 language understanding,


  📍 📍 even self-driving cars.

 It has its challenges like

needing lots of data or

taking a long time to learn.

But with cool tricks

like dropout,

bash normalization &

data augmentation,

we can help it learn even better.

That's a quick tour of

Deep Learning.

Don't miss a next episode in the

A to Z of AI!

E is for,


You'll have to wait till the next time for that

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